CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 10538

_id 38ef
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Johnson, Scott (1998) Toward Making the Language of CAAD Match the Language of Architecture: A Protean Elements Approach
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weisberg, Robert W.
year 1986
title Find in CUMINCAD Creativity: Genius and Other Myths
source New York: W. H. Freeman and Co
last changed 2002/07/04 18:12

_id c019
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Johnson, Scott (1997) What's in a Representation, Why Do We Care, and What Does It Mean? Examining Evidence from Psychology
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weisberg, Robert W.
year 1986
title Find in CUMINCAD Creativity: Genius and Other Myths
source New Nork: W. H. Freeman and Co
last changed 2002/08/07 11:43

_id ecaade2015_115u22
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Weissenböck, Renate (2015) Robotic Design-Fabrication - Exploring Robotic Fabrication as a Dynamic Design Process
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weissenböck, R
year 2014
title Find in CUMINCAD D-FORM. Exploring the Combination of Laser Cutting and Robotic Thermoforming as a Technique for Architectural Envelopes
source McGee, W and Ponce de Leon, M (eds), Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014, Springer International Publishing, pp. 249-260
last changed 2016/08/08 14:24

_id ecaade2017_039i
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Weissenböck, Renate (2017) ROBOTRACK - Linking manual and robotic design processes by motion-tracking
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weissenböck, R
year 2014
title Find in CUMINCAD D-FORM. Exploring the Combination of Laser Cutting and Robotic Thermoforming as a Technique for Architectural Envelopes
source McGee, W and Ponce de Leon, M (eds), Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014, Springer International Publishing, pp. 249-260
last changed 2017/09/26 14:06

_id acadia20_526i
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Bruce, Mackenzie; Clune, Gabrielle; Culligan, Ryan; Vansice, Kyle; Attraya, Rahul; McGee, Wes; Yan Ng, Tsz (2020) FORM{less}
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weissenböck, Renate
year 2014
title Find in CUMINCAD D-FORM
source Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2014, edited by W. McGee and M. Ponce de Leon, 249–260. Cham: Springer.
last changed 2021/10/19 09:53

_id caadria2023_381q
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Uthaya Selvan, Surayyn, T. Saroglou, Soultana, Mosca, Francesca, Tyc, Jakub, Joschinski, Jens, Calbi, Mariasole, Vogler, Verena, W. Weisser, Wolfgang, J. Grobman, Yasha and Barath, Shany (2023) Multi-Species Building Envelopes: Developing a Multi-Criteria Design Decision-Making Methodology for Cohabitation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weisser, W. W., Roscher, C., Meyer, S. T., Ebeling, A., Luo, G., Allan, E., Be§ler, H., Barnard, R. L., Buchmann, N., Buscot, F., Engels, C., Fischer, C., Fischer, M., Gessler, A., Gleixner, G., Halle, S., Hildebrandt, A., Hillebrand, H., De Kroon, H., ... Eisenhauer, N.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Biodiversity Effects on Ecosystem Functioning in a 15-year Grassland Experiment: Patterns, Mechanisms, and Open Questions
source Basic and Applied Ecology, 23, 1-73. Available at:
last changed 2023/06/15 11:53

_id caadria2024_174z3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Uthaya Selvan, Surayyn, Windorfer, Laura, Calbi, Mariasole, Saroglou, Soultana T., Roccotiello, Enrica, Barath, Shany and Grobman, Yasha (2024) Multispecies Building Envelopes: Adopting Plant Habitat Suitability Modelling for Ecological Design Decision-Making
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weisser, W., Hensel, M., Barath, S., Culshaw, V., Grobman, Y. J., Hauck, T. E., Joschinski, J., Ludwig, F., Mimet, A., Perini, K., Roccotiello, E., Schloter, M., Shwartz, A., Sunguroglu Hensel, D., & Vogler, V.
year 2022
title Find in CUMINCAD Let the concept of trait be functional! Oikos, 116(5), 882-892
source People and Nature.
last changed 2024/06/05 13:42

_id caadria2023_381s
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Uthaya Selvan, Surayyn, T. Saroglou, Soultana, Mosca, Francesca, Tyc, Jakub, Joschinski, Jens, Calbi, Mariasole, Vogler, Verena, W. Weisser, Wolfgang, J. Grobman, Yasha and Barath, Shany (2023) Multi-Species Building Envelopes: Developing a Multi-Criteria Design Decision-Making Methodology for Cohabitation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weisser, W., Hensel, M., Barath, S., Culshaw, V., Grobman, Y. J., Hauck, T. E., Joschinski, J., Ludwig, F., Mimet, A., Perini, K., Roccotiello, E., Schloter, M., Shwartz, A., Sunguroglu Hensel, D., & Vogler, V.
year 2022
title Find in CUMINCAD Creating Ecologically Sound Architecture By Integrating Ecology, Architectural, and Computational Design
source People and Nature. Available at:
last changed 2023/06/15 11:53

_id ecaade2018_105f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kulcke, Matthias (2018) Design-Bot - Using Half-Automated Qualitative Interviews as Part of Self Communication within the Design Process
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weizenbaum, J
year 1976
title Find in CUMINCAD Computer Power and Human Reason - From Judgement to Calculation
source W.H.Freeman & Co Ltd, San Francisco
last changed 2018/07/24 12:31

_id c883
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Burry, M., Datta, S. and Anson, S. (2000) Introductory Computer Programming as a Means for Extending Spatial and Temporal Understanding
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weizenbaum, J.
year 1976
title Find in CUMINCAD Computer power and human reason: from judgment to calculation
source W. H. Freeman, San Francisco
last changed 2002/08/13 19:56

_id 6abb
in paper Find in CUMINCAD McCullough, Malcolm (1990) Low-Threshold Modeling
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weizenbaum, Joseph
year 1976
title Find in CUMINCAD Computer Power and Human Reason
source New York: W.H. Freeman
last changed 2002/08/30 16:57

_id f36d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD özener, Ozan önder; Akleman, Ergun; Srinivasan, Vinod (2005) Interactive Rind Modeling for Architectural Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Welch W. and Witkin A.
year 1994
title Find in CUMINCAD Free-Form Shape Design Using Triangulated Surfaces
source Computer Graphics, 28 (August 1994) 247-256
last changed 2006/10/29 23:00

_id da5f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Datta, Sambit and Woodbury, Robert F. (1998) Reducing Semantic Distance in Generative Systems: A Massing Example
authors Find in CUMINCAD Welch, W. and Witkin, A.
year 1992
title Find in CUMINCAD Variational surface modeling
source Computer Graphics, 26, Proceedings, SIGGRAPH 92
last changed 2002/08/07 11:43

_id 6e72
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Akleman, E., Chen, J. and Sirinivasan, V. (2001) An Interactive Shape Modeling System for Robust Design of Functional 3D Shapes
authors Find in CUMINCAD Welch, W. and Witkin, A.
year 1994
title Find in CUMINCAD Free-Form Shape Design Using Triangulated Surfaces
source Computer Graphics, no. 28, pp. 247-256
last changed 2002/08/20 20:15

_id 85f9
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Datta, Sambit; Hanafin, Stuart; Pitts, Gregory (2009) Experiments with stochastic processes: Facade subdivision based on wind motion
authors Find in CUMINCAD Welch, W. and Witkin, A.
year 1992
title Find in CUMINCAD Variational surface modeling
source Proceedings of the 19th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques, ACM, City
last changed 2009/12/30 17:34

_id bfbe
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Tantachamroon, Ruht; Acharawan Chutarat (2008) The Cost Effectiveness of Typical Materials in Relation to Indoor Comfort of Passive Cooling Strategies Appropriate for Small One Story House in Chiang Mai, Thailand
authors Find in CUMINCAD Weller, J.W. and Youle, A.
year 1981
title Find in CUMINCAD Thermal Energy Conservation: Building and Services Design
source Applied Science Publishers, England, p. 35
last changed 2008/05/17 09:23

_id ecaadesigradi2019_280rr
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Rossi, Gabriella and Nicholas, Paul (2019) Haptic Learning - Towards Neural-Network-based adaptive Cobot Path-Planning for unstructured spaces
authors Find in CUMINCAD Welschehold, T, Dornhege, C and Burgard, W
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Learning mobile manipulation actions from human demonstrations
source Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vancouver, pp. 3196-3201
last changed 2019/08/26 23:58

_id 0deb
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Yeung, W. and J. Harkins (2010) Digital architecture for humanitarian design: a case study of applying digital technologies in post-disaster reconstruction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Wen, K. and Chen, W.
year 2004
title Find in CUMINCAD Application of genetic algorithms to establish flooding evacuation path model in metropolitan area
source CAADRIA 2004, Seoul, 557–570
last changed 2010/04/29 07:37

_id 53e3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Yeung Wendy K.; Jeremy Harkins (2011) Digital Architecture for Humanitarian Design in Post-Disaster Reconstruction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Wen, K. and Chen,W.
year 2004
title Find in CUMINCAD Application of Genetic Algorithms to Establish Flooding Evacuation Path Model in Metropolitan Area
source Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia, CAADRIA 2004, Seoul, 2004, 557-570
last changed 2011/07/24 07:44

_id caadria2023_50ee2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Jiang, Mingrui and Cai, Chenyi (2023) Communication With Detroit: Machine Learning in Open Source Community Housing Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Wen, W., Hong, L., & Xueqiang, M.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Application of Fractals in Architectural Shape Design
source 21 IEEE 2nd Symposium on Web Society, pp. 185-19. Available at:
last changed 2023/06/15 11:55

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