CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 14508

_id 40f2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Achten, Henri H. and Van Leeuwen, Jos P. (1999) Feature-Based High Level Design Tools - A Classification
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mallory-Hill, S.M.
year 1998
title Find in CUMINCAD Building a Case-Based Design Assistant for Workplace Environment Design
source Timmermans (ed.), 4 th Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Conference
last changed 2002/08/19 16:25

_id ecaade2015_284k61
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wit, Andrew and Daas, Mahesh (2015) Memos from an Inconvenient Studio - Unsolicited Projects for Responsive Architectures
authors Find in CUMINCAD Malouff, JM, Calic, A, McGrory, CM, Murrell, RL and Schutte, NS
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD Evidence for a Needs-Based Model of Organizational-Meeting Leadership
source Current Psychology, 31(1), pp. 35-48
last changed 2016/08/08 14:25

_id ecaade2017_148qq
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Baseta, Efilena, Sollazzo, Aldo, Civetti, Laura, Velasco, Dolores and Garcia-Amorós, Jaume (2017) Photoreactive wearable: A computer generated garment with embedded material knowledge - A computer generated garment with embedded material knowledge
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mamiya, J
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD Photomechanical energy conversion based on cross-linked liquid-crystalline polymers
source Polymer, 45, pp. 239-246
last changed 2017/09/26 14:13

_id ecaade2017_013oo
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Junk, Stefan and Gawron, Philipp (2017) Development of parametric CAAD models for the additive manufacturing of scalable architectural models
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mancanares, CG, de S Zancul, E, Cavalcante da Silva, J and Cauchick Miguel, PA
year 2015
title Find in CUMINCAD Additive manufacturing process selection based on parts
source The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 80(5-8), pp. 1007-1014
last changed 2017/09/26 14:04

_id ecaadesigradi2019_073nn
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Junk, Stefan, Niederhüfner, Michelle, Borkowska, Nina and Schrock, Steffen (2019) Direct Digital Manufacturing of Architectural Models using Binder Jetting and Polyjet Modeling
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mancanares, CG, Zancul, E, Cavalcante da Silva, J and Cauchick, MPA
year 2015
title Find in CUMINCAD Additive manufacturing process selection based on parts' selection criteria
source Int J Adv Manuf Technol, 80 (5-8), p. 1007-1014
last changed 2019/08/26 23:05

_id ascaad2021_017yy
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Abouhadid, Mariam (2021) Affective Computing in Space Design: A Review of Literature of Emotional Comfort Tools and Measurements
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mane C. Et Al.
year 2020
title Find in CUMINCAD AR Based Structure Design and Model Development for Construction Application
source International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume: 07 Issue: 06
last changed 2021/07/16 10:08

_id acadia19_338uu
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Aviv, Dorit; Houchois, Nicholas; Meggers, Forrest (2019) Thermal Reality Capture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Manferdini, A.M. and F. Remondino.
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD A review of reality- based 3D model generation, segmentation and web-based visualization methods
source International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era 1(1): 103-123
last changed 2019/12/18 09:08

_id sigradi2021_145gg2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Martins, Gisele, Ferreira, Giovana, Pazeti, Gabriel and Vizioli, Simone Helena Tanoue (2021) Interoperability Between Agisoft Metashape and Autodesk Revit Software
authors Find in CUMINCAD Manferdini, A.M., And Remondino, F.
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD A Review of Reality-Based 3D Model Generation, Segmentation and Web-Based Visualization Methods
source International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era (vol. 1, pp.103–123)
last changed 2024/03/08 14:32

_id sigradi2013_138s
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dezen-Kempter, Eloisa (2013) Diálogos Digitais: Integração entre Dados Documentais em Sistemas de Informação Baseados no Modelo para Conservação do Patrimônio Arquitetônico [Digital Dialogues: Integration of Documentary Data in Model-Based Information Systems for the conservation of the architectural heritage]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Manferdini,  A.M.,  Remondino,  F.
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD A Review of Reality-Based 3D Model Generation, Segmentation and Web-Based Visualization Methods
source International Journal of Heritage in the Digital Era, v. 1, n. 1, p. 103-124
last changed 2016/04/22 11:30

_id e2db
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Herr, Christiane Margerita (2009) Appropriating Donald Schön
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mankoff, J., Hudson, S.E. and Abowd, G.D.
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD Interaction techniques for ambiguity resolution in recognition-based interfaces
source UIST 2000 conference proceedings, pp. 11-20
last changed 2009/05/05 15:46

_id f2e9
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ramírez, Camacho Ángela; Robayo Gómez Jenny; Sotaquirá Gutiérrez Ricardo (2010) Interfaz táctil que mejora la inmersión en un juego de simulación educativo [Touch interface which improves immersion in an educational simulation game]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mann, B. D.
year 2002
title Find in CUMINCAD The development of an interactive game-based tool for learning surgical management algorithms via computer.
source American Journal of Surgery, 183 (3), 305-308
last changed 2010/12/17 21:54

_id 14f7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Jin Baek Kim, Yongwook Jeong (2004) Collaborative Caad: State-of-the-Art and the Future - A Comparative Study of CAAD, Product Development, and Group Support Systems
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mann, D., O Cathian, C.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Computer-based TRIZ - Systematic Innovation Methods for Architecture
source CAAD Futures, 561-575
last changed 2004/06/09 14:31

_id 17fb
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mann, D., O Cathian, C.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Computer-based TRIZ - Systematic Innovation Methods for Architecture
source CAAD Futures, 561-575
last changed 2004/06/08 15:49

_id 303f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Bridges, Alan (2007) Scenario-based Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mann, D.L. and Ó Catháin, C.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Computer-based TRIZ - Systematic Innovation Methods for Architecture
source B. de Vries, J.P. van Leeuwen and H. Achten (eds), CAAD Futures 2001, Kluwer, pp. 561-575
last changed 2007/09/18 12:42

_id ecaadesigradi2019_064b
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wang, Shao-Yun, Sianoudi, Agathi, Wang, Maohua, Wu, Hongmei, Wang, Tsung-Hsien, Zhang, Zhuoqun and Peng, Chengzhi (2019) Singing Cans - Prototyping an experimental wind instrument through parametric design integrated with field experiments
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mann, S and Janzen, R
year 2015
title Find in CUMINCAD Fluid input devices and fluid dynamics-based human-machine interaction
source 2015 IEEE Games Entertainment Media Conference (GEM), pp. 1-4
last changed 2019/08/26 23:25

_id 2371
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Yi-Chia Lee and Yi-Shin Deng (2006) A Design System Integrating TRIZ Method and Case-Based Reasoning Approach
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mansar, S. L., F. Marir, et al.
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Case-Based Reasoning as a Technique for Knowledge Management in Business Process Redesign
source Knowledge Management, p.113-124
last changed 2006/09/11 20:48

_id sigradi2021_211gg
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Gutiérrez, Arturo F., Roig, Jeshua H. and Martínez, Carlos D. (2021) Markets Post Covid-19: Agent-Based Computational Validation Methodology For Urban Interventions On Spontaneous "Informal Street Markets" In Public Spaces
authors Find in CUMINCAD Manson, S., An, L., Clarke, K. C., Heppenstall, A., Koch, J., Krzyzanowski, B., Morgan, F., O'Sullivan, D., Runck, B. C., Shook, E. & Tesfatsion, L.
year 2020
title Find in CUMINCAD Methodological Issues of Spatial Agent-Based Models
source Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 23(1), 3., A. (2015). Occupant behaviour simulation for cellular offices in early design stages: Architectural and modelling considerations. Build. Simul., 8, 211–224.
last changed 2024/03/08 14:27

_id caadria2024_434g3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sun, Chengyu, Wang, Xinru and Meng, Yu (2024) A Review of Compactness Indexes of Form in Computational Urban Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Mansour, S.
year 2016
title Find in CUMINCAD Spatial analysis of public health facilities in Riyadh Governorate, Saudi Arabia: a GIS-based study to assess geographic variations of service provision and accessibility
source Geo-Spatial Information Science, 19(1), 26-38.
last changed 2024/06/05 13:48

_id 0b1d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Brito, Tiago, Fonseca, Manuel J. and Jorge, Joaquim A. (2005) DecoSketch – Towards Calligraphic Approaches to Interior Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Manuel Fonseca, Alfredo Ferreira Jr. e J Jorge
year 2005
title Find in CUMINCAD Content-Based Retrieval of Technical Drawings
source International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT) on “Models and methods for representing and processing shape semantics
last changed 2005/08/25 07:57

_id 2e8f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Woodbury, R.F., Burrow, A.L. and Datta, S. (2000) Navigating Subsumption-Based Design Spaces
authors Find in CUMINCAD Manuela, M. (et al)
year 1997
title Find in CUMINCAD Rationale-Supported Mixed-Initiative Case-Based Planning
source Proceedings of IAAI-97
last changed 2002/07/04 11:47

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