CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 4196

_id f934
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis and Srinivasan, Ravi (2001) PCIS Revisited: A Visual Database for Design and Construction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis.
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD Beyond Sphereland: 4D CAD in Construction Commmunications
source Proceedings of the Conference of American Society of Civil Engineers, June 2000, Orlando Florida
last changed 2002/08/20 20:15

_id 9351
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis and Srinivasan, Ravi (2001) PCIS Revisited: A Visual Database for Design and Construction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis
year 1996
title Find in CUMINCAD A WORLD of Data: An animated hypergraphic construction information system
source Presentation to the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Tucson, AZ, October 1996
last changed 2002/08/20 20:15

_id 8280
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lai, Ih-Cheng and Chang, Teng-Wen (2003) Companying Physical Space With Virtual Space A Co-Existence Approach
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis
year 1996
title Find in CUMINCAD A World of Data: An Animated Construction Information System as aVirtual Hypergraphic Environment
source Design Computation: Collaboration, Reasoning, Pedagogy. ACADIA Conference Proceedings, Tucson (Arizona / USA), pp. 267-274
last changed 2003/11/22 12:40

_id 909a
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis (1996) A World of Data: An Animated Construction Information System as a Virtual Hypergraphic Environment
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis
year 1985
source Ratcliff Architects
last changed 2002/08/05 11:47

_id 072d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis (1996) A World of Data: An Animated Construction Information System as a Virtual Hypergraphic Environment
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis
year 1994
title Find in CUMINCAD Dissertation: Social Production of Architecture
source University of Califomia, Berkeley
last changed 2002/08/05 11:47

_id 8ae4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis (1996) A World of Data: An Animated Construction Information System as a Virtual Hypergraphic Environment
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis
year 1996
title Find in CUMINCAD The Living Document: A Hypergraphic Construction Inforination System
source Conference Proceedings VII Intemational Construction Innovations Conference 1995. ed. Virgilio Ghio. Santiago, Chile. Baalkam Press
last changed 2002/08/05 11:47

_id 47e2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis and Srinivasan, Ravi (2001) PCIS Revisited: A Visual Database for Design and Construction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fukai, Dennis
year 1996
title Find in CUMINCAD PCIS: A Piece-based information system
source Automation in Construction, v,7
last changed 2002/08/20 20:15

_id sigradi2016_777ii
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dokonal, Wolfgang; Knight, Mike; Dengg, Ernst (2016) VR or not VR – an eeZee question?
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Working in Virtual Environments through appropriate Physical Interfaces
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 431-436
last changed 2017/07/25 11:18

_id ascaad2016_038h14
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Rabboh, Emad H.; Ali A. Elmansory (2016) Utilizing CAAD in the Design Studio to Consolidate with Professional Practices - Pedagogical approach
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Virtual reality in the design studio: The eindhoven perspective
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings/ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) pp. 169-17
last changed 2017/06/14 14:37

_id caadria2015_181a27
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Pantic, Igor and Soomeen Hahm (2015 ) Isomorphic Agency
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Agent Based Modelling
source Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000: Proceedings of the 1999 eCAADe, Liverpool, 652-661
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id dcd5
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hall, Theodore W. (1987) Space Stations, Computers and Architectural Design
year 19??
title Find in CUMINCAD InterCAD 2000
source InterCAD Corporation, Annapolis, Maryland
last changed 2002/07/12 14:08

_id sigradi2016_407v
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Veiga, Breno Tisi Mendes da; Florio, Wilson (2016) A visualizaç?o espacial através da modelagem paramétrica e da fabricaç?o digital em edifícios curvilíneos de Oscar Niemeyer no Memorial da América Latina [The spatial visualization through parametric modeling and digital fabrication in curvilinear buildings by Oscar Niemeyer in the Latin America Memorial]
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD Digital Fabrication in the Architectural Design Process (Master’s dissertation)
source Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
last changed 2017/07/25 11:04

_id caadria2015_208a31
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sharif, Shani and T. Russell Gentry (2015 ) Design Cognition Shift from Craftsman to Digital Maker
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD Distributed cognition: toward a new foundation for human-computer interaction research
source ACM (TOCHI), 7(2), 174-196
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id 98e3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Palacio, Julián (2010) Data Urbis: Digital Processes of Analysis and Intervention in Contemporary Cities
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD Deep structure
source Architectural Design Magazine: Contemporary Processes in Architecture, 70 (3), 44-55
last changed 2010/12/17 21:54

_id ascaad2016_048m20
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Al Shiekh, Bassam (2016) Arabic Calligraphy and Parametric Architecture - Translation from a calligraphic force to an architectural form
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD From Poetry of Art to Method
source Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute
last changed 2017/06/14 14:38

_id ascaad2016_010z4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Harnomo Fajar I.; Aswin Indraprastha (2016) Computational Weaving Grammar of Traditional Woven Pattern
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD Introduction to Shape Grammar
source MIT/Miyagi Workshop: Lecture Notes
last changed 2017/06/14 14:28

_id ascaad2016_054u21
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Mandhan, Sneha; David Birge and Alan Berger (2016) Dynamic Simulation of External Visual Privacy in Arab Muslim Neighborhoods - A case study of Emirati neighborhoods in Abu Dhabi, UAE
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD Urban Form in the Arab World: Past and Present
source Thames & Hudson
last changed 2017/06/14 14:38

_id ascaad2016_057k22
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hammad Altarawneh, Deyala (2016) Sustainable Brownfields Redevelopment and Tools of Computer Aided Design - An inductive inquest on the case of Amman, Jordan
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD The Definition of Brownfield
source Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 43, pp.49–69
last changed 2017/06/14 14:38

_id ascaad2016_048l20
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Al Shiekh, Bassam (2016) Arabic Calligraphy and Parametric Architecture - Translation from a calligraphic force to an architectural form
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD How to get a PhD: a handbook for students and their advisors
source 3rd ed. Buckingham: Open University Press
last changed 2017/06/14 14:38

_id sigradi2016_690c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Júdice, Andrea Castello Branco; Maynardes, Ana Cláudia; Júdice, Marcelo Ortega; Aviani, Francisco Leite (2016) Fabricaç?o digital e identidade de territórios em produtos cotidianos [Digital fabrication and territories’ identity in everyday products]
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD On the move with a magic thing: role playing in concept design of mobile services and devices
source Proceedings of the 3rd conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques (DIS '00), Daniel Boyarski and Wendy A. Kellogg (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 193-202
last changed 2017/07/25 11:13

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