CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 9496

_id sigradi2018_1493gg
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Paraizo, Rodrigo Cury; Cabral, Maria Cristina Nascentes de; Coura, Maria Clara de Oliveira; Carvalho, Cíntia Mechler de (2018) Representation of architectural cultural exchange in Rio de Janeiro using augmented reality
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V.
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD As we may think
source N. Wardrip-Fru& N. Montfort (Orgs.), The New Media Reader (p. 35–48). Cambridge: MIT Press. Recuperado de
last changed 2019/05/20 13:12

_id sigradi2014_152s3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Paraizo, Rodrigo Cury; Maria Cristina Nascentes Cabral, Erivelton Muniz da Silva (2014) Arquitetos estrangeiros no Rio de Janeiro no século XX: bancos de dados de objetos culturais [Foreign architects in Rio de Janeiro in the 20th century: cultural objects database]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V.
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD As we may think
source N. Wardrip-Fru& N. Montfort (Eds.), The New Media Reader (pp. 35–48). Cambridge: MIT Press
last changed 2016/05/05 10:22

_id acadia16_130m9
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Koschitz, Duks; Ramagosa, Bernat; Rosenbaum, Eric (2016) Beetle Blocks: A New Visual Language for Designers and Makers
authors Find in CUMINCAD Eisenberg, M., A. Eisenberg, S. Hendrix, G. Blauvelt, D. Butter, J. Garcia, R. Lewis, and T. Nielsen
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Print: New Directions in Output Devices and Computational Crafts For Children.
source Proceedings of the 2003 Conference on Interaction Design and Children. Preston, England: IDC. 31–39.
last changed 2016/10/24 13:27

_id ecaade2020_130tt
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Markusiewicz, Jacek and Gortazar Balerdi, Ander (2020) LOTI - Using Machine Learning to simulate subjective opinions in design.
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Think
source The Atlantic Monthly, 176(1), pp. 101-108
last changed 2020/09/09 13:41

_id e0cb
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Paredes León, Luis N. (2001) Arquitectura, Ingenieria, enseñanza y telecolaboracion [Architecture, Ingeneering, Ensenanza and Telecollaboration]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V.
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Think
source Atlantic Monthly 176,1 (July 1945), pp. 101-108
last changed 2003/03/10 20:25

_id fac5
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dave, Bharat (1995) Towards Distributed Computer-Aided Design Environments
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V.
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Think
source The Atlantic Monthly , July 1945
last changed 2002/08/21 12:05

_id 7b0e
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Koutamanis, A., Barendse, P.B74 and Kempenaar, J.W. (1999) Web-based CAAD Instruction: The Delft Experience
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V.
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As we may think
source Atlantic Monthly, 7 1945 101-108
last changed 2002/07/04 18:12

_id 38a3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Burattini, Ernesto (1995) Expert Systems and Hypertext: Can They Work Cooperatively?
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V.
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Think
source The Atlantic Monthly. July 1945
last changed 2002/07/04 18:11

_id 11fa
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Tsai, Daniel E. and Kim, Sungah (1997) Human - Machine - Design Matrix: A Model for Web-based Design Interaction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V.
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Think
source Atlantic Monthly, July
last changed 2002/08/30 21:51

_id cf34
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ronchi, Alfredo M. (1995) An Hypermedial Object Oriented Approach to Computer Aided Architectural Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V.
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As we may think
source Atlantic Monthly, no 176:101-108
last changed 2002/07/04 18:11

_id 5593
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Veirum, Niels Einar; Mogens Fiil Christensen and Mikkel Mayerhofer (2006) Hybrid Experience Space for Cultural Heritage Communication
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, V.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD As we may think
source David Trend (ed) Reading Digital Culture, Blackwell
last changed 2006/07/30 20:03

_id acadia17_92n
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Anzalone, Phillip; Bayard, Stephanie; Steenblik, Ralph S. (2017) Rapidly Deployed and Assembled Tensegrity System: An Augmented Design Approach
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, Vannevar
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Think
source The Atlantic, July 1945
last changed 2017/12/01 12:04

_id bb7d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Mitchell, William J. (1990) Afterword: The Design Studio of The Future
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, Vannevar
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Think
source Atlantic Monthly, July: 101-108
last changed 2002/08/30 16:58

_id 10a7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kos, Jose Ripper (2000) Architectural Hypermedia Based on 3D Models
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, Vannevar
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Think
source The Atlantic Monthly 1945, July
last changed 2002/07/04 18:12

_id acadia17_100n
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ()
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bush, Vannevar
year 1945
title Find in CUMINCAD As We May Think
source The Atlantic, July 1945
last changed 2017/11/21 09:52

_id ijac201614208d13
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Roudavski, Stanislav and Gwyllim Jahn (2016) Activist systems: Futuring with living models
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fogg BJ
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Persuasive technology: using computers to change what we think and do
source Amsterdam; Boston, MA: Morgan-Kaufmann
last changed 2016/08/08 14:30

_id ecaade2016_230z61
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Holland, Alexander and Roudavski, Stanislav (2016) Design Tools and Complexity: Mobile Games and Collective Imagination
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fogg, BJ
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do
source Morgan-Kaufmann, Amsterdam; Boston
last changed 2016/08/05 14:04

_id ecaade2014_173m43
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wendy W Fok (2014) Premise - A discussion on open source, networks, and digital property in architecture.
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cukier, K and Mayer-Schoenberger, V
year 2013
title Find in CUMINCAD The Rise of Big-Data: How it's changing the way we think about the World
source Foreign Affairs Journal, May-June, pp. 28 - 40
last changed 2016/08/05 13:51

_id ijac202018305p2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD McIntosh, Jacqueline; Bruno Marques and Robyn Harkness (2020) Simulating impairment through virtual reality
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alcañiz M, Baños R, Botella C, et al.
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD The EMMA Project: emotions as a determinant of presence
source Psychnol J; 1(2): 141–150
last changed 2020/11/02 14:12

_id caadria2017_145x37
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kalantari, Saleh, Poustinchi, Ebrahim and Ahmadi, Nooshin (2017) Human-Computer Interaction in the Form-Making Process
authors Find in CUMINCAD B?©guin, P
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Design as a mutual learning process between users and designers
source Interacting with Computers, 15(5), p 709-730
last changed 2017/03/29 08:54

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