CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 87547

_id ecaade2024_284e
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Drechsel, Matti; Förster, Nick; Schubert, Gerhard; Petzold, Frank (2024) Situating Digital Participation: Incorporating material, contextual, and performative learnings into digital toolkits
authors Find in CUMINCAD BIBLIOGRAPHYCalvillo, N.,
year 2019
title Find in CUMINCAD Digital Visualizations for Thinking with the Environment
source digitalSTS: A Field Guide for Science & Technology Studies. Princeton: Princeton University Press, pp. 61-75
last changed 2024/08/28 15:19

_id 5fb6
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Themistocleous, Theodoros (2013) Modelling, Simulation and Verification of Pneumatically Actuated Auxetic Systems
authors Find in CUMINCAD Evans, K.
year 1991
title Find in CUMINCAD The design of doubly curved sandwich panels with honeycomb cores
source Composite Structures, 17(2), 95–111
last changed 2013/08/19 13:38

_id ijac201412202v1
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Weston, Mark; Dan Greenberg (2014) Voluptuous Devices; Exuberent Materiality Toward Energy Austerity
authors Find in CUMINCAD Evans, Lisa
year 2014
title Find in CUMINCAD The Advent of Mechanical Refrigeration Alters Daily Life and National Economies Throughout the World
source Science and Its Times.
last changed 2016/05/05 11:02

_id f0a1
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Jung, Th., Do, E.Y.-L. and Gross, M.D. (1999) Immersive Redlining and Annotation of 3D Design Models on the Web
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bickel, D.
year 1998
title Find in CUMINCAD Virtual Reality for Industrial Applications
source 3D Realtime Simulation and VR-Tools in the Manufacturing Industry. F. Dai. Berlin, Springer: 123-138
last changed 2002/08/19 16:25

_id d80f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Khong, C.W. and Foo, C.S. (2002) Rapid Prototyping and Multimedia Design at MMU
authors Find in CUMINCAD Evans, M.
year 1997
title Find in CUMINCAD The application of rapid prototyping technologies for industrial design and ergonomic evaluation
source Robertson, SA (ed.). Contemporary Ergonomics 1997. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society (April 1997). Taylor & Francis: London, 370-375
last changed 2002/08/28 07:31

_id caadria2020_190xx
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Karakiewicz, Justyna, Holguin, Jose Rafael and Kvan, Thomas (2020) Hope in Perturbanism
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bickhard, MH
year 1992
title Find in CUMINCAD How Does the Environment Affect the Person?
source Winegar, LT and Valsiner, J (eds), Children's Development within Social Contexts: Metatheory and Theory, Erlbaum, pp. 63-92
last changed 2020/08/14 22:38

_id aa21
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kovács, László Béla and Kotsis, István (1998) Basic Concepts and Prototypes of a Land Usage Design and Decision Support System
authors Find in CUMINCAD Biddulph, M.J.
year 1998
title Find in CUMINCAD Choices in the design control process: learning from Stoke
source Town Planning Review 69, pp 23-48
last changed 2003/12/12 15:41

_id ijac201715106j
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Cardoso Llach, Daniel; Ardavan Bidgoli and Shokofeh Darbari (2017) Assisted automation: Three learning experiences in architectural robotics
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bidgoli A.
year 2015
title Find in CUMINCAD Towards an integrated design making approach in architectural robotics
source Master’s Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA
last changed 2017/12/11 13:48

_id caadria2022_519rr
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Vaidhyanathan, Vishal and Raja, Twisha (2022) (e)mulate AEC: A Gestural Pedagogy and Cloud-based Collaborative Management Paradigm for On-site Robotics in Construction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bidgoli, Ardavan, Daniel Cardoso-Llach.
year 2015
title Find in CUMINCAD Towards A Motion Grammar for Robotic Stereotomy
source The Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), pp. 723-732
last changed 2022/06/16 12:18

_id f85e
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Trinder, Michael (1999) The Computer's Role in Sketch Design: A Transparent Sketching Medium
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bier, E., Stone, M., Pier, K., Buxton, W. and DeRose, T.
year 1993
title Find in CUMINCAD Toolglass and Magic Lenses: The See Through Interface
source Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) August 1993 73-80
last changed 2002/08/19 16:25

_id 2389
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Do, Ellen Yi-Luen (2001) VR Sketchpad. Create Instant 3D Worlds by Sketching on a Transparent Window
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bier, E.A. and Stone, M.C. (et al.)
year 1993
title Find in CUMINCAD Toolglass and Magic Lenses: The See-Through Interface
source Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '93 conference proceedings), 73-80
last changed 2002/12/13 16:35

_id 2799
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Janssen, P., Frazer, J. and Ming-xi, T. (2000) Evolutionary design systems: a conceptual framework for the creation of generative processes
authors Find in CUMINCAD Evans, R.
year 1995
title Find in CUMINCAD The Projective Cast: Architecture and its Three Geometries
source Massachusetts Institute of Technology
last changed 2003/12/24 15:18

_id sigradi2018_1875hh
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kalantari, Cruze-Garza; Banner, Pamela; Contreras-Vidal, Jose Luis (2018) Computationally Analyzing Biometric Data and Virtual Response Testing in Evaluating Learning Performance of Educational Setting Through
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bigdely-Shamlo, N., Mullen, T., Kothe, C., Su, K.M. and Robbins, K.A.
year 2015
title Find in CUMINCAD The PREP pipeline: standardized preprocessing for large-scale EEG analysis
source Frontiers in neuroinformatics, 9, 16
last changed 2019/05/20 13:20

_id 4791
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Jawaid Haider, Theodor Wyeld, Peter Scriver (2005) On the Pedagogical Benefits of Incorporating Digital Media in the Teaching of Architectural History and Theory
authors Find in CUMINCAD Biggs, J. B.
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Teaching for Quality Learning at University: What the Student Does
source Society for Research in Higher Education
last changed 2005/05/23 07:42

_id 7ee6
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sarhan, Ahmed; Rutherford, Peter (2011) Environmental Design eTutor: Utilizing Games Technology for Environmental Design Education
authors Find in CUMINCAD Biggs, J.
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Teaching for quality learning at university
source Buckingham: The Society for Research into Higher Education/Open University Press
last changed 2011/09/16 23:03

_id f88d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ham, Jeremy J. (2010) Working outside of the system: engaging in Web 2.0 to enhance learning and teaching in the design studio
authors Find in CUMINCAD Biggs, J.
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does
source SRHE and the Open University Press, Buckingham, UK
last changed 2010/04/29 07:37

_id 5ab5
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Woodbury, R.F., Wyeld, Th.G., Shannon, S.J., Roberts, I.W., Radford, A., Burry, M., Skates, H., Ham, J. and Datta, S. (2001) The Summer Games
authors Find in CUMINCAD Biggs, J.B.
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Teaching for Quality Learning at University: What the Student Does
source Society for Research in Higher Education & Open University Press: Buckingham, UK
last changed 2002/09/28 16:21

_id 4636
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wyeld, T.G. , Woodbury, R.F. and Shannon, S.J. (2001) Leitmotif cases for design learning
authors Find in CUMINCAD Biggs, J.B.
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Teaching for quality learning at university: What the student does
source Society for Research in Higher Education
last changed 2002/07/04 11:47

_id 40d4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD KVAN Thomas and GAO Song (2005) Examining Learning in Multiple Settings
authors Find in CUMINCAD Biggs, John B.
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Teaching for quality learning at university: What the student does
source Buckingham: Society for Research into Higher Education: Open University Press
last changed 2005/05/05 07:16

_id 3315
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Martens, Bob and Turk, Ziga (2001) Digital Proceedings: Making CAAD-Knowledge Widely Available
authors Find in CUMINCAD Biggs, M.
year 1984
title Find in CUMINCAD The Proposed National Periodicals Center, 1973-1980: Study, dissension, and retreat
source Resource Sharing and Information Networks, Spring-Summer 1984
last changed 2002/08/20 20:15

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