CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 13131

_id ecaade2017_108e
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Miodragovic Vella, Irina and Kotnik, Toni (2017) Contemporary Stereotomic Trait, an Opportunity for the Development of the Volumetric Digital Architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fallacara, G
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD Stereotomy-Stone Architecture and New Research
source Presses des Ponts et Chaussées http://www. presses-des-ponts. fr/, Paris
last changed 2017/09/26 14:11

_id ecaade2017_105kk
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Miodragovic Vella, Irina and Kotnik, Toni (2017) Stereotomy, an Early Example of a Material System
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fallacara, G
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD Stereotomy-Stone Architecture and New Research
source Presses des Ponts et Chaussées http://www. presses-des-ponts. fr/, Paris
last changed 2017/09/26 14:10

_id fb52
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sylvain Kubicki, Gilles Halin, and Jean Claude Bignon (2006) Assistance to Coordination in the AEC Sector - A multi-view interface dedicated to building construction activity
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fayol, H.
year 1918
title Find in CUMINCAD Administration industrielle et générale
source Dunod Editions, Paris
last changed 2006/09/11 20:48

_id 3a1d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Iordanova, Ivanka; Temy Tidafi and Giovanni De Paoli (2007) Is a Digital Model Worth a Thousand Pictures?
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fernandez, P
year 2002
title Find in CUMINCAD Approches méthodologiques et modes opératoires dans le processus de conception architecturale
source M Borillo & J-P Goulette (eds), Cognition et création: Explorations cognitives des processus de conception, Mardaga, pp. 97-118
last changed 2007/06/11 15:03

_id caadria2018_181m
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Chun, Junho, Lee, Juhun and Park, Daekwon (2018) TOPO-JOINT - Topology Optimization Framework for 3D-Printed Building Joints
authors Find in CUMINCAD Filipov, ET, Chun, J, Paulino, GH and Song, J
year 2016
title Find in CUMINCAD Polygonal multiresolution topology optimization (PolyMTOP) for structural dynamics
source Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 53(4), p. 673-694
last changed 2018/05/29 12:42

_id ecaade2015_200f43
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Gargaro, Silvia and Fioravanti, Antonio (2015) Towards a Context Knowledge Taxonomy - Combined Methodologies to Improve a Fast-Search Concept Extraction for an Ontology Population
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fioravanti, A, Loffreda, G, Simeone, D and Trento, A
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD "Divide et Impera" to dramatically and consciously simplify design: The mental/instance path - How reasoning among spaces, compontents and goals
source eCAADe 2012 - Volume 1, Prague, pp. 269-278
last changed 2016/08/08 14:24

_id acadia14projects_115ak
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Iitsuka, Mayum (2014) Biological Data-Mining and Optimization ; In the case of Immunorium project
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fontecave,Marc, Simon,Philipp., Xu-li,Yun., Elgrishi,Noémie., Mellot-Draznieks, Caroline
year 2014
title Find in CUMINCAD Photosynth?se artificielle et valorisation du dioxyde de carbone ; nouveaux catalyseurs pour des dispositifs de photo-électro-réduction du CO2
source Paper presented at the internet home page of College de france,laboratoire de chimie des processus biologiques.
last changed 2016/04/22 13:40

_id 265f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD McCullough, Malcolm (1988) Representation in the Computer Aided Design Studio
authors Find in CUMINCAD Foucault, Michel
year 1973
title Find in CUMINCAD The Order of Thi (Mots et Les Choses)
source New York, Vintage
last changed 2002/07/10 09:13

_id 7333
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Amindarbari, Reza (2012) Morphological indicators of solar exposure
authors Find in CUMINCAD Gal T. Rzepa M. Gromek B. Unger J.
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD Comparison between Sky View Factor Values Computed by Two Different Methods in an Urban Environment
source ACTA Climatologica Et Chorologica, 40(41), 17–26
last changed 2013/01/09 11:14

_id 4204
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Moya, Rafael; Flora Salim and Mani Williams (2014 ) Pneumosense Project
authors Find in CUMINCAD Gandemer, J., Centre scientifique et technique du, b. _. & United, S. I. f. A., Technology
year 1978
title Find in CUMINCAD Discomfort due to wind near buildings: aerodynamic concepts
source Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards
last changed 2014/05/09 23:50

_id 6214
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Marin, Philippe; Lequay, Hervé and Bignon, Jean-Claude (2009) Un outil évolutionnaire d’aide à la conception architecturale créative : Mise en oeuvre d’un algorithme génétique et prise en compte des paramètres environnementaux; Evolutionary tool assisting creative architectural design: Implementation of an genetic algorithm and assessment of environmental parameters
authors Find in CUMINCAD Gero, J. et Maher, M.L.
year 1993
title Find in CUMINCAD Preface
source J.S. Gero et M.L. Maher (dir.), Modellng Creativity and Knowledge-Based Creative Design, Lawrence Erlbaum and Assoc., p. 106
last changed 2009/06/13 06:22

_id dfb7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hamani, Dalil; Jean Michel Olive and Farid Ameziane (2010) Cooperative Work Based on Numerical Tools in the Building Production
year 2000
title Find in CUMINCAD Advances in CONCURRENT ENGINEERING – CE 2000
source Technomic Publishing Company Inc. Lancaster, Pennsylvania (USA)
last changed 2011/01/21 18:09

_id 0e6a
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Mazouz, Said (2009) A Conceptual Framework for a Decision Making Aid in the Design Process: Reference to environmental issues
authors Find in CUMINCAD GIRARD, G.
year 1986
title Find in CUMINCAD Architecture et concepts nomades
source Paris : Pierre Mardaga.
last changed 2009/07/13 17:36

_id 8618
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dimenstein Koatz, Gilson (2007) Documentation and production of 3D information for Architecture, Urbanism and Archeology [Documentação e Produção de Informação Tridimensional para a Pesquisa em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Arqueologia]
authors Find in CUMINCAD GOMES, C. J. M. et alli.
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD The Empress Manor - A Pioneer Photogrammetric Project in Brazil using the 3x3 Rules
source XVII CIPA Simposium
last changed 2007/12/03 19:50

_id e011
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Narahara, Taro (2013) Adaptive Growth Using Robotic Fabrication
authors Find in CUMINCAD Grasse, P.
year 1959
title Find in CUMINCAD La reconstruction du nid et les coordinations inter-individuelles chez bellicostitermes natalensis et cubitermes . sp. la theorie de la stigmergie: essai d’interpretation du comportement des termites constructeurs
source Insectes Soc., 61, 41–81
last changed 2013/08/19 13:37

_id a3fd
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lim, Jason (2011) Let’s Work Together: A Stigmergic Approach to Acoustic Design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Grasse_, P. P.
year 1959
title Find in CUMINCAD La reconstruction du nid et les coordinations inter-individuelles chez Bellicositermes natalensis et Cubitermes sp. La The_orie de la stigmergie: Essai d’interpre_tation du comportement des termites constructeurs
source Insectes Sociaux 6 (1959) 41-81
last changed 2011/11/11 07:58

_id ecaade2017_161c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Pietri, Samuel and Erioli, Alessio (2017) Fibrous Aerial Robotics - Study of spiderweb strategies for the design of architectural envelopes using swarms of drones and inflatable formworks
authors Find in CUMINCAD Grassé, PP
year 1959
title Find in CUMINCAD The automatic regulations of collective behavior of social insect and" stigmergy
source Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique, 57, pp. 1-10
last changed 2017/09/26 14:15

_id acadia14_125w
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ericson, Mark (2014) Euclid's Wedge
authors Find in CUMINCAD Guarini, Guarino
year 1671
title Find in CUMINCAD Euclides Adauctus et Methodicus Mathematicaeque Universalis.
source Turin: B. Zavatta.
last changed 2016/04/22 12:35

_id ecaade2020_044tt
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Dumlu, Burcu Nimet (2020) Virtual Reality as a Tool for Measuring Spatial Tendencies in Urban Experience
authors Find in CUMINCAD Hall, ET
year 1963
title Find in CUMINCAD A System for the Notation of Proxemic Behavior
source American Anthropologist, 65(doi:10.1525/aa.1963.65.5.02a00020), pp. 1003-1026
last changed 2020/09/09 13:14

_id bf2f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hanzl, Ma_gorzata (2012) Schizoanalytical Digital Modelling for Urban Design: Incorporating the indexed keys methodology into the anthropological analyses of urban structures
authors Find in CUMINCAD Hall, ET
year 1966
title Find in CUMINCAD Hidden Dimension
source Doubleday, Garden City, NY
last changed 2013/08/19 13:45

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