CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 15104

_id 08ac
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hall, R.N. (1983) The Use of Gable OMS (Object Modelling System) in the Building Design ProcessThe Use of Gable OMS (Object Modelling System) in the Building Design Process
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lawson, B.R. and Hall, R.H.
year 1981
title Find in CUMINCAD The Gable Computer Aided Architectural Design System
source Yorkshire Architect No. 79 pp. 35-37
last changed 2002/07/04 18:11

_id 256f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Jung, Th., Do, E.Y.-L. and Gross, M.D. (1999) Immersive Redlining and Annotation of 3D Design Models on the Web
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lawton, W., Poston, T. and Serra, L.
year 1995
title Find in CUMINCAD Time-lag reduction in a medical virtual workbench
source Virtual Reality Applications. R. A. Earnshaw, J. A. Vince and H. Jones. London, New York, Academic Press.
last changed 2002/08/19 16:25

_id 62a2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kotnik, Toni (2010) Digital Architectural Design as Exploration of Computable Functions
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lawvere, F.W. and Schanuel, S. H.
year 1997
title Find in CUMINCAD Conceptual Mathematics
source Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
last changed 2010/09/13 18:25

_id c01c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Snyder, Alison B. and Paley, Samuel M. (2001) Experiencing an Ancient Assyrian Palace: Methods for a Reconstruction
authors Find in CUMINCAD Layard, A.H.
year 1849
title Find in CUMINCAD Monuments of Nineveh I
source London: John Murray
last changed 2002/08/20 20:15

_id caadria2024_223zz3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Pouliou, Panagiota, Palamas, George and Horvath, Anca-Simona (2024) Decisions we Should put in the Algorithm: Mapping Architects’ Attitudes Towards Computational and AI-Powered Tools for Practice
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lazar, J., Feng, J. H., Hochheiser, H.
year 2010I
title Find in CUMINCAD Digital Grotesque II at Centre Pompidous Imprimer Le Monde
source Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, an imprint of Elsevier
last changed 2024/06/05 13:44

_id ecaade2015_18b3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Agkathidis, Asterios (2015) Generative Design Methods - Implementing Computational Techniques in Undergraduate Architectural Education
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lazzeroni, C, Bohnacker, H, Gross, B and Laub, J
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD Generative Design: Visualize, Program, and Create with Processing
source Princeton Architectural Press, Princeton
last changed 2016/08/08 14:23

_id c4f3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Christenson, Mike (2008) Questioning the Primacy of Visual Simulation in an Epistemology of Digital Models
authors Find in CUMINCAD Le Corbusier, Boesiger, W., and Girsberger, H.
year 1960
title Find in CUMINCAD Le Corbusier 1910–60
source George Wittenborn Inc. , New York
last changed 2009/04/25 10:54

_id acadia18_250kk
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Seibold, Zach; Grinham, Jonathan; Geletina, Olga; Ahanotu, Onyemaechi; Sayegh, Allen; Weaver, James; Bechthold, Martin (2018) Fluid Equilibrium: Material Computation in Ferrofluidic Castings
authors Find in CUMINCAD Le Ferrand, H., F. Bouville, T.P. Niebel, and A.R. Studart
year 2015
title Find in CUMINCAD Magnetically assisted slip casting of bioinspired heterogeneous composites
source Nature Materials 14 (11): 1172–79
last changed 2019/01/25 08:42

_id caadria2019_403h
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lin, Xuhui and Muslimin, Rizal (2019) RESHAPE - Rapid forming and simulation system using unmanned aerial vehicles for architectural representation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Le Goc, M, Kim, L.H, Parsaei, A, Fekete, J, -D, Dragicevic, P and Follmer, S
year 2016
title Find in CUMINCAD Zooids: Building Blocks for Swarm User Interfaces
source Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Tech-nology - UIST '16
last changed 2019/04/16 12:11

_id 141e
in paper Find in CUMINCAD WYELD, Theodor G. (2003) An Object Server System for 3D Digital Design Collaboration
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lea, R., Yasuaki, H., Matsuda, K. and Matsuda, S.
year 1997
title Find in CUMINCAD Community Place: Architecture and Performance
source Tokyo, Japan: Sony Architecture Labs. (20-11-01)
last changed 2003/09/24 14:01

_id acadia16_344i21
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Leach, Neil (2016) Digital Tool Thinking: Object-Oriented Ontology versus New Materialism
authors Find in CUMINCAD Leach, Neil
year 2015
title Find in CUMINCAD Design and New Materialism
source De-signing Design: Cartographies of Theory and Practice, edited by Elizabeth Grierson, Harriet Edquist, and H้l?ne Frichot. London: Lexington Books. 205–216.
last changed 2016/10/24 13:27

_id sigradi2020_52p
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hadi, Khatereh; Gomez, Paula; Swarts, Matthew; Marshall, Tyrone; Bernal, Marcelo (2020) Healthcare Design Metrics for Human-Centric Building Analytics
authors Find in CUMINCAD Leaf, D. E., Homel, P., & Factor, P.H.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Relationship between ICU design and mortality
source Chest, 137(5), 1022–1027
last changed 2021/08/27 15:57

_id 1c08
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Bailey, Rohan (2005) Digital Tools for Design Learning
authors Find in CUMINCAD Leclercq, P.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Programming and Assisted Sketching: Graphic and Parametric Integration in Architectural Design
source de Vries B., van Leeuwen J. and Achten H. (eds), Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Eindhoven, pp. 15–31
last changed 2005/08/25 07:56

_id b0cf
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Pranovich, Slava; Achten, Henri; de Vries, Bauke; van Wijk, Jack (2005) Structural Sketcher: Representing and applying well-structured graphic representations in early design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Leclercq, P.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Programming and Assisted Sketching – Graphic and Parametric Integration in Architectural Design
source Vries,, van Leeuwen, J.P. and Achten, H.H., eds., CAAD Futures 2001 – Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001, 15-31
last changed 2006/10/29 23:00

_id c00e
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Achten, Henri and Jessurun, Joran (2002) An Agent Framework for Recognition of Graphic Units in Drawings
authors Find in CUMINCAD Leclercq, P.P.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Programming and assisted sketching – graphic and parametric integration in architectural design
source De Vries, B., van Leeuwen, J.P. and Achten, H.H. (eds.) Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures 2001, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 15-31
last changed 2002/12/07 11:15

_id e140
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ACHTEN, Henri and JESSURUN, Joran (2003) Learning From Mah Jong - Towards a Multi-Agent System that can Recognize Graphic Units
authors Find in CUMINCAD Leclercq, P.P.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Programming and Assisted Sketching – Graphic and ParametricIntegration in Architectural Design
source Proceedings of CAADFutures 2001, eds. B. de Vries, J.P. van Leeuwen and H.H. Achten, 15-31. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
last changed 2003/09/24 14:00

_id a253
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ACHTEN Henri (2005) Resolving some Ambiguities in Real-time Design Drawing Recognition by means of a Decision Tree for Agents
authors Find in CUMINCAD Leclercq, P.P.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Programming and assisted sketching
source Computer aided architectural design futures 2001, ed. B. de Vries and J.P. van Leeuwen, and H.H. Achten:15-31. Dordrecht: Kluwer
last changed 2005/05/05 07:17

_id a35f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Tai, Nan-Ching; Mehlika Inanici (2009) Depth Perception in Real and Pictorial Spaces: A Computational Framework to Represent and Simulate Built Environments
authors Find in CUMINCAD Ledda, P., Chalmers, A., Troscianko, T., and Seetzen, H.
year 2005
title Find in CUMINCAD Evaluation of tone mapping operators using a high dynamic range display
source ACM SIGGRAPH ’05, pp. 249–258
last changed 2009/05/05 15:46

_id caadria2017_056x18
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Carreiro, Miguel, Andrade, Marina A. P. and Sales Dias, Miguel (2017) Cognition and Evaluation of Architecture Environments Based on Geometric Contour References and Aesthetic Judgements
authors Find in CUMINCAD Leder, H and Carbon, C
year 2005
title Find in CUMINCAD Dimensions in Appreciation of Car Interior Design
source Applied Cognitive Psychology, 19, pp 603-618
last changed 2017/03/29 08:54

_id 514f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hasse, Catrin; Ralf Weber (2011) Eye Movements on Facades – An Approach to the Concept of Visual Balance in Architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Leder, H., Belke, B., Oeberst, A. & Augustin, D.
year 2004
title Find in CUMINCAD A model of aesthetic appreciation and aesthetic judgements
source British Journal of Psychology, 95, pp. 489-508
last changed 2011/03/21 20:07

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