CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 85880

_id 645f
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Usama El Fiky and Mark Cox (2006) Culturally Accepted Green Architecture Toolbox - Pre-design helping tool and rating system for new built environment in Egypt
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fathy, H.
year 1986
title Find in CUMINCAD Natural Energy and Vernacular Architecture, Principles and Examples with Reference to Hot Arid Climates
source the University of Chicago Press, Chicago
last changed 2006/09/11 20:47

_id ecaade2024_128g2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hillel, Roni; Shaked, Tom; Tsesarsky, Michael; Sprecher, Aaron (2024) Exploring Robotic Fabrication Using Stimulated Soil
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fathy, H.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Architecture for the Poor: An Experiment in Rural Egypt
source University of Chicago press
last changed 2024/08/28 15:08

_id ijac201917102vv
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Cutellic, Pierre (2019) Towards encoding shape features with visual event-related potential based brain–computer interface for generative design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Blankertz B., Acqualagna L., Dähne S. et al.
year 2016
title Find in CUMINCAD The Berlin brain-computer interface: progress beyond communication and control
source Front Neurosci; 10: 530
last changed 2019/08/13 14:25

_id acadia17_170d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Byrne, Ultan (2017) Point-Cloud-Paint: A Software Tool for Speculative Urban Design Using Three-Dimensional Digital Collage
authors Find in CUMINCAD Blanqui, Auguste
year 2013
title Find in CUMINCAD Eternity by the Stars: An Astronomical Hypothesis
source Translated by Frank Chouraqui. New York: Contra Mundum Press
last changed 2017/12/01 12:05

_id ecaade2014_215d55
in paper Find in CUMINCAD James Hayes, Stephen Fai and Phil White (2014) Digitally-Assisted Stone Carving on Canada's Parliament Hill
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fatuzzo, G, Mussumeci, G, Oliveri, SM and Sequenzia, G
year 2011
title Find in CUMINCAD The “Guerriero di Castiglione”: reconstructing missing elements with integrated non-destructive 3D modelling techniques
source Journal of Archaeological Science, 38, pp. 3533-3540
last changed 2016/08/05 13:51

_id 4978
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Arpornwicharnop, Kittisak; Pinyo Jinuntuya and Pizzanu Kanongchaiyos (2007) Simulation Software Development for Urban Landscape Possibility Analysis
authors Find in CUMINCAD Faugas, J. M. and Pegor Papazian Research Affiliates
year 1992
title Find in CUMINCAD Modeling Regulations and Intentions for Urban Development: The Role of Computer Simulation in the Urban Design Studio
source eCAADe 1992, PP201-212
last changed 2007/07/08 12:23

_id acadia17_177d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ()
authors Find in CUMINCAD Blanqui, Auguste
year 2013
title Find in CUMINCAD Eternity by the Stars: An Astronomical Hypothesis
source Translated by Frank Chouraqui. New York: Contra Mundum Press
last changed 2017/11/21 09:53

_id 1bca
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Peronti, Santiago Rodrigo; Malard Monteiro Humberto (2010) Interfaces computacionais colaborativas: considerações para a construção de um universo teórico [Collaborative computer interfaces: considerations for the construction of a theoretical universe]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Faulkner, C.
year 1998
title Find in CUMINCAD The essence of human-computer interaction
source London: Prentice Hall
last changed 2010/12/17 21:54

_id caadria2020_261w
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kimm, Geoff and Burry, Mark (2020) Encouraging Community Participation in Design Decision-making through Reactive Scripting - a general framework tested in the smart villages context
authors Find in CUMINCAD Faulkner, L
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Beyond the five-user assumption: Benefits of increased sample sizes in usability testing
source Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 35(3), pp. 379-383
last changed 2020/08/14 22:38

_id 91c6
in paper Find in CUMINCAD DAVE Bharat (2005) Labyrinthine Digital Histories
authors Find in CUMINCAD Favier, Jean
year 1990
title Find in CUMINCAD The World of Chartres
source New York: Harry N. Abrams
last changed 2005/05/05 07:16

_id caadria2019_318v
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Martinho, Helena, Belém, Catarina, Leitão, António, Loonen, Roel and Gomes, M. Glória (2019) Algorithmic Design and Performance Analysis of Adaptive Façades
authors Find in CUMINCAD Favoino, F. and Overend, M.
year 2015
title Find in CUMINCAD A Simulation Framework for the Evaluation of Next Generation Responsive Building Envelope Technologies
source Energy Procedia, 78, pp. 2602-2607
last changed 2019/04/16 12:14

_id caadria2020_190ww
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Karakiewicz, Justyna, Holguin, Jose Rafael and Kvan, Thomas (2020) Hope in Perturbanism
authors Find in CUMINCAD Blastland, M
year 2019
title Find in CUMINCAD Hidden Half: How the World Conceals its Secrets
source Atlantic Books, London
last changed 2020/08/14 22:38

_id caadria2021_400pp2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sheehan, Liam Jordan, Brown, Andre, Schnabel, Marc Aurel and Moleta, Tane (2021) The Fourth Virtual Dimension - Stimulating the Human Senses to Create Virtual Atmospheric Qualities
authors Find in CUMINCAD Blau, E.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD The Third Project. Olafur Eliasson: your chance encounter
source Lars Müller Publishers, Baden, Switzerland
last changed 2021/06/02 22:20

_id ecaade2017_183bb
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wendell, Augustus and Altin, Ersin (2017) Learning Space - Incorporating spatial simulations in design history coursework
authors Find in CUMINCAD Favro, D and Johanson, C
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Death in Motion: Funeral Processions in the Roman Forum
source Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 69(1), pp. 12-37
last changed 2017/09/26 14:16

_id ecaade2016_144j40
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Wendell, Augustus, Altin, Burcak Ozludil and Thompson, Ulysee (2016) Prototyping a Temporospatial Simulation Framework:Case of an Ottoman Insane Asylum
authors Find in CUMINCAD Favro, D and Johanson, C
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Death in Motion: Funeral Processions in the Roman Forum
source Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 69(1), pp. 12-37
last changed 2016/08/05 14:04

_id ecaade2014_149p34
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Matthias Standfest (2014) Unsupervised Symmetric Polygon Mesh Mapping - The Dualism of Mesh Representation and Its Implementation for Many Layered Self-Organizing Map Architectures
authors Find in CUMINCAD Blayo, F
year 1992
title Find in CUMINCAD Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps: Is the Normalization Necessary?
source Complex Systems, 6(6), pp. 105-123
last changed 2016/08/05 13:50

_id acadia17_52o
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ajlouni, Rima (2017) Simulation of Sound Diffusion Patterns of Fractal-Based Surface Profiles
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fay, Michael W
year 2013
title Find in CUMINCAD Acoustics 101 for Architects
source Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (5): 4005
last changed 2017/12/01 12:02

_id acadia17_59o
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ()
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fay, Michael W
year 2013
title Find in CUMINCAD Acoustics 101 for Architects
source Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (5): 4005
last changed 2017/11/21 09:50

_id abd2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Noriel Christopher C. Tiglao (2006) Improving Social Policy through Spatial Information - Application of small area estimation and spatial microsimulation methods in geographical targeting
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fay, R. E. III and Herriot, R. A.
year 1979
title Find in CUMINCAD Estimates of Income for Small Places: An Application of James-Stein Procedures to Census Data
source Journal of the American Statistical Association, 74(366): 269.277
last changed 2006/09/11 20:47

_id 21cf
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Nguyen, Thi Lan Truc and Beng-Kiang Tan (2011) Understanding and constructing shared spaces for supporting informal interaction at a distance
authors Find in CUMINCAD Fayard, A.-L. and Weeks, J.
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD Photocopiers and Water-coolers: The Affordances of Informal Interaction
source Organization Studies, 28, 605-634
last changed 2011/05/31 15:36

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