CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 4993

_id fb26
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Jones, Paulo; Eloy, Sara; Ricardo, Rui; Dias, Miguel Sales (2012) Architectural Rehabilitation and Conservation Processes Informed by Augmented Reality
authors Find in CUMINCAD Moura, L.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Livro do desassossego tecnológico
source Edições LXXL
last changed 2013/08/19 17:13

_id cf2019_019ww
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lee, Seong-Ki ; Reinhard Koenig and Frank Petzold (2019) Computational Support for Interactive Exploration of Urban Design Variants
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cai H, Do EY-L, Zimring CM
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Extended linkography and distance graph in design evaluation: An empirical study of the dual effects of inspiration sources in creative design
source Design Studies 31(2): 146–168
last changed 2019/07/29 14:40

_id ecaade2014_226b59
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Huda Salman (2014) Linkography for evaluating ideas connectivity of Computer Aided Design-based protocols
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cai, H., Do, E and Zimring, C. M.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Extended linkography and distance graph in design evaluation: an empirical study of the dual effects of inspiration sources in creative design.
source Design Studies, 31, pp. 146-168
last changed 2016/08/05 13:51

_id b0b2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Marqueto, Priscilla; Tramontano, Marcelo (2012) Among Communities: The Collective Construction of Hybrid Spatialities Through Remote Communication
authors Find in CUMINCAD Flusser, V
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD O Mundo Codificado: por uma filosofia do design e da comunicação
source Cosac Naify, São Paulo
last changed 2013/08/19 17:09

_id sigradi2014_128a1
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Alves Veloso, Pedro Luís (2014) Explorando o diagrama de bolhas [Exploring the bubble diagram]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Hua, H., & JIA, T.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Floating Bubbles: An agent-based system for layout planning
source Anais do 15? congresso CAADRIA, 2010, p.175-183
last changed 2016/05/05 10:22

_id ecaadesigradi2019_425x
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Betti, Giovanni, Aziz, Saqib and Ron, Gili (2019) Pop Up Factory : Collaborative Design in Mixed Rality - Interactive live installation for the makeCity festival, 2018 Berlin
authors Find in CUMINCAD Lee, TV and Do, JW
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD 3DARModeler: a 3D Modeling System in Augmented Reality Environment
source World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 39, pp. 538-547
last changed 2019/08/27 22:20

_id caadria2020_129ss
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Melnyk, Virginia (2020) Sewing Pneumatic Textures - three-dimensional digital design based on the craft of dressmaking
authors Find in CUMINCAD Nicholas, J
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD From Active Touch to Tactile Communication: What's Tactile Cognition Got to Do with It?
source Danish Resource Centre on Congenital Deafblindness
last changed 2020/08/14 22:19

_id sigradi2013_44
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Silvano Costa, Márcia; Evangelos D. Christakou; Lenildo S. Da Silva; Antônio A. Nepomuceno (2013) Identificação de Danos em Fachadas de Edificações: Geração de Mosaicos Fotográficos Obtidos por Plataforma Robótica [Identification of damage on facades of buildings: Generating Mosaics Photographic obtained by Robotics Platform]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Schorr,  B.  S.;  Velho,  L. 
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Gigapixel Panoramas and Narratives. The making of “Love Affair”
source Relatório Técnico do Laboratório do Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada, VISGRAF
last changed 2016/04/22 11:29

_id eeca
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Jowers, Iestyn; Miquel Prats, Nieves Pedreira, Alison Mcay and Steve Garner (2011) Supporting shape reinterpretation with eye tracking
authors Find in CUMINCAD Stones, C. and Cassidy, T.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Seeing and discovering: how do student designers reinterpret sketches and digital marks during graphical design ideation?
source Design Studies, 31(5) 439–460
last changed 2011/05/31 15:36

_id 6707
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lan, Wei-Hsien and Teng-Wen Chang (2012) Visualising the design process with dynamic graph
authors Find in CUMINCAD Stones, C. and Cassidy, T.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Seeing and discovering: How do student designers reinterpret sketches and digital marks during graphic design ideation?
source Design Studies, 31(5), 439-460
last changed 2012/04/19 10:35

_id 4499
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Castral, Paulo Cesar; Tanoue Vizioli, Simone Helena (2011) O desenho à mão-livre mediado pelo tablet [The freehand drawing mediated by tablet]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Stones, C.; Cassidy, T.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Seeing and discovering: how do student designers reinterpret sketches and digital marks during graphic design ideation?
source Design Studies 31 (pp. 439-460). Londres: Elsevier Science
last changed 2012/02/28 19:48

_id ecaade2017_227r
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Lima, Elton C., Vieira, Aline, Mendes, Leticia T. and Griz, Cristiana (2017) “Houses for everybody” Brazilian competition - An application of shape grammar and space syntax for analyzing low-income housing
authors Find in CUMINCAD Tedeschi, A
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Sustainability and Innovation on Social Housing
source Basile, R (eds), The challenge in proposing housing efficient models, Governo do Estado de S?o Paulo, S?o Paulo, pp. 9-118
last changed 2017/09/26 14:20

_id ecaade2022_102ff2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Casalnuovo, Gianluca and Erioli, Alessio (2022) Deep Trails - Coupling of structural optimization and self-organization processes for the computational design of composite surface tectonics
authors Find in CUMINCAD Tero et al.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Rules for Biologically Inspired Adaptive Network Design
source Science 327(5964), pp. 439-442. Available at:, FJ et al. 2018, 'How do fire ants control the rheology of their aggregations? A statistical mechanics approach', Journal of The Royal Society Interface, vol. 15, no. 147, p. 20180642
last changed 2022/09/09 11:11

_id 26a7
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Verdonck, Evelien; Froyen Hubert (2011) Universal Design Patterns: Designing a Web-Based Tool with Architects
authors Find in CUMINCAD Verdonck, E. & Froyen, H.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD How do architects design inclusively ? A Survey of Inclusive design in architectural practice in Flanders
source Clarkson, P.J. (ed) CWUAAT, Cambridge
last changed 2012/02/11 19:32

_id 51cb
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sosa, Ricardo and John S. Gero (2013) The Creative Value of Bad Ideas – A Computational Model of Creative Ideation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Wiltschnig, S. and Onarheim, B.
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Insights into insight. How do in-vitro studies of creative insight match the real-world complexity of in-vivo design processes
source Design Research Society International Conference, Montreal
last changed 2013/08/19 13:29

_id sigradi2015_6.329y8
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ()
authors Find in CUMINCAD Silva, A.C.
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD What’s up guys!? Mystery Guitar Man Here!
source Design Estratégico e Comunicaç?o na Construç?o do Sistema-Produto Audiovisual na Internet. Dissertaç?o. Porto Alegre: Unisinos
last changed 2016/05/18 15:08

_id caadria2015_010y1
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Gámez, Oscar; Jean-Claude Bignon and Gilles Duchanois (2015 ) Assisted Construction of Non-Standard Wooden Walls and Envelope Structures by Parametric Modeling
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Materializing complexity
source Architectural Design, 80(4), pp. 86–93
last changed 2016/05/13 13:44

_id ascaad2016_010v4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Harnomo Fajar I.; Aswin Indraprastha (2016) Computational Weaving Grammar of Traditional Woven Pattern
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Generative Algorithms Concepts and Experiments: Weaving
source Morphogeneism
last changed 2017/06/14 14:28

_id ascaad2016_001g1
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Al-Attili, Aghlab; Anastasia Karandinou and Ben Daley (2016) Parametricism vs Materialism - Evolution of digital technologies for development
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Elements of Parametric Design
source New York: Routledge
last changed 2017/06/14 14:28

_id sigradi2016_409ff
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Feinsilber, Sebastián (2016) Crowdthinking para el desarrollo de PyMEs exportadoras de productos de consumo masivo [Crowdthinking for the development of SME exporters of consumer products]
year 2010
title Find in CUMINCAD Marketing International
source Georgetown: Ed. Georgetown University
last changed 2017/07/25 11:04

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