CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 1 to 20 of 34242

_id sigradi2022_115r2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Munoz, Patricia Laura (2022) Curve folding in form generation with digital fabrication
authors Find in CUMINCAD Caigui Jiang, K., Mundilova, K., Rist, F., Wallner, J. y Pottmann, H.
year 2019
title Find in CUMINCAD Curve-pleated Structures
source ACM.Association for Computing Machinery, Vol.38 (6), 169:1, 169:13.
last changed 2023/05/17 08:00

_id 1a85
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cailin, B.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Color Harmony for the web
source Massachusetts: Rockport Publishers. Inc.
last changed 2004/06/08 15:50

_id 81ec
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ju-Yeon Kim & Hyun-Soo Lee (2004) Developing a Color Adaptive VR Interior Design System Based on Psychophsiological Responses
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cailin, B.
year 2001
title Find in CUMINCAD Color Harmony for the web
source Massachusetts: Rockport Publishers. Inc.
last changed 2004/06/09 14:32

_id 40b5
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Rekittke, Joerg; Yazid Ninsalam, Philip Paar (2014) No Fear of Ridicule - deploying plaything technology for credible representations of urban landscape
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cairns, S., Gurusamy, S., Prescott, M. and Theodoratos, N., eds.
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD Rivers in Future Cities:The Case of Ciliwung, Jakarta, Indonesia. Module VII: Landscape Ecology
source FCL – Future Cities Laboratory Gazette, 12 (2012), Singapore ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability
last changed 2014/05/09 13:08

_id 6d52
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Rekittke, Joerg; Yazid Ninsalam and Philip Paar (2013) Open to Ridicule – Deploying Plaything Technology for 3D Modelling of Urban Informal Settlements in Asia 
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cairns, S., Gurusamy, S., Prescott, M., and Theodoratos, N. (eds.)
year 2012
title Find in CUMINCAD Rivers in Future Cities: The Case of Ciliwung, Jakarta, Indonesia
source Module VII: Landscape Ecology, FCL – Future Cities Laboratory Gazette, 12, Singapore ETH Centre for Global Environmental Sustainability
last changed 2013/08/19 13:26

_id a564
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Caratù, G., Concilio, G. and Monno, V. (2002) Structuring Lay Knowledge in a GI Perspective: Problems and Pitfall
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cairo, O.
year 1998
title Find in CUMINCAD KAMET: a comprehensive methodology for knowledge acquisition from multiple knowledge sources
source Expert Systems with Applications, 14, pp 1-16
last changed 2003/12/12 15:59

_id ijac202220108dd3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Alsalman, Osama; Halil Erhan (2022) D-ART for collaboration in evaluating design alternatives
authors Find in CUMINCAD Caixeta M, Bross JC, Fabricio MM, et al.
year 2013
title Find in CUMINCAD Value generation through user involvement in healthcare design.
source Proceedings of 21st Annual Conference International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC), Brazil, Fortaleza, 29 July–2 August 2013.
last changed 2024/04/17 15:12

_id d29c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Cajati, Claudio (1992) The New Teaching of an Architect: The Rôle of Expert Systems in Technological Culture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cajati, C.
year 1989
title Find in CUMINCAD Towards a KB System/Image-Databases Integrated Interface: a Tool for Architectural Education
source Proc. of 89 EcaadE Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, September 21-23
last changed 2003/05/20 19:00

_id eac9
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Calabrese, Antonio; Carlo Coppola; Luca Licenziato; Francesco Mele; Antonio Sorgente and Oliviero Talamo (2006) Creation and editing of artifacts’ models by Generative Projects
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calabrese A., Licenziato L., Mele F., Minei G., SorgenteA., TalamoO.
year 2005
title Find in CUMINCAD Spatial reasoning for 3D visualization and reconstruction of architectural artifacts
source Convegno AI*IA Milano 19-Ott-2005
last changed 2006/08/06 11:52

_id 1484
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Araneda, Claudio (2013) The Jacobs´ Urban Lineage Revisited
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calabrese, F., Kloeckl, K. and Ratti, C
year 2008
title Find in CUMINCAD Wikicity: Real-Time Location-Sensitive Tools for the City
source Foth, M. (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City. Hershey PA, IGI Global
last changed 2013/08/28 11:17

_id 49e3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Barker, Tom; Nicole Gardner, M. Hank Haeusler and Martin Tomitsch (2011) Last train to trancentral: From infrastructure to ‘info’structure: a case study of embedding digital technology into existing public transport infrastructures
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calabrese, F., Kloeckl, K. and Ratti, C.
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD Wikicity: Real-Time Location-Sensitive Tools for the City
source CUPUM 07 - 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, Iguassu Falls, July 2007
last changed 2011/05/31 15:37

_id d47c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Araneda, Claudio (2013) The Jacobs´ Urban Lineage Revisited
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calabrese, F., Kloeckl, K., and Ratti, C.
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD WikiCity: real-time location- sensitive tools for the city
source Conference on Communities and Technologies - Digital cities. Available at: df. [Accessed: 02/05/2011]
last changed 2013/08/28 13:22

_id 98e2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Araneda, Claudio (2013) The Jacobs´ Urban Lineage Revisited
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calabrese, F., Kloeckl, K., and Ratti, C.
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD WikiCity: Real-Time Location- Sensitive Tools for The City
source Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM07). Available at: [Accessed: 02/05/2011]
last changed 2013/08/28 11:17

_id a55d
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Araneda, Claudio (2013) The Jacobs´ Urban Lineage Revisited
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calabrese, F., Kloeckl, K., and Ratti, C.
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD WikiCity: Real-Time Location- Sensitive Tools for The City
source Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM07). Available at: [Accessed: 02/05/2011]
last changed 2013/08/28 13:21

_id sigradi2013_401g
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Araneda, Claudio (2013) Instantánea Urbana (Rudimentos Analíticos para una Aproximación Fenoménica Sistemática al Estudio del Comportamiento de Nuestro Campo Visual en Relación a la Percepción de Personas en el Espacio Urbano) [Urban Instant: Analytical Rudiments for a Systematic Phenomenological Approach to the Study of our Visual Field Behavior in Relation to People Perception in Urban Space]
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calabrese,  F.,  Kloeckl,  K.,  and  Ratti,  C.
year 2007
title Find in CUMINCAD WikiCity: Real-Time Location? Sensitive Tools for The City
source Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management (CUPUM07)
last changed 2016/04/22 11:32

_id caadria2021_310bb
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Papasotiriou, Tania and Chalup, Stephan (2021) Global urban cityscape - Unsupervised clustering exploration of human activity and mobility infrastructure
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calafiore, A, Palmer, G, Comber, S, Arribas Bel, D and Singleton, A
year 2021
title Find in CUMINCAD A geographic data science framework for the functional and contextual analysis of human dynamics within global cities
source Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 8(ISSN 0198-9715), p. 101539
last changed 2021/06/02 22:30

_id 3652
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Inanc, B. Sinan (2000) Casebook. An Information Retrieval System for Housing Floor Plans
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calcinelli, D. and Mainguenaud, M.
year 1994
title Find in CUMINCAD Cigales - a visual query language for a geographical information system: The user-interface,
source Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 5, 113-132
last changed 2002/07/04 11:47

_id ijac202321407j2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fernando, Ruwan and Ruby Michael (2023) Solving planning problems with evolutionary computation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Caldas L
year 2006
title Find in CUMINCAD GENE_ARCH: an evolution-based generative design system for sustainable architecture
source IFC Smith. (ed) Lecture notes in Artificial Intelligence. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2006. pp 109–118
last changed 2024/05/29 13:56

_id ijac202119302g2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD BuHamdan, Samer; Alwisy, Aladdin; Bouferguene, Ahmed (2021) Generative systems in the architecture, engineering and construction industry: A systematic review and analysis
authors Find in CUMINCAD Caldas L.
year 2011
title Find in CUMINCAD Generation of energy-efficient patio houses: combining GENE-ARCH and a Marrakesh medina shape grammar
source AAAI Spring Symposium, Stanford, CA, 21–23 March 2011, pp. 10–18. Palo Alto, CA: The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence
last changed 2024/04/17 15:02

_id ecaade2015_180l38
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Doe, Robert and Aitchison, Mathew (2015) Multi-criteria Optimisation in the Design of Modular Homes - From Theory to Practice
authors Find in CUMINCAD Caldas, L and Norford, LA
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD A Genetic Algorithm Tool for Design Optimisation
source Acadia99, Utah, pp. 260-271
last changed 2016/08/08 14:24

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