CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 5802

_id ecaade2024_290q
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Hsieh, Wen-Chun; Sheng, Yu-Ting; Wang, Shih-Yuan (2024) Exploration of Incremental Sheet Forming for Application in Formwork Techniques
authors Find in CUMINCAD Li, Y., Chen, X., Liu, Z., Sun, J., Li, F., Li, J. and Zhao, G.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD A review on the recent development of incremental sheet-forming process
source International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 92(5-8), pp.2439-2462. (Accessed 1 April 2024)
last changed 2024/08/28 15:05

_id ascaad2021_004j
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ali, Nouran; Samir Hosny, Ahmed Abdin (2021) Thermal Performance of Nanomaterials of a Medium Size Office Building Envelope: With a Special Reference to Hot Arid Climatic Zone of Egypt
authors Find in CUMINCAD Zhao, D., Fan, H., Pan, L., Xu, Q., & Zhang, X.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Energy Consumption Performance Considering Climate Change in Office Building
source Procedia Engineering, 205, pp.3448-3455. doi: 91
last changed 2021/07/16 10:48

_id caadria2022_267j2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Toohey, Gabrielle, Nguyen, Tommy Bao Nghi, Vilppola, Ritva, Qiu, Waishan, Li, Wenjing and Luo, Dan (2022) Data-Driven Evaluation of Streets to Plan for Bicycle Friendly Environments: A Case Study of Brisbane Suburbs
authors Find in CUMINCAD Zhao, H., Shi, J., Qi, X., Wang, X. & Jia, J.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Pyramid scene parsing network
source Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 2881-2890). IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
last changed 2022/06/16 10:49

_id caadria2022_464ee2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Liu, Xinyu and van Ameijde, Jeroen (2022) Data-driven Research on Street Environmental Qualities and Vitality Using GIS Mapping and Machine Learning, a Case Study of Ma On Shan, Hong Kong
authors Find in CUMINCAD Zhao, H., Shi, J., Qi, X., Wang, X. & Jia, J.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Pyramid Scene Parsing Network
source 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 6230-6239
last changed 2022/06/16 12:08

_id caadria2021_191q2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Shou, Xinyue, Chen, Pinyang and Zheng, Hao (2021) Predicting the Heat Map of Street Vendors from Pedestrian Flow through Machine Learning
authors Find in CUMINCAD Zhao, H., Shi, J., Qi, X., Wang, X. and Jia, J.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Pyramid scene parsing network
source Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition
last changed 2021/06/02 22:30

_id ecaadesigradi2019_566j
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Valverde Arroteia, Aline, Garcia do Amaral, Gustavo, Zeni Kikuti, Simone and Burrattino Melhado, Silvio (2019) BIM knowledge assessment: an overview among professionals - A survey on the AEC industry in Sao Paulo, Brazil
authors Find in CUMINCAD Zhao, X
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD A scientometric review of global BIM research: Analysis and visualization
source Automation in Construction, 80, pp. 37-47
last changed 2019/08/27 20:50

_id caadria2024_389bb3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fang, Iuan-Kai and Shih, Shen-Guan (2024) The Intersection of Technology and Architecture: Smartphone Photography in Carbon Analysis
authors Find in CUMINCAD Zhou, B., Zhao, H., Puig, X., Fidler, S., Barriuso, A., Torralba, A.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Scene Parsing Through ADE20K Dataset
source Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
last changed 2024/06/05 13:47

_id caadria2023_167ll
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Sanatani, Rohit P. and Nagakura, Takehiko (2023) The Many Faces of the Metropolis: Unsupervised Clustering of Urban Environments in Mumbai Based on Visual Features As Captured in City-Wide Street-View Imagery
authors Find in CUMINCAD Zhou, B., Zhao, H., Puig, X., Fidler, S., Barriuso, A., & Torralba, A.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Scene Parsing Through Ade20k Dataset
source Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 633-641
last changed 2023/06/15 11:36

_id caadria2024_186c4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Huang, Jingfei and Tu, Han (2024) Inconsistent Affective Reaction: Sentiment of Perception and Opinion in Urban Environments
authors Find in CUMINCAD Zhou, B., Zhao, H., Puig, X., Fidler, S., Barriuso, A., & Torralba, A.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Scene Parsing through ADE20K Dataset
source 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 5122-5130.
last changed 2024/06/05 13:42

_id caadria2022_169g2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Xu, Hang and Wang, Tsung-Hsien (2022) An Integrated Parametric Generation and Computational Workflow to Support Sustainable City Planning
authors Find in CUMINCAD Abbasabadi, N. and Ashayeri, M.
year 2019
title Find in CUMINCAD Urban energy use modelling methods and tools: A review and an outlook
source Building and Environment, 161, 106270., A., Medjroubi, W., Vogt, T. and Agert, C. (2017). GIS-based urban energy systems models and tools: Introducing a model for the optimisation of flexibilisation technologies in urban areas. Applied Energy, 191, 1-9., Y. and Hong, T. (2018). Impacts of building geometry modelling methods on the simulation results of urban building energy models. Applied Energy, 215, 717-735., Y., Hong, T., Luo, X. and Hooper, B. (2019). Development of city buildings dataset for urban building energy modelling. Energy and Buildings, 183, 252-265., C.C., Reinhart, C.F., and Bemis, J.L. (2016). Modelling Boston: A workflow for the efficient generation and maintenance of urban building energy models from existing geospatial datasets. Energy, 117, 237-250., T. and Reinhart, C. (2017). Shoeboxer: An algorithm for abstracted rapid multi-zone urban building energy model generation and simulation. Energy and Buildings, 140, 140-153. (2021). 2030 Climate Target Plan. European Commission. Retrieved June 1, 2021, from
last changed 2022/06/16 12:08

_id sigradi2020_392p
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fialho, Beatriz Campos; Codinhoto, Ricardo; Fabricio, Márcio Minto (2020) BIM and IoT for the AEC Industry: A systematic literature mapping
authors Find in CUMINCAD Aguiar, A., Mira, P., Antunes, A., Cabral, I., Chen, X., Liu, C., ... Beach, T.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Tracking Users’ Behaviors through Real-time Information in BIMs: Workflow for Interconnection in the Brescia Smart Campus Demonstrator
source Procedia Engineering,180(March), 1484–1494
last changed 2021/08/27 16:03

_id caadria2023_234g2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Chundeli, Faiz Ahmed and Berger, Tania (2023) Thermal Performance Evaluation of Low-Income Housing Units Using Numerical Simulation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Alam, M., Sanjayan, J., Zou, P. X. W., Ramakrishnan, S., & Wilson, J.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Evaluating the Passive and Free Cooling Application Methods of Phase Change Materials in Residential Buildings: a Comparative Study
source Energy and Buildings, 148, 238-256. Available at:
last changed 2023/06/15 11:40

_id caadria2022_357tt
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Bedarf, Patrick, Szabo, Anna, Zanini, Michele, Heusi, Alex and Dillenburger, Benjamin (2022) Robotic 3D Printing of Mineral Foam for a Lightweight Composite Concrete Slab
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bedarf, P., Szabo, A., Zanini, M. & Dillenburger, B.
year 2021
title Find in CUMINCAD Machine Sensing for Mineral Foam 3D Printing
source International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems: Workshop Robotic Fabrication, IROS 2021. (2021). The Original Voided Slab. Retrieved May 11 2021, from https://www.bubbledeck.comCobiax. (2021). Voided flat plate slab technologies available worldwide. Retrieved May 11 2021, from (2020). Retrieved May 11 2021, fromández-Jiménez, A., & Palomo, A. (2005). Composition and microstructure of alkali activated fly ash binder: Effect of the activator. Cement and Concrete Research, 35(10), 1984–1992., B., Poullain, P., & Garnier, S. (2019). 3D printing for construction based on a complex wall of polymer-foam and concrete. Additive Manufacturing, 28, 58–64., C., & Minson, A. (2014). Sustainable concrete solutions. Wiley-Blackwell.Halpern, A. B., Billington, D. P., & Adriaenssens, S. (2013). The Ribbed Floor Slab Systems of Pier Luigi Nervi. Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 7., G., Schmid, R., Holzinger, C., Tapley, J. P., Peters, S., Trummer, A., & Kupelwieser, H. (2021). Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Slab: 130 different 3D printed voids. CPT Worldwide - Construction Printing Technology, 2021(2), 68.Jipa, A., Calvo Barentin, C., Lydon, G., Rippmann, M., Chousou, G., Lomaglio, M., Schlüter, A., Block, P., & Dillenburger, B. (2019). 3D-Printed Formwork for Integrated Funicular Concrete Slabs. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2019, 10., A., & Dillenburger, B. (2021). 3D Printed Formwork for Concrete: State-of-the-Art, Opportunities, Challenges, and Applications. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 00, 24., S. J., Leland, J. C., Cai, L., & Oxman, N. (2017). Toward site-specific and self-sufficient robotic fabrication on architectural scales. Science Robotics, 2(5), 1-15., A., López, D. L., Van Mele, T., & Block, P. (2017). Design, fabrication and testing of a prototype, thin-vaulted, unreinforced concrete floor. Engineering Structures, 137, 323–335., A., Grutzeck, M. W., & Blanco, M. T. (1999). Alkali-activated fly ashes: A cement for the future. Cement and Concrete Research, 29(8), 1323–1329. Environment Programme. (2020). Global Status Report for Buildings and Construction. Retrieved May 11 2021, from, H., & Van Deventer, J. S. J. (2000). The geopolymerisation of alumino-silicate minerals. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 59(3), 247–266., H., Gu, F., Huang, Q.-X., Garcia, J., Chen, Y., Tu, C., Benes, B., Zhang, H., Cohen-Or, D., & Chen, B. (2016). Connected fermat spirals for layered fabrication. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 35(4), 1–10.
last changed 2022/06/16 12:18

_id caadria2018_103n
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Liu, Chang, Zhang, Xu and Nagakura, Takehiko (2018) PanoFrame: A Lightweight Panoramic Video Editing Tool for Storytelling with Spatial Content
authors Find in CUMINCAD Bhadsavle, S, Yap, X, Segler, J, Jaisimha, R, Raman, N, Feng, Y, Biggs, S, Peoples, M, Brenner, R and Mccann, B
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Immerj: A novel system for democratizing immersive storytelling
source 2017 IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), Los Angeles, pp. 367-368
last changed 2018/05/29 13:44

_id caadria2021_447ee2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Belek Fialho Teixeira, Muge, Pham, Kieu, Caldwell, Glenda, Seevinck, Jennifer, Swann, Levi, Rittenbruch, Markus, Kelly, Nick, Santo, Yasuhiro, Garcia-Hansen, Veronica and Voltz, Kirsty (2021) A User-Centred Focus on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in AEC: Opportunities and Barriers Identified by Industry Professionals - OPPORTUNITIES AND BARRIERS IDENTIFIED BY INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS
authors Find in CUMINCAD Calixte, X and Leclercq, P
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD The Interactive Projection Mapping as a Spatial Augmented Reality to Help Collaborative Design: Case Study in Architectural Design
source Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, pp. 143-152
last changed 2021/06/02 22:20

_id ijac202220109e4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ortner, F. Peter; Jing Zhi Tay (2022) Resilient by design: Informing pandemic-safe building redesign with computational models of resident congestion
authors Find in CUMINCAD Cere G, Rezgui Y and Zhao W.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Critical review of existing built environment resilience frameworks: directions for future research.
source International J Disaster Risk Reduction; 25: 173–189.
last changed 2024/04/17 15:14

_id caadria2024_87qq4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Li, Jiongye and Stouffs, Rudi (2024) Distribution of Carbon Storage and Potential Strategies to Enhance Carbon Sequestration Capacity in Singapore: A Study Based on Machine Learning Simulation and Geospatial Analysis
authors Find in CUMINCAD Chen, D., Deng, X., Jin, G., Samie, A., & Li, Z.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Land-use-change induced dynamics of carbon stocks of the terrestrial ecosystem in Pakistan
source Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 101, 13-20
last changed 2024/06/05 13:42

_id ecaade2024_114cc4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Su, Xinyu; Liu, Zidong; Yang, Mingzhuo; Koehler, Daniel (2024) ZoeLength: Framework for indoor measurement from a single interior image for the popularization of AI interior design
authors Find in CUMINCAD Chen, S., Fang, X., Shen, J., Wang, L., Shao, L.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Single-Image Distance Measurement by a Smart Mobile Device
source IEEE Trans. Cybern, 47, pp. 4451-4462. Available at:
last changed 2024/08/28 15:19

_id ijac201917106c
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Brown, Nathan C. and Caitlin T. Mueller (2019) Design variable analysis and generation for performance-based parametric modeling in architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Conti Z.X. and Kaijima S.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Enabling inference in performance-driven design exploration
source De Rycke K, Gengnagel C, Baverel O, et al. (eds) Humanizing digital reality: design modelling symposium Paris 2017 . Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 177–188
last changed 2019/08/14 08:05

_id ijac202119301b3
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Doyle, Shelby Elizabeth; Senske, Nick S. (2021) SOM’s Computer Group: Narratives of women in early architectural computing
authors Find in CUMINCAD Dai Y, Wang X, Zhang P, et al.
year 2017
title Find in CUMINCAD Wearable biosensor network enabled multimodal daily-life emotion recognitionemploying reputation-driven imbalanced fuzzy classification
source Measurement; 109: 408–424
last changed 2024/04/17 15:09

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