CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 1 to 20 of 87740

_id ijac202321412yy
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Damla Turhan, Gozde; Guzden Varinlioglu and Murat Bengisu (2023) Bio-based material integration into computational form-finding tools by introducing tensile properties in the case of bacterial cellulose-based composites
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnes MR
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Form finding and analysis of tension structures by dynamic relaxation
source Int J Space Struct 1999; 14(2):89–104
last changed 2024/05/29 13:58

_id ijac201917401g
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kabošová, Lenka; Isak Foged, Stanislav Kmet’ and Dušan Katunský (2019) Hybrid design method for wind-adaptive architecture
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnes MR.
year 1988
title Find in CUMINCAD Form-finding and analysis of prestressed nets and membranes
source Comput Struct; 30(3): 685–695
last changed 2020/11/02 13:45

_id sigradi2017_084tt
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Macêdo dos Santos, Deborah; José Nuno Dinis Cabral Beirão (2017) Generative tool to support architectural design decision of earthbag building domes
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnes, B, Kang, M, & Cao, H
year 2006
title Find in CUMINCAD Sustainable characteristics of earthbag housing
source Housing and Society, 33(2), 21–32 https://doiorg/101080/08882746200611430534
last changed 2018/07/27 10:18

_id acadia14_375ax
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Maxwell, Iain; Pigram, David; Egholm-Pedersen, Ole (2014) Fabrication Aware Form-Finding: A Combined Quasi-Reciprocal Timber and Discontinious Post-tensioned Concrete Structure
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnes, M
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Form Finding and Analysis of Tension Structures by Dynamic Relaxation
source International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 14 No. 2, 89-104
last changed 2016/04/22 12:33

_id acadia14projects_375ax
in paper Find in CUMINCAD ()
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnes, M
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Form Finding and Analysis of Tension Structures by Dynamic Relaxation
source International Journal of Space Structures Vol. 14 No. 2, 89-104
last changed 2016/04/22 13:38

_id acadia18_56b
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Suzuki, Seiichi; Knippers, Jan (2018) Digital Vernacular Design. Form-finding at the edge of realities
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnes, Michael R.
year 1999
title Find in CUMINCAD Form Finding and Analysis of Tension Structures by Dynamic Relaxation
source International Journal of Space Structures 14 (2): 89–104
last changed 2019/01/25 08:37

_id 2564
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Perez, Santiago R. (2008) Crafting Complexity: Material / Procedure / Form
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnes, R. M.
year 1963
title Find in CUMINCAD Motion & Time Study: Design and Measurement of Work
source New York: Wiley & Sons
last changed 2009/06/20 17:07

_id c9d6
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Biswas, Tajin; Ramesh Krishnamurti (2012) Data Sharing for Sustainable Building Assessment
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnes, S. and Castro-Lacouture, D.
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD BIM-Enabled Integrated Optimization Tool for LEED Decisions
source Proceedings of the 2009 ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Austin,TX, 258-268
last changed 2013/01/09 11:21

_id 8f53
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Biswas, Tajin; Tsung-Hsien Wang and Ramesh Krishnamurti (2012) Data sharing for sustainable assessments: Using functional databases for interoperating multiple building information structures
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnes, S., and Castro-Lacouture, D.
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD BIM-enabled integrated optimization tool for LEED decisions
source Proc. ASCE International Workshop on Computing in Civil Engineering, Austin, 258-268
last changed 2012/04/19 10:37

_id 5489
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Menges, Achim (2009) Performative Wood: Integral Computational Design for Timber Constructions
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett J. R. And Jeronimidis G. Eds.
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Wood Quality And Its Biological Basis
source Oxford: Blackwell Crc Press
last changed 2010/01/07 07:47

_id a3ea
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Menges, Achim (2011) Integrative Design Computation: Integrating material behaviour and robotic manufacturing processes in computational design for performative wood constructions
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett J. R. and Jeronimidis G. Eds.
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Wood quality and its biological basis
source Oxford: Blackwell CRC Press
last changed 2011/11/11 07:57

_id 2732
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Chen, Hong-Sheng, Tseng, Lan-Ting and Li, Chi-Hua (2005) CaseBox: a Tool for Case-based Learning
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett, C. and Ramirez, A.
year 1996
title Find in CUMINCAD Fostering critical analysis and reflection through mathematics case discussions
source J. A. Colbert, K. Trumble, and P. Desberg (eds), The Case for Education: Contemporary Approaches for Using Case Method , Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, pp.1-13
last changed 2005/08/25 07:56

_id ijac201412201f1
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Schindler, Christoph; Martin Tamke, Ali Tabatabai, et al. (2014) Processing Branches: Reactivating the performativity of natural wooden form with contemporary information technology
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett, J. R. and Jeronimidis, G.
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Reaction wood
source Barnett R and Jeronimidis, G (eds) 2003,Wood quality and its biological basis, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003, 118-136
last changed 2016/05/05 11:02

_id 6531
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Ji, Guohua; Ying Xu and Ying Wang (2012) 3D urban space information system: A preliminary prototype based on Google Earth plugin
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett, J.
year 1982
title Find in CUMINCAD An Introduction to Urban Design
source Harper and Row Publishers, New York
last changed 2012/04/19 10:34

_id abe4
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Huang, Jeffrey (1995) Dynamic Urban Information Model: Integrated Approach to Strategic Urban Redevelopment
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett, J.
year 1982
title Find in CUMINCAD An Introduction to Urban Design
source Harper and Row, New York
last changed 2002/08/21 12:05

_id cf2019_007o
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kim, Jong Bum and Bimal Balakrishnan (2019) Visualize Smart Growth Development with Parametric BIM: A Case Study of Columbia Unified Development Plan
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett, J.
year 2011
title Find in CUMINCAD City Design: Modernist, Traditional, Green, and Systems Perspectives
source Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge
last changed 2019/07/29 14:40

_id 8fac
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Kim, Jong Bum; Mark J. Clayton and Wei Yan (2013) Parameterize Urban Design Codes with BIM and Object-Oriented Programming
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett, J.
year 2011
title Find in CUMINCAD City Design: Modernist, Traditional, Green, and Systems Perspectives
source Routledge, Abingdon, UK
last changed 2013/08/19 13:37

_id ascaad2021_065jj2
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Fraschini, Matteo; Julian Raxworthy (2021) Territories Made by Measure: The Parametric as a Way of Teaching Urban Design Theory
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett, J.
year 2016
title Find in CUMINCAD City Design: Modernist, Traditional, Green and Systems Perspectives
source 2nd ed. New York: Routledge
last changed 2021/07/16 10:17

_id acadia15_47b1
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Chaaraoui, Rizkallah; Askarinejad, Ali (2015) Anisoptera; Anisopteran Deformation and the Latent Geometric Patterns of Wood Envelopes
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett, J.R. and G. Jeronimids
year 2003
title Find in CUMINCAD Wood Quality and Its Biological Basis
source Wood Quality and Its Biological Basis. Oxford: Blackwell CRC Press
last changed 2016/08/05 12:08

_id ecaade2018_158vv
in paper Find in CUMINCAD Zhou, Jing, Klumpner, Hubert and Brillembourg, Afredo (2018) The Dynamic Geometric Network Model for Representing Verticalized Urban Environment and its Generation
authors Find in CUMINCAD Barnett, JH
year 2009
title Find in CUMINCAD Early writings on graph theory: Euler circuits and the Koenigsberg Bridge problem
source Resources for Teaching Discrete Mathematics: Classroom Projects, History Modules, and Articles, 1, pp. 197-208
last changed 2018/07/24 12:39

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