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Two exercises in formal composition
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, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, vol. 7 pp. 343-351
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Introduction to shape and shape grammars
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Introduction to shape and shape grammars
, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 7, pp. 343-351
Stiny G (1980)
Introduction to shape and shape grammars
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Introduction to shape and shape grammars
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Stiny G (1980)
Introduction to shape and shape grammars
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Shape: Talking about Seeing and Doing
, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006.
Stiny G (2006)
Shape:Talking about Seeing and Doing
, London: MIT Press, 2006.
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Shape: talking about seeing and doing
, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2008.
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Two exercises in formal composition
, Environ Plann B; 3: 187–210
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Kindergarten grammars: designing with Froebel’s building gift
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