CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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25%; open Maestre López-Salazar, R., & Juan Gutiérrez, P. J. (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Photomontage of Images with the Same Point of View , E. Castano Perea & E. Echeverria Valiente (Eds.), Architectural Draughtsmanship (pp. 27–36). Springer International Publishing

25%; open Maffei, R., Luchsinger R., and Zanelli. A. (2011) Find in CUMINCAD Design tools for inflatable structures , O?ate, E., Kröplin B., and Bletzinger K.-U., eds. International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures: Structural Membranes, CIMNE, Barcelona, 2011,175-187

25%; open Mager, R. and Pipe, P. (1981) Find in CUMINCAD Analysing performance problems , Pitman Learning Inc., Belmont, California

25%; open Mager, R. and Pipe, P. (1981) Find in CUMINCAD Analyzing Performance Problems , Belmont, California: Pitman Learning Inc.

25%; open Mager, R. and Pipe, P. (1988) Find in CUMINCAD Analyzing performance Problems , Belmont, California: Pitman Learning Inc., Milton Keyenes: Open University Press

25%; open Maggioni, E., Cobden, R., Dmitrenko, D., Hornbaek, K., & Obrist, M. (2020) Find in CUMINCAD SMELL SPACE: mapping out the olfactory design space for novel interactions , ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 27(5), 1-26

25%; open Magielse, R (2014) Find in CUMINCAD Designing for adaptive lighting environments : embracing complexity in designing for systems , Ph.D. Thesis, Eindhoven : Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

25%; open Magielse, R., Hengeveld, B. J., & Frens, J. W. (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Designing a light controller for a multi-user lighting environment , Iasdr 2013, 2811–2822

25%; open Magna, R L, et al (2013) Find in CUMINCAD From Nature to Fabrication: Biomimetic Design Principles for the Production of Complex Spatial Structures , International Journal of Space Structures, 27-40.

25%; open Magna, R L, et al (2013) Find in CUMINCAD From Nature to Fabrication: Biomimetic Design Principles for the Production of Complex Spatial Structures , International Journal of Space Structures, 27-40.

25%; open Magna, R., Reichert, S. & Knippers, J. (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Integrated design methods for the simulation of fibre-based structures , Design Modelling Symposium Berlin.

25%; open Magnanti, T.L. and R.T. Wong (1984) Find in CUMINCAD Network Design and Transportation Planning: Models and Algorithms , Transportation Science 18(1), pp. 1-55

25%; open Mahajan, G., B. & Phatak, R. D. (2019) Find in CUMINCAD The Glowing Bacteria - the Living Micro L , E.Ds. Acta Scientific Microbiology 2(11), 6-8. Available at:

25%; open Mahalingam, A, Kashyap, R and Mahajan, C (2010) Find in CUMINCAD An evaluation of the applicability of 4D CAD on construction projects , Automation in Construction, 19(2), pp. 148-159

25%; open Mahalingam, A., Kashyap, R. & Mahajan, C. (2010) Find in CUMINCAD An evaluation of the applicability of 4D CAD on construction projects , Automation in Construction, Vol. 19, pp. 148-159

25%; open Mahamood, R. M., Akinlabi, E.T., Shukla, M. and Pityana, S. (2012) Find in CUMINCAD Functionally Graded Material: An Overview , WCE, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012, International Association of Engineers (IAENG), London

25%; open Mahamood, R.M. and Akinlabi, E.T. (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Functionally Graded Materials , Springer

25%; open Mahankali R, Brian RJ and Alex TA. (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Deep learning in design workflows: the elusive design pixel , Int J Archit Comput; 16(4): 328–340.

25%; open Mahankali R, Johnson BR and Anderson AT (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Deep learning in design workflows: The elusive design pixel , Int J Archit Comput 2018; 16: 328–340.

25%; open Mahankali R. (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Assessing the potential applications of deep learning in design , Ann Arbor: University of Washington

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