CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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100%; open Kröpfl, F. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD What is Electronic Music? , Nueva Visión Press, Buenos Aires

50%; open Burkhardt, B. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD IL6 Biology and Building I , Institut für Leichte Flachentragwerke (IL), University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 1973

50%; open Burkhardt, Bertold. ed. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD IL6 Biology and Building I , Stuttgart: Institut für Leichte Flachentragwerke (IL), University of Stuttgart

50%; open Burkhardt, Bertold. ed. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD IL6 Biology and Building I , Stuttgart: Institut für Leichte Flachentragwerke (IL), University of Stuttgart

50%; open Foerster, H. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD On Constructing a Reality , Preiser, F Environmental Design Research Stroudberg. Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross

50%; open Fragkia, V., Foged, I. W. & Pasold, A. (2021) Find in CUMINCAD Predictive Information Modeling: Machine Learning Strategies for Material Uncertainty , Technology|Architecture + Design, 5(2), 163–176.önquist, P., Wittel, F. K., & Rüggeberg, M. (2018). Modeling and design of thin bending wooden bilayers. PLOS ONE, 13(10), e0205607.önquist, P., Wood, D., Hassani, M. M., Wittel, F. K., Menges, A., & Rüggeberg, M. (2019). Analysis of hygroscopic self-shaping wood at large scale for curved mass timber structures. Science Advances, 5(9), eaax1311., R. M., Shanmugam, K., & Dinstein, I. (1973). Textural Features for Image Classification. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 3(6), 610–621.

50%; open Hoskins, E.M. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Computer aids in system building , Computer-aided Design Ed J Vlietstra, R F Wielinga (North-Holland, Amsterdam) 127-140

50%; open Maturana,M. and Varela,F. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Autopoetic Systems , Biological Computer Lab Report, 78. Urbana University of Illinois Press

50%; open Momper, W. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Politik und Ökonomie. Autonome Handlungsmöglichkeiten des politischen Systems , Narr, 57 Wolf-Dieter (Hrsg.): Politische Vierteljahrsschrift Bd:16, Hamburg: Tagung der Deutschen Vereinigung für politische Wissenschaft.

50%; open Nikiforiadis, A., Ayfantopoulou, G. & Stamelou, A. (2020) Find in CUMINCAD Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Bike-Sharing Usage: The Case of Thessaloniki, Greece , Sustainability, 12(19), 8215., F., Chiariotti, F., Zanella, A., & Zorzi, M. (2020). Bike Sharing and Urban Mobility in a Post-Pandemic World. IEEE Access, 8, 187291 - 187306., D. (1973). Analytic delineation of Thiessen polygons. Geographical Analysis, 5(2),133–144

50%; open Otto, F, Trostel, R and Schleyer, FK (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Tensile structures; design, structure, and calculation of buildings of cables, nets, and membranes , Mit Pr

50%; open Otto, F, Trostel, R and Schleyer, FK (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Tensile structures; design, structure, and calculation of buildings of cables, nets, and membranes , The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass

50%; open Otto, F., R. Trostel, and F. K. Schleyer (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Tensile structures; design, structure, and calculation of buildings of cables, nets, and membranes , Cambridge, MA: MIT

50%; open Schumacher, E. F. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Small is Beautiful , London: Blond 7 Brigs Ltd

50%; open Schumacher, E. F. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered , New York: Harper & Row

50%; open Schumacher, E. F. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered , New York: Harper and Row

50%; open Schumacher, E.F. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Small is beautiful , Blond &Brigs, Londres

50%; open Skinner, B.F. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Beyond Freedom and Dignity , Penguin Books, London

50%; open Yamaguchi, Y. and Umezawa, F. (1970) Find in CUMINCAD Development of a chair to minimize disc distortion in the sitting posture , unpublished paper reported in (Grandjean 1973)

50%; open Yessios, C. (1973) Find in CUMINCAD Syntactic Structures for Site Planning , W.F.E.Preiser ed., Environmental Design Research, Proceedings of the EDRA 4 Conference, Stroudsbourg: Dowden, Hutchninson and Ross

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