Daru, Roel (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can - Design Sketching with Imperfect Aids and Sketchpads of the Future
, Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
Daru R. (1991)
Sketch as sketch can: design sketching with imperfect aids and sketchpads of the future
, Proceedings of the eCAADe conference: experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice (ed G Pittioni), Munich, Germany, 17–19 October 1991, pp. 162–172. Munich, Germany: eCAADe
Daru R. (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can - Design Sketching with Imperfect Aids and Sketchpads of the Future” Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice
, eCAADe Conference Proceedings, Munich (Germany)
Daru, R (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can - Design Sketching with Imperfect Aids and Sketchpads of the Future
, Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [eCAADe Conference Proceedings], Munich, Germany
Daru, R. (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can - Design Sketching with Imperfect Aids and Sketchpads of the Future. Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice
, [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
Daru, R. (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can. Design sketching with imperfect aids and sketchpads of the future
, G. E. Pittioni ed., Proceedings of ECAADE 1991. Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice, München, TU München
Daru, R. (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can - Design Sketching with Imperfect Aids and Sketchpads of the Future Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice
, Proceeding of eCAADe 1991, Munich
Daru, R. (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can
, Pittioni, G.E. ed Proceedings of ECAADE 91
Daru, R. (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can - Design Sketching with Imperfect Aids and Sketchpads of the Future
, Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice [Proceedings eCAADe Conference - Munich], 162-182
Daru, R. (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can: Design Sketching with Imperfect Aids and Sketchpads of the Future
, eCAADe 1991 Conference, Munich 162-182
Daru, R. (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can: Design sketching with imperfect aids and sketchpads of the future
, Proceedings of the eCAADe Conference, Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice: 162-172. Munich: Education and research Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe
Daru, R. (1991)
Sketch as Sketch Can - Design Sketching with Imperfect Aids and Sketchpads of the Future. Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice
, eCAADe Conference Proceedings, Munich (Germany) 17-19 October 1991
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Architectural innovation as an evolutionary process
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GACAAD or AVOCAAD? CAAD and Genetic Algorithms for an Evolutionary Design Paradigm
, AVOCAAD First International Conference Proceedings. 10-12 April 1997: 145-161. Brussels (Belgium)
Daru, Roel (1998)
Architectural Bitmanship: Towards New Experiments in Architectural Education
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Psychology of Chinese Calligraphy
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The park selection factors influencing attendance
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The algebras of design
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System Generating systems
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