CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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100%; open Wilensky, U (1999) Find in CUMINCAD NetLogo , Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University

100%; open Wilensky, U (1999) Find in CUMINCAD NetLogo (Software), , Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

100%; open Wilensky, U (1999) Find in CUMINCAD NetLogo ,, Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL

100%; open Wilensky, U. and Resnick, M. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Thinking in Levels: A Dynamic Systems Perspective to Making Sense of the World , Journal of Science Education and Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, 3-19

100%; open Wilensky, U. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD NetLogo,, Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling , Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

67%; open Athavankar, U. A. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Gestures, Imagery and Spatial Reasoning, Visual and Spatial Reasoning , Gero and Tversky, Preprints of the International Conference on Visual and Spatial Reasoning, (VR 99, MIT, Cambridge, June 15-17, 1999, pp103-128

67%; open Athavankar, U. A. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Gestures, Imagery and Spatial Reasoning, Visual and Spatial Reasoning , Gero and Tversky, Preprints of the International Conference on Visual and Spatial Reasoning, (VR 99, MIT, Cambridge, June 15-17, 1999, pp103-128

67%; open Athavankar, U. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Gestures, Mental Imagery and spatial reasoning , Gero, J.S. and Tversky, B. (eds.) Preprints of the International Conference on Visual Reasoning (VR 99). pp. 103–128. , MIT

67%; open Azuma, R., B. Hoff, H. Neely III, R. Sarfaty, M. Daily, G. Bishop, L. Vicci, G. Welsch, U. Neumann, S. You, R. Nichols, J. Cannon (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Making augmented reality work outdoors requires hybrid tracking , R. Behringer, G. Klinker, D. Mizell (Eds.), Augmented reality: Placing artificial objects in real scenes (pp. 219-224), Natick, Mass.: A. K. Peters

67%; open Azuma, R., Lee, J.W., Jiang, B., Park, J., You, S. and Neumann, U. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Tracking in Unprepared Environments for Augmented Reality Systems , Computers and Graphics, 23(6), pp. 787-793

67%; open Becks-Malorny, U. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Wassily Kandinsky 1866-1944. In way to abstraction , Taschen Benedikt Press, Colonia

67%; open Bhavnani, S.K. John, B.E., and Flemming, U. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD The strategic use of CAD: An empirically inspired theory-based course , M.G. Williams, M.W. Altom, K. Ehrlich, and W. Newman (eds.), ACM CHI ’99 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, New York: ACM Press, pp.183-190

67%; open Bhavnani, S.K., John, B.E. and Flemming, U. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD The Strategic Use of CAD: An Empirically Inspired, Theory-Based Course , Proceedings of the CHI 99 183-190

67%; open Blasius, B., Nef, R., Beck, F., Lutage , U. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Oscillatory Model Of A Crasulacean Acid Metabolism With A Dynamic Hysteresis Switch , Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 266, 93-101, 1999

67%; open Bonabeau E., Theraulaz G. V (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Swarm intelligence: From natural to artificial systems , 1 edition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, U.S.A., 1999.

67%; open Charette, Robert P. and Marshall, Harold E. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD UNIFORMAT II Elemental Classification for Building Specifications, Cost Estimating, and Cost Analysis , NIST U.S. Department of Commerce, NIUSTIR 6389, October 1999

67%; open Construction Specification Institute, The (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Report on the Construction Industry Study , 1st Annual Construction Integration Summit Conference, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.

67%; open Dhond, U., and Aggarwal, J.K. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Structure from stereo ó a review , IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics #19, 1489-1510

67%; open Donarth, D., Kruijff, E., Regenbrecht, H., Hirschberg, U., Johnson, B., Kolarevic, B. and Wojtowicz, J. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Virtual Design Studio 1998 - A Place2Wait , Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Liverpool UK 15-17 September 1999, pp. 453-458

67%; open Donath, D., E. Kruijff, H. Regenbrecht, U. Hirschberg, B. Johnson, B. Kolarevic & J. Wojtowicz (1999) Find in CUMINCAD Virtual Design Studio 1998 - A Place2Wait , eCAADe Conference Proceedings: 453-458. Liverpool

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