CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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20%; open Fallacara, G (2012) Find in CUMINCAD Stereotomy-Stone Architecture and New Research , Presses des Ponts et Chaussées http://www. presses-des-ponts. fr/, Paris

20%; open Fallacara, G (2012) Find in CUMINCAD Stereotomy-Stone Architecture and New Research , Presses des Ponts et Chaussées http://www. presses-des-ponts. fr/, Paris

20%; open Fayol, H. (1918) Find in CUMINCAD Administration industrielle et générale , Dunod Editions, Paris

20%; open Fernandez, P (2002) Find in CUMINCAD Approches méthodologiques et modes opératoires dans le processus de conception architecturale , M Borillo & J-P Goulette (eds), Cognition et création: Explorations cognitives des processus de conception, Mardaga, pp. 97-118

20%; open Filipov, ET, Chun, J, Paulino, GH and Song, J (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Polygonal multiresolution topology optimization (PolyMTOP) for structural dynamics , Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 53(4), p. 673-694

20%; open Fioravanti, A, Loffreda, G, Simeone, D and Trento, A (2012) Find in CUMINCAD "Divide et Impera" to dramatically and consciously simplify design: The mental/instance path - How reasoning among spaces, compontents and goals , eCAADe 2012 - Volume 1, Prague, pp. 269-278

20%; open Fontecave,Marc, Simon,Philipp., Xu-li,Yun., Elgrishi,Noémie., Mellot-Draznieks, Caroline (2014) Find in CUMINCAD Photosynth?se artificielle et valorisation du dioxyde de carbone ; nouveaux catalyseurs pour des dispositifs de photo-électro-réduction du CO2 , Paper presented at the internet home page of College de france,laboratoire de chimie des processus biologiques.

20%; open Foucault, Michel (1973) Find in CUMINCAD The Order of Thi (Mots et Les Choses) , New York, Vintage

20%; open Gal T. Rzepa M. Gromek B. Unger J. (2007) Find in CUMINCAD Comparison between Sky View Factor Values Computed by Two Different Methods in an Urban Environment , ACTA Climatologica Et Chorologica, 40(41), 17–26

20%; open Gandemer, J., Centre scientifique et technique du, b. _. & United, S. I. f. A., Technology (1978) Find in CUMINCAD Discomfort due to wind near buildings: aerodynamic concepts , Washington, D.C., U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards

20%; open Gero, J. et Maher, M.L. (1993) Find in CUMINCAD Preface , J.S. Gero et M.L. Maher (dir.), Modellng Creativity and Knowledge-Based Creative Design, Lawrence Erlbaum and Assoc., p. 106

20%; open GHODOUS P. ET VANDORPE D. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Advances in CONCURRENT ENGINEERING – CE 2000 , Technomic Publishing Company Inc. Lancaster, Pennsylvania (USA)

20%; open GIRARD, G. (1986) Find in CUMINCAD Architecture et concepts nomades , Paris : Pierre Mardaga.

20%; open GOMES, C. J. M. et alli. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD The Empress Manor - A Pioneer Photogrammetric Project in Brazil using the 3x3 Rules , XVII CIPA Simposium

20%; open Grasse, P. (1959) Find in CUMINCAD La reconstruction du nid et les coordinations inter-individuelles chez bellicostitermes natalensis et cubitermes . sp. la theorie de la stigmergie: essai d’interpretation du comportement des termites constructeurs , Insectes Soc., 61, 41–81

20%; open Grasse_, P. P. (1959) Find in CUMINCAD La reconstruction du nid et les coordinations inter-individuelles chez Bellicositermes natalensis et Cubitermes sp. La The_orie de la stigmergie: Essai d’interpre_tation du comportement des termites constructeurs , Insectes Sociaux 6 (1959) 41-81

20%; open Grassé, PP (1959) Find in CUMINCAD The automatic regulations of collective behavior of social insect and" stigmergy , Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique, 57, pp. 1-10

20%; open Guarini, Guarino (1671) Find in CUMINCAD Euclides Adauctus et Methodicus Mathematicaeque Universalis. , Turin: B. Zavatta.

20%; open Hall, ET (1963) Find in CUMINCAD A System for the Notation of Proxemic Behavior , American Anthropologist, 65(doi:10.1525/aa.1963.65.5.02a00020), pp. 1003-1026

20%; open Hall, ET (1966) Find in CUMINCAD Hidden Dimension , Doubleday, Garden City, NY

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