CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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8%; open Arroyo Ohori, K., Biljecki, F., Kumar, K., Ledoux, H., Stoter, J. (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Modelling Cities and Landscapes in 3D with Citygml , Borrmann, A., Kšnig, M., Koch, C., Beetz, J. (eds) Building Information Modeling. Springer, Cham. Available at:

8%; open Arsarkij, J. and Laohajaratsang, T. (2021) Find in CUMINCAD A design of personal learning network on social networking tools with gamification for professional experience , Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 16(18)

8%; open Arshad, SZ (2017) Find in CUMINCAD Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning with Intelligent Multimodal Interfaces , Proceedings of the ICML2017 Workshop: Human in the Loop Machine Learning, Sydney, Australia

8%; open Arthur, K. (1996) Find in CUMINCAD Effects of field of view on task performance with Head Mounted Displays ,

8%; open Arthur, K.W. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Effects of field of view on performance with head-mounted displays , Doctoral Dissertation, Department. of Computer Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

8%; open Arthur, K.W. (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Effects of field of view on performance with head-mounted displays , Doctoral Dissertation, Department. of Computer Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

8%; open Artopoulos, G. and Roudavski, S. with Penz, F. (2006) Find in CUMINCAD Digital Design Techniques for Adaptable Systems: Prague Biennale Pavilion , Hubers, H., von Veen, M., Kievid, C. and Siemerink, R. (eds), Proceedings of Gamesetandmatch II Conference, Publikatiebur

8%; open Arunavathi S, Eithiraj RD and Veluraja K (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Physical and mechanical properties of jute fiber and jute fiber reinforced paper bag with tamarind seed gum as a binder - an eco-friendly material , AIP Conference Proceedings, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 9-11 May 2018; 1832, p. 40026

8%; open Asadi, K, Ramshankar, H, Noghabaei, M and Han, K (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Real-time image localization and registration with BIM using perspective alignment for indoor monitoring of construction , Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(5), pp. 1-15

8%; open Asadi, S, Wexler, AS, Cappa, CD, Barreda, S, Bouvier, NM and Ristenpart, WD (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Aerosol emission and superemission during human speech increase with voice loudness , Sci Rep, 1(2348), pp. 1-10

8%; open Asanowicz, Alexander (1991) Find in CUMINCAD Experiences with CAAD in Education and Practice , ECAADe Conference Proceedings], Munich, Germany, October

8%; open Aschwanden, G (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Neighbourhood Detection with Analytical Tools , Proceedings of CAADRIA 2016, pp. 13-22

8%; open Aschwanden, G., D.P.A. (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Sneighbourhood detection with analytical tools, Identifying neighbourhoods from geospatial and transportation data though graph evaluation and learning algorithms , 21st International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia CAADRIA, 13–22 10

8%; open Asdrubali, F, Pisello, AL, D'Alessandro, F, Bianchi, F, Cornicchia, M and Fabiani, C (2015) Find in CUMINCAD Innovative cardboard-based panels with recycled materials from the packaging industry: Thermal and acoustic performance analysis , Energy Procedia, 78, pp. 321-326

8%; open Asimakopoulos, D., Santamouris, M., Tsangrassoulis, A. and Tregenza, P.R. (1999) Find in CUMINCAD A method for the estimation of illuminances on surfaces of urban canyons with balconies in sunlit areas , Lighting Research and Technology 31(1) pp. 5-12

8%; open Aspinall, P, Mavros, P, Coyne, R and Roe, J (2015) Find in CUMINCAD The urban brain: analysing outdoor physical activity with mobile EEG , British journal of sports medicine, 49(4), pp. 272-276

8%; open Aspinall, P., Mavros, P., Coyne, R. and Roe, J. (2013) Find in CUMINCAD The urban brain: analysing outdoor physical activity with mobile EEG , British Journal of Sports Medicine, 0, pp. 1-6

8%; open Asprone D, Menna C, Bos FP, et al (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Rethinking reinforcement for digital fabrication with concrete , Cem Concr Res 2018; 112: 111–121.

8%; open Asprone, D, Menna, C, Bos, FP, Salet, TAM, Mata-Falcón, J and Kaufmann, W (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Rethinking reinforcement for digital fabrication with concrete , Cement and concrete research, 112, pp. 111-121

8%; open Asprone, D, Menna, C, Bos, FP, Salet, TAM, Mata-Falcón, J and Kaufmannd, W (2018) Find in CUMINCAD Rethinking reinforcement for digital fabrication with concrete , Cement and Concrete Research, 112, pp. 111-121

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