CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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17%; open Aºut, S and Meijer, W (2016) Find in CUMINCAD FlexiMold: Teaching Numeric Control Through a Hybrid Device , 34th eCAADe Conference: Complexity & Simplicity, Oulu, pp. 321-328

17%; open Aºut, S and Meijer, W (2016) Find in CUMINCAD FlexiMold: Teaching Numeric Control through a Hybrid Device , eCAADe 2016, Oulu, pp. 321-328

17%; open B Addis (2007) Find in CUMINCAD Building: 3000 Years of Design Engineering and Construction , London; New York: Phaidon Press

17%; open B Ball. L., N. Long, K. Fleming, C. Balbach, and P. Lopez (2020) Find in CUMINCAD An open-source analysis framework for large-scale building energy modeling , Journal of Building Performance Simulation 13 (5): 487–500

17%; open B Cannon W. (1963) Find in CUMINCAD Wisdom of the body. Rev. and Enl , Ed edition. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., p. 340

17%; open B Eeman, W. (2002) Find in CUMINCAD Performance Theory In An Anthropology Programme , Teaching Performance Studies. Wimmer C And Stucky N, Eds.. University Of Southern Illinois Press

17%; open B Futrell. J., E. C. Ozelkan, and D. Brentrup (2015) Find in CUMINCAD Optimizing complex building design for annual daylighting performance and evaluation of optimization algorithms , Energy and Buildings 92 (1): 234–245

17%; open B Khoshnevis (2004) Find in CUMINCAD Automated construction by contour crafting; Related robotics and information technologies , Automation inConstruction 13 (1): 5–19

17%; open B Medjdoub, B Yannou (2000) Find in CUMINCAD Separating Topology and Geometry in Space Planning , Computer-Aided Design, Volume 32, 39-61

17%; open B Ozarisoy (2022) Find in CUMINCAD Energy effectiveness of passive cooling design strategies to reduce the impact of long-term heatwaves on occupants’ thermal comfort in Europe: Climate change and mitigation , Journalof Cleaner Production 330 (Jan): 129675. https: //

17%; open B. Andreotti, Y. Forterre, and O. Pouliquen (2013) Find in CUMINCAD Granular Media: Between Fluid and Solid , Cambridge University Press

17%; open B. Blankertz, G. Dornhege, M. Krauledat, K-R. Müller, and G. Curio (2007) Find in CUMINCAD The non-invasive Berlin BrainComputer Interface: Fast acquisition of effective performance in untrained subjects , NeuroImage 37 (2): 539–550

17%; open B. Brownell (2008) Find in CUMINCAD Material Ecologies in Architecture, in Design Ecologies: Essays on the Nature of Design , eds. L. Tilder and B. Blostein, New York : Princeton Architectural Press

17%; open B. Brownell (2008) Find in CUMINCAD Material Ecologies in Architecture, in Design Ecologies: Essays on the Nature of Design , eds. L. Tilder and B. Blostein, New York : Princeton Architectural Press

17%; open B. Buma, S. Weiss, K. Hayes, and M. Lucash (2020) Find in CUMINCAD Wildland fire reburning trends across the US West suggest only short-term negative feedback and differing climatic effects , Environmental ResearchLetters 15 (3): 034026

17%; open B. Clifford, J. Lobdell, T. Swingle, and D. Zampini (2019) Find in CUMINCAD Walking Assembly: Craneless Tilt-Up Construction , ACADIA '19: Ubiquityand Autonomy, Projects Catalog of the 39th Annual Conference of theAssociation for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA). Austin, Texas: ACADIA. 50–55

17%; open B. Cokcan, J. Braumann, W. Winter, and M. Trautz (2016) Find in CUMINCAD Robotic production of individualised wood joints , Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural DesignResearch in Asia (CAADRIA 2016). Melbourne. 559–568

17%; open B. Dillenburger, M. Braach, and L. Hovestadt (2009) Find in CUMINCAD Building design as an individual compromise between qualities and costs: A general approach for automated building generation under permanent cost and quality control , Joining Languages, Cultures and Visions -CAADFutures 2009, Proceedings of the 13th International CAAD FuturesConference. Montreal: Presses de l’Universite de Montreal. 458–471

17%; open B. Fuller, (1929) Find in CUMINCAD Dymaxion House: Meeting Architectural League , New York in Your Private Sky: Discourse, ed., Joachim Krausse and Claude Lichtenstein, Lars Muller Publishers

17%; open B. G. Witmer and M. J. Singer (1998) Find in CUMINCAD Measuring Presence in Virtual Environments: A Presence Questionnaire , Presence, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 225-240, June 1998, doi: 10.1162/105474698565686

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