Ajlouni Rima (2012)
The Global Long-Range Order of Quasi-Periodic Patterns in Islamic Architecture
, Acta Crystallographica, Section A. 68 (2): 235–43
Ajlouni Rima (2012)
The Global Long-Range Order of Quasi-Periodic Patterns in Islamic Architecture
, Acta Crystallographica, Section A. 68 (2): 235–43
Ajlouni Rima (2017)
A Contemplative Pause on the Integration of Computational Thinking Models Into Architectural Education
, Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges, edited by Manuel Couceiro da Costa, Filipa Roseta, Joana Pestana Lages, and Susana Couceiro da Costa. London: CRC Press
Ajlouni Rima (2017)
A Contemplative Pause on the Integration of Computational Thinking Models Into Architectural Education
, Architectural Research Addressing Societal Challenges, edited by Manuel Couceiro da Costa, Filipa Roseta, Joana Pestana Lages, and Susana Couceiro da Costa. London: CRC Press
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Simulation of Sound Diffusion Patterns of Fractal-Based Surface Profiles
, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), Cambridge, pp. 52-61
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Simulation of Sound Diffusion Patterns of Fractal-Based Surface Profiles
, Disciplines and Disruption: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Cambridge, pp. 52-61
Al Ajlouni, R (2009)
Digital Pattern Recognition in Heritage Recording: An Automated Tool for Documentation and Reconstruction of Visually Complicated Geometric Patterns
, Germany: Verlag-DM
Al Ajlouni, R (2011)
A Long-Range Hierarchical Clustering Model for Constructing Perfect Quasicrystalline Formations
, Philosophical Magazine 91: 2728–38
Al Ajlouni, R (2012)
The Global Long-Range Order of Quasiperiodic Patterns in Islamic Architecture
, Acta Crystallographica A68: 235–43