CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 101 to 120 of 243

# Author Citation Select
101. Van Zutphen, Rob (1990) CALinCAD: Computer-Aided Learning in CAAD

The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 273-282
102. Yessios, Chris I. (Ed.) (1989) New Ideas and Directions for the 1990’s [Conference Proceedings]

ACADIA Conference Proceedings / Gainsville (Florida - USA) 27-29 October 1989, 262 p.
103. Coyne, Richard D. and Postmus, A.G. (1990) Spatial Applications of Neural Networks in Computer-Aided Design

Artificial Intelligence in Engineering. 1990. vol. 5: pp. 9-22. CADLINE has abstract only
104. Dourish, P. (1999) Where the Footprints Lead: Tracking down other roles for social navigation

Social Navigation of Information Space, eds. A. Munro, K. H. and D Benyon. London: Springer-Verlag, pp 15-34
105. Duelund Mortensen, Peder (1991) THE FULL-SCALE MODEL WORKSHOP

Proceedings of the 3rd European Full-Scale Modelling Conference / ISBN 91-7740044-5 / Lund (Sweden) 13-16 September 1990, pp. 10-11
106. Seebohm, Thomas (1992) Discoursing on Urban History Through Structured Typologies

Mission - Method - Madness [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-01-2] 1992, pp. 157-175
107. Turner, James A. and Hall, Theodore W. (1990) An Application of Geometric Modeling and Ray Tracing to the Visual and Acoustical Analysis of a Municipal Open-Air Auditorium

From Research to Practice [ACADIA Conference Proceedings] Big Sky (Montana - USA) 4-6 October 1990, pp. 173-185
108. Wang, Chao-Jen (1999) Architectural Design Thinking in Virtual Reality

CAADRIA '99 [Proceedings of The Fourth Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 7-5439-1233-3] Shanghai (China) 5-7 May 1999, pp. 71-80
109. Akin, Ömer (1990) Computational Design Instruction: Toward a Pedagogy

The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 302-316
110. Anders, P. (2003) A Procedural Model for Integrating Physical and Cyberspaces in Architecture

Doctoral dissertation, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, U.K
111. Balachandran, M.B. and Gero, John S. (1990) Role of Prototypes in Integrating Expert Systems and CAD Systems

Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990. v: Design: pp. 195-211
112. Bonn, Markus (1989) Modeling Architectural Forms through Replacement Operations

New Ideas and Directions for the 1990’s [ACADIA Conference Proceedings] Gainsville (Florida - USA) 27-29 October 1989, pp. 103-130
113. Bourdakis, V. and Fellows, R.F. (1993) A model appraising the performance of structural systems used in sports hall and swimming pool buildings in greece

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
114. Campbell, A.T. and Fussell, D.S. (1990) Adaptive Mesh Generation for Global Diffuse Illumination

Computer Graphics Proc. SIGGRAPH 90 Vol. 24, No. 4, Aug. 1990, pp. 155-164
115. Catalano, Fernando (1990) The Computerized Design Firm

The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 317-332
116. Celani, Gabriela; José P. Duarte and Carlos V. Vaz (2011) The gardens revisited: The link between technology, meaning and logic?

Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 643-652
117. Coyne, Richard D. (1990) Tools for Exploring Associative Reasoning in Design

The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 91-106
118. Danahy, John and Wright, Robert (1989) Computing and Design in the Canadian Schools of Architecture and Landscape Architecture: A Proposed Research Agenda for Integrated CAD & GIS in the 1990's

New Ideas and Directions for the 1990’s [ACADIA Conference Proceedings] Gainsville (Florida - USA) 27-29 October 1989, pp. 227-244
119. Danahy, John W. (1990) Irises in a Landscape: An Experiment in Dynamic Interaction and Teaching Design Studio

The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 363-376
120. De Cola, S., De Cola, B. and Pentasuglia, Francesco (1990) Messina 1908: The Invisible City

The Electronic Design Studio: Architectural Knowledge and Media in the Computer Era [CAAD Futures ‘89 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-262-13254-0] Cambridge (Massachusetts / USA), 1989, pp. 239-246

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