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102. | Aukstakalnis, Steve and Blatner, David (1992) | Silicon Mirage: The Art and Science of Virtual Reality
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103. | Heckbert, P.S. (1992) | Discontinuity Meshing for Radiosity
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104. | Salomon, Gavriel (1990) | Effects with and of Computers and the Study of Computer-based Learning Environments
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105. | Seebohm, Thomas (1995) | A Response to William J. Mitchell's review of Possible Palladian Villas, by George Hersey and Richard Freedman, MIT Press, 1992
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106. | Abou-Jaoude, Georges (1992) | To Master a Tool
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107. | Batty, M. (1992) | Urban modeling in computer-graphic and geographic information system environments
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108. | Carpenter, B. (1992) | The logic of typed feature structures with applications to unificationgrammars, logic programs and constraint resolution
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109. | Coyne, Richard and Newton, Sidney (1992) | Metaphors, Computers and Architectural Education
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110. | De Waard, Marcel (1992) | Computer aided conformance checking; checking residential building designs against building regulations with the aid of computers
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111. | Deering, Michael (1992) | High Resolution Virtual Reality
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112. | Fayos, F., Marco, F. and Roset, J. (1992) | Learning Physics by Computer in an Architectural School
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113. | Hall, A. (1992) | Computer Visualisation: An investigation of its Application to the Control of Urban Design
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114. | Helpenstein, H. (Ed.) (1993) | CAD geometry data exchange using STEP
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115. | Holyer, Andy (1992) | Top-Down Object-Based User Interface Definition and Design Paradigms
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116. | Hornyanszky-Dalholm, Elisabeth and Rydberg-Mitchell, Birgitta (1992) | COMMUNICATING WITH LAYPEOPLE
Proceedings of the 4rd European Full-Scale Modelling Conference / Lausanne (Switzerland) 9-12 September 1992, Part B, pp. 25-32 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?7bf4 | |
117. | Lischinski, D. Tampieri, F. and Greenberg, D.P. (1992) | Discontinuity Meshing for Accurate Radiosity
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118. | Madrazo, Leandro (1998) | Computers and Architectural Design: Going Beyond the Tool
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119. | Madrazo, Leandro (2000) | Computers and architectural design: going beyond the tool
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120. | Monedero, J., Casaus, A. and Coll, J. (1992) | From Barcelona. Chronicle and Provisional Evaluation of a New Course on Architectural Solid Modelling by Computerized Means
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