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102. | Skauge, Jørn (1993) | An Electronic Tool for Urban Design Analysis
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103. | Smeets, J. (1993) | Housing tenancy, data management and quality control
Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ddss9203 | |
104. | Smeltzer, Geert T A. and Dijkstra, Jan (1993) | A Time Dimension for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Systems
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105. | Smulevich, Gerard (1993) | CAD in the Design Studio: The Discovery of Inhabitation
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106. | Stasiowski, Frank A. (1993) | Cash Management for The Design Firm
John Wiley & Sons https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?1f01 | |
107. | Van Bakel, A.P.M. (1993) | Personality assessment in regard to design strategies
Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ddss9201 | |
108. | Van Bakel, A.P.M. and Daru, R. (1993) | CAADidactics - An Instrument for Tuning CAAD Systems to Student Styles
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109. | Van der Does, Jan (1993) | Visualising by Means of Endoscope, Computer and Hand-Drawn Techniques
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110. | Van Nederveen, S., Bakkeren, W. and Luiten, B. (1993) | Information Models for Integrated Design
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111. | Wastell, D.G. and White, P. (1993) | Using Process Technology to Support Cooperative work: Prospects and Design Issues
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112. | Winteraeken-Bruls, P.W.M. (1993) | ROP: An interactive spatial optimization and grouping computer application
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113. | Yvonne Waern, Yvonne and Waern, Karl-Gustaf (1993) | Computer Assistance in Design Engineering User Interface Evaluation Methods
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