CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 101 to 120 of 544

# Author Citation Select
101. Clayton, Mark J. (1998) Computing in Civil Engineering 1998

ACADIA Quarterly, vol. 17, no. 4, p. 7
102. Coates, P.S. and Hazarika, L. (1999) The use of genetic programming for applications in the field of spatial composition

International Conference on Generative Art
103. Colajanni, B., Faconti, D. and Pellitteri, G. (1998) ABD: an Auxiliary Tool to Design Brick Walls

Computerised Craftsmanship [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Paris (France) 24-26 September 1998, pp. 38-43
104. Combes, Leonardo (1998) Acerca de las Posibilidades Actuales de la EnseÒanza del DiseÒo Asistido por Computadora (About the Current Possibilities of Computer Aided Architectural Instruction)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 146-15 3
105. Combes., Leonardo and Saito, Keiko (1998) Exploracion de Alternativas Formales de Edificios Ortogonales (Exploration of Formal Alternatives of Orthogonal Buildings)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 286-291
106. Coomans, M.K.D. and Timmermans, H.J.P. (1998) A VR User Interface for Design by Features

Timmermans (ed.) Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Maastricht
107. Coomans, M.K.D. and Timmermans, H.J.P. (1998) A VR-User Interface for Design by Features

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
108. Cordan, Ozge and Besgen, Asu (1998) No Times But Principles, A Case Study From Priene, Anatolia

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
109. Corrao, R. and Fulantelli, G. (1998) Cognitive accessibility to information on the Web: insights from a system for teaching and learning Architecture through the Net

AA VV, Towards an Accesible Web, Proceedings of the IV ERCIM Workshop “User Interfaces for All”, Långholmen-Stockholm
110. Corrao, R. and Fulantelli, G. (1998) Cognitive Accessibility to Information on the Web: Insights from a System for Teaching and Learning Architecture through the Net ShortPapers: Design Methodology for Universal Access

Proceedings of the 4th ERCIM Workshop on "User Interfaces forAll" 1998 n.14 p.6 ERCIM
111. Coyne, Richard (1998) Design with Attitude - Postures Intellectuelles

Computers in Design Studio Teaching [EAAE/eCAADe International Workshop Proceedings / ISBN 09523687-7-3] Leuven (Belgium) 13-14 November 1998, pp. 55-63
112. Crandall, N.F. and Wallace , M.J. (ed.) (1998) Work & Rewards in The Virtual Workplace

113. Curcio, Esteban and Perera, Gonzalo (2001) DEL MODELADO 3D AL PROTOTIPO INDUSTRIAL (From 3-D Modeling to the Industrial Prototype)

SIGraDi biobio2001 - [Proceedings of the 5th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics / ISBN 956-7813-12-4] Concepcion (Chile) 21-23 november 2001, pp. 77-79
114. Cutler, Lorraine M. (1998) Prototypical Laboratory Design to Support Learning and Teaching

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Fourth Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning Maastricht, the Netherlands), ISBN 90-6814-081-7, July 26-29, 1998
115. D. I. Fernadez Prato. D. I. Beatriz Gal·n (1998) El Impacto de la Informatica Sobre el Mundo de los Objetos Cotidianos (The Impact of Computing on the World's Daily Objects)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 336-341
116. Dalyrmple, Michael and Gerzso, Michael (1998) Executable Drawings: The Computation of Digital Architecture

Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference? [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-07-1] Québec City (Canada) October 22-25, 1998, pp. 172-187
117. Damski, J. and Gero, J.S. (1998) Object representation and reasoning using halfplanes and logic

J.S. Gero and F. Sudweeks (eds), Artificial Intelligence in Design '98, Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 107-126
118. Dannettel, Mark E. and Bertin, Vito (1998) Integrating Electronic Media into the Architecture Studio -A Teaching Development Grant at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

CAADRIA ‘98 [Proceedings of The Third Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 4-907662-009] Osaka (Japan) 22-24 April 1998, pp. 31-38
119. Datta, Sambit and Woodbury, Robert F. (1998) Reducing Semantic Distance in Generative Systems: A Massing Example

Digital Design Studios: Do Computers Make a Difference? [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-07-1] Québec City (Canada) October 22-25, 1998, pp. 164-171
120. Dauner, J., Landauer, E. and Fraunhofer, I. (1998) 3D Product Presentation Online: The Virtual Design Exhibition

VRML 98 - Third Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language. S. N. Spencer. Monterey, CA, ACM: 57-62

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