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102. | Tserng, H. Ping, Ran, Bin and Russell, Jeffrey S. (2000) | Interactive path planning for multi-equipment landfill operations
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104. | Tsou, J.-Y., Chow, B. and Lam, S. (2000) | Applying Daylighting Simulation in Architectural Studio Education
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109. | Voigt, A., Walchhofer, H.P. and Linzer, H. (1999) | The Historico-cultural Past as Spatial-related Cognition Archives: Computer-assisted Methods in the History of Urban Development, Archeology and History of Art
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110. | Vélez Jahn, Gonzalo (2000) | Arquitectura Virtual: Fronteras (Virtual Architecture: The Border)
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112. | Zarnowiecka, Jadwiga C. (2000) | Promise and Reality - For Three Times
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113. | Zhou, Ming (2000) | Use of Computers in Reconstruction of Ancient Buildings
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114. | Zupancic Strojan, Tadeja and Mullins, Michael (2000) | Criteria for Architectural Learning where Virtual Design Studios are Employed
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115. | Arponen, Matti (2002) | From 2D Base Map To 3D City Model
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