101. | Ibrahim, M., Krawczyk, R. and Schipporeit, G. (2003) | CAD Smart Objects: Potentials and Limitations
Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 547-552 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2003.547 | |
Proceedings of the 37th ANZAScA Conference (S Mayman ed), November 1-4, University of Sydney, Australia, pp. 383-395. https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?5a6e | |
103. | Kouide, Tahar; G. Paterson (2007) | BIM as a Viable Collaborative Working Tool: A Case Study
CAADRIA 2007 [Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Nanjing (China) 19-21 April 2007 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2007.x.l1j | |
104. | Koutamanis, Alexander and Steijns, Yolanda (2003) | Types and precedents in design guidance
Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 653-658 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2003.653 | |
105. | Kvan, Thomas (2004) | REASONS TO STOP TEACHING CAAD
Mao-Lin Chiu (ed), Digital design education, Garden City Publishing, Taipei 2003, ISBN 9867705203 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?2206 | |
106. | Lim, Chor-Kheng (2003) | G Pen: An Intelligent Designer’s Playmate
Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse [Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-12-8] Indianapolis (Indiana) 24-27 October 2003, pp. 403-409 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2003.403 | |
107. | Martens, Yuri and Koutamanis, Alexander (2003) | Realestate online information systems
Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 561-567 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2003.561 | |
108. | Michael Cumming (2003) | The promise of peer-to-peer computing versus the utility of centralised data models in collaborative design
LOCAL VALUES in a NETWORKED DESIGN WORLD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Stellingwerff, Martijn and Verbeke, Johan (Eds.), (2004) DUP Science - Delft University Press, ISBN 90-407-2507-1. https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?avocaad_2003_11 | |
109. | Monjur M Mourshed, Denis Kelliher, Marcus Keane (2003) | ArDOT: A tool to optimise environmental design of buildings
Building Simulation 2003 (Eighth IBPSA Conference). Eindhoven, Netherlands https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?mourshedp503final | |
110. | Paolo Fiamma (2003) | Architectural Design and Digital Paradigm: from Renaissance Models to Digital Architecture
Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse [Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-12-8] Indianapolis (Indiana) 24-27 October 2003, pp. 247-253 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2003.247 | |
111. | Peng, J., Liao, B., Glaser, D., Canny, J. and Do, E. Y.L. (2003) | LiQuID: Lighting Quality for Design
Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse [Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-12-8] Indianapolis (Indiana) 24-27 October 2003, pp. 337-345 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2003.337 | |
CAADRIA 2006 [Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia] Kumamoto (Japan) March 30th - April 2nd 2006, 557-559 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2006.x.n7f | |
113. | Schechtner, K., Zajicek, J. and Allison, L. (2003) | Changes of access in local and global facilities due to the development of transport information systems TIS
CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom] https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?6c78 | |
114. | Szalapaj, Peter J. (2003) | Architectural GIS: Interoperable and Integrated Information Environments
Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 319-325 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2003.319 | |
115. | TAN, Milton (2003) | Emergent Relations Self-Indexing Media for Case-Based Reasoning
Digital Design - Research and Practice [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-1210-1] Tainan (Taiwan) 13–15 October 2003, pp. 73-82 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?cf2003_m_054 | |
116. | Blaschke, Thomas and Tiede, Dirk (2003) | Bridging GIS-based landscape analysis/modelling and 3D-simulation.Is this already 4D?
CORP 2003, Vienna University of Technology, 25.2.-28.2.2003 [Proceedings on CD-Rom] https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?792a | |
117. | Caldas, Luisa G. (2003) | Shape Generation Using Pareto Genetic Algorithms Integrating Conflicting Design Objectives in Low-Energy Architecture
CAADRIA 2003 [Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 974-9584-13-9] Bangkok Thailand 18-20 October 2003, pp. 681-694 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2003.681 | |
118. | Caldas, Luisa G.; Norford, Leslie K. (2003) | Shape Generation Using Pareto Genetic Algorithms: Integrating Conflicting Design Objectives in Low-Energy Architecture
International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 1 - no. 4 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ijac20031402 | |
119. | CHAMPION, E., DAVE, B. and BISHOP, I. (2003) | Interaction, Agency and Artefacts
Digital Design - Research and Practice [Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 1-4020-1210-1] Tainan (Taiwan) 13–15 October 2003, pp. 249-258 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?cf2003_m_098 | |
120. | Deiana, S., Baseggio, M., Giudici, F. and Balmaceda, M.I. (2003) | Modelo informático. Transformaciones y mutaciones en el territorio (IT Model. Transformations and mutations in the territory)
SIGraDi 2003 - [Proceedings of the 7th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Rosario Argentina 5-7 november 2003 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2003_041 | |