CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 101 to 120 of 590

# Author Citation Select
101. Baisch, Lucas Figueiredo; Costa, Luis Gustavo Gonçalves (2015) The Usage of Application Autodesk 123D Catch® for Data Collection in the production of Learning Objects in Heritage Education

SIGRADI 2015 [Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - vol. 2 - ISBN: 978-85-8039-133-6] Florianópolis, SC, Brasil 23-27 November 2015, pp. 497-501.
102. Barczik, Guenter (2015) Differentiated Continuity and Mutual Support - How Intersecting and Unrolling Operations, Made Manageable through CAD, Facilitate Richer and More Effective Spatial Articulations

Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 389-393
103. Barekati, Ehsan; Clayton, Mark J. and Yan, Wei (2015) A BIM-compatible schema for architectural programming information

The next city - New technologies and the future of the built environment [16th International Conference CAAD Futures 2015. Sao Paulo, July 8-10, 2015. Electronic Proceedings/ ISBN 978-85-85783-53-2] Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 8-10, 2015, pp. 380.
104. Beesley, Philip; Ilgun, Zeliha, Asya; Bouron, Giselle; Kadish, David; Prosser, Jordan; Gorbet, Rob; Kulic, Dana; Nicholas, Paul; Zwierzycki, Mateusz (2016) Hybrid Sentient Canopy: An implementation and visualization of proprioreceptive curiosity-based machine learning

ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 362-371
105. Beesley, Philip; Rachel Armstrong, Colin Ellarg, Rob Gorbet and Dana Kuliæ (2016) Sentient Chamber

Sentient Chamber [ISBN 978-1-988366-05-0 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-988366-07-4 (epub)] Riverside Architectural Press: Toronto, Canada 2016.
106. Belesky, Philip; Monacella, Rosalea; Burry, Mark; Burry, Jane (2015) A Field in Flux: Exploring the Application of Computational Design Techniques to Landscape Architectural Design Problems

ACADIA 2105: Computational Ecologies: Design in the Anthropocene [Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-53726-8] Cincinnati 19-25 October, 2015), pp. 195-202
107. Bidgoli, Ardavan and Daniel Cardoso-Llach (2015 ) Towards A Motion Grammar for Robotic Stereotomy

Emerging Experience in Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2015) / Daegu 20-22 May 2015, pp. 723-732
108. Blonder, Arielle and Grobman, Yasha Jacob (2015) Alternative Fabrication Process for Free-Form FRP Architectural Elements Relying on Fabric Materiality Towards Freedom from Molds and Surface Articulation

The next city - New technologies and the future of the built environment [16th International Conference CAAD Futures 2015. Sao Paulo, July 8-10, 2015. Electronic Proceedings/ ISBN 978-85-85783-53-2] Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 8-10, 2015, pp. 397-410.
109. Celani, Gabriela and Veloso, Pedro (2015) CAAD conferences: A brief history

The next city - New technologies and the future of the built environment [16th International Conference CAAD Futures 2015. Sao Paulo, July 8-10, 2015. Electronic Proceedings/ ISBN 978-85-85783-53-2] Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 8-10, 2015, pp. 47-58.
110. Celani, Gabriela; Sperling, David M. and Franco, Juarez M. S. (eds.) (2015) Preface

The next city - New technologies and the future of the built environment [16th International Conference CAAD Futures 2015. Sao Paulo, July 8-10, 2015. Electronic Proceedings/ ISBN 978-85-85783-53-2] Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 8-10, 2015, pp. 5-13.
111. Chen, KianWee; Janssen, Patrick and Schlueter, Arno (2015) Analysing Populations of Design Variants Using Clustering and Archetypal Analysis

Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 251-260
112. Chen, Yu Chen and Chao-Ming Wang (2015 ) The Research of Human-Computer Interaction by Combining Affective Computing into Chinese Calligraphy Art

Emerging Experience in Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2015) / Daegu 20-22 May 2015, pp. 55-64
113. Chiarella, Mauro; Martín-Pastor, Andrés (2015) Thinking Graphic and Design Collaborative. Developable geometries for folded architectural compositions

SIGRADI 2015 [Proceedings of the 19th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - vol. 2 - ISBN: 978-85-8039-133-6] Florianópolis, SC, Brasil 23-27 November 2015, pp. 702-707.
114. Chien, Sheng-Fen; Hsiu-Pai Su and Yu-Wei Huang (2015 ) Parade

Emerging Experience in Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2015) / Daegu 20-22 May 2015, pp. 375-384
115. Choi, Jungsik; Minchan Kim and Inhan Kim (2015 ) A Methodology of Mapping Interface for Energy Performance Assessment Based on Open BIM

Emerging Experience in Past, Present and Future of Digital Architecture, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2015) / Daegu 20-22 May 2015, pp. 417-426
116. Correia, Hugo and Leitão, António (2015) Extending Processing to CAD applications

Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 159-167
117. Cress, Kevan and Beesley, Philip (2019) Architectural Design in Open-Source Software - Developing MeasureIt-ARCH, an Open Source tool to create Dimensioned and Annotated Architectural drawings within the Blender 3D creation suite.

Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 621-630
118. Cupkova, Dana and Nicolas Azel (2015) Mass Regimes: Geometric Actuation of Thermal Behavior

International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 13 - no. 2, 169-194
119. Cursi, Stefano; Simeone, Davide and Toldo, Ilaria (2015) A semantic web approach for built heritage representation

The next city - New technologies and the future of the built environment [16th International Conference CAAD Futures 2015. Sao Paulo, July 8-10, 2015. Electronic Proceedings/ ISBN 978-85-85783-53-2] Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 8-10, 2015, pp. 384.
120. D'Uva, Domenico (2015) Parametric Morphogenesis - An Historical Framing in London's Architecture beyond the Verge of the 20th Century

Martens, B, Wurzer, G, Grasl T, Lorenz, WE and Schaffranek, R (eds.), Real Time - Proceedings of the 33rd eCAADe Conference - Volume 1, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2015, pp. 381-387

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