101. | Lima, Fernando T; Jose R Kos and Rodrigo C Paraizo (2016) | Algorithmic approach toward Transit-Oriented Development neighborhoods: (Para)metric tools for evaluating and proposing rapid transit-based districts
International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 14 - no. 2, 131-146 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ijac201614204 | |
102. | Lima, Fernando, Montenegro, Nuno, Beir?o, José Nuno and Kos, Jose (2016) | Computational Approach for the Assessment of Transit Oriented Development Principles - A multivariate optimization method for urban planning
Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 31-40 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2016.2.031 | |
103. | Loh, Paul; David Leggett and Timothy Cameron (2016) | Smart assembly in digital fabrication: designing workflow
Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2016) / Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 755-764 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2016.755 | |
104. | Lopez, Deborah; Charbel, Hadin; Obuchi, Yusuke; Sato, Jun; Igarashi, Takeo; Takami, Yosuke; Kiuchi, Toshikatsu (2016) | Human Touch in Digital Fabrication
ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 382-393 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2016.382 | |
105. | Mark, Earl and Zita Ultmann (2016) | Environmental footprint design tool: Exchanging geographical information system and computer-aided design
data in real time
International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 14 - no. 4, 307-321 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ijac201614401 | |
106. | Martin Iglesias, Rodrigo (2016) | Crowdthinking
SIGraDi 2016 [Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Argentina, Buenos Aires 9 - 11 November 2016 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2016_000 | |
107. | Martín-Mariscal, Amanda; Martín-Pastor, Andrés; López-Martínez, Alicia; Chiarella, Mauro (2016) | Geometría avanzada para espacios de gestión ciudadana: un enfoque desde la Creatividad Colectiva [Advanced geometry for spaces of citizen management: an approach from the Collective Creativity]
SIGraDi 2016 [Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Argentina, Buenos Aires 9 - 11 November 2016, pp.352-359 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2016_559 | |
108. | Naboni, Roberto (2016) | Form-finding to fabrication of super-thin anisotropic gridshell
SIGraDi 2016 [Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Argentina, Buenos Aires 9 - 11 November 2016, pp.418-425 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2016_807 | |
109. | Narangerel, Amartuvshin, Lee, Ji-Hyun and Stouffs, Rudi (2016) | Daylighting Based Parametric Design Exploration of 3D Facade Patterns
Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 379-388 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2016.2.379 | |
110. | Nejur, Andrei; Steinfeld, Kyle (2017) | Ivy: Progress in Developing Practical Applications for a Weighted-Mesh Representation for Use in Generative Architectural Design
ACADIA 2017: DISCIPLINES & DISRUPTION [Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-96506-1] Cambridge, MA 2-4 November, 2017), pp. 446- 455 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2017.446 | |
111. | Nicholas, Paul; Zwierzycki, Mateusz; Stasiuk, David; Norgaard, Esben; Thomsen, Mette Ramsgaard (2016) | Concepts and Methodologies for Multiscale Modeling: A Mesh-Based Approach for Bi-Directional Information Flows
ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 308-317 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2016.308 | |
112. | Ozer, Derya Gulec and Nagakura, Takehiko (2016) | Simplifying Architectural Heritage Visualization - AUGMENTEDparion
Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 521-528 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2016.2.521 | |
113. | Park, Seokyung and Jin-Kook Lee (2016) | Definition of a Domain-specific Language to Represent Korea Building Act Sentences as an Explicit Computable Form
Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2016) / Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 73-82 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2016.073 | |
114. | Parthenios, Panagiotis; Stefan Petrovski, Nicoleta Chatzopoulou and Katerina Mania (2016) | Reciprocal transformations between music and architecture as a real-time supporting mechanism in urban design
International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 14 - no. 4, 349-357 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ijac201614404 | |
115. | Paul Oomen, Poul Holleman & Leo De Klerk (2016) | 4DSOUND: A New Approach to Spacial Sound Reproduction and Synthesis
Living Architecture Systems Group White Papers 2016 [ISBN 978-1-988366-10-4 (EPUB)] Riverside Architectural Press 2016: Toronto, Canada pp. 238 - 245 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?lasg_whitepapers_2016_238 | |
116. | Pinochet, Diego (2016) | Antithetical Colloquy: From operation to interaction in digital fabrication
ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 402-411 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2016.402 | |
117. | Pires, Janice de Freitas; Gonçalves, Alexandre; Pereira, Alice Therezinha Cybis (2016) | Taxonomias de Geometria da Arquitetura Contemporânea como elementos didáticos para a prática do Projeto Paramétrico [Taxonomies of the Contemporary Architecture Geometry as training aids for the practice of Parametric Design]
SIGraDi 2016 [Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Argentina, Buenos Aires 9 - 11 November 2016, pp.71-77 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2016_524 | |
118. | Rabboh, Emad H.; Ali A. Elmansory (2016) | Utilizing CAAD in the Design Studio to Consolidate with Professional Practices - Pedagogical approach
Parametricism Vs. Materialism: Evolution of Digital Technologies for Development [8th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-0-9955691-0-2] London (United Kingdom) 7-8 November 2016, pp. 367-374 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ascaad2016_038 | |
119. | Raducanu, Vlad Andrei, Cojocaru, Vasile Danut and Raducanu, Doina (2016) | Structural Architectural Elements Made of Curved Folded Sheet Metal
Herneoja, Aulikki; Toni Österlund and Piia Markkanen (eds.), Complexity & Simplicity - Proceedings of the 34th eCAADe Conference - Volume 2, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 22-26 August 2016, pp. 409-416 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2016.2.409 | |
120. | Retsin, Gilles; Garcia, Manuel Jimenez (2016) | Discrete Computational Methods for Robotic Additive Manufacturing: Combinatorial Toolpaths
ACADIA // 2016: POSTHUMAN FRONTIERS: Data, Designers, and Cognitive Machines [Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-0-692-77095-5] Ann Arbor 27-29 October, 2016, pp. 332-341 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2016.332 | |