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107. | Penttilä, Hannu (1999) | Top 5 Themes to Promote Architectural Information Technology and Top 5 Obstacles to Decelerate it
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108. | Pietsch, S. M. (2000) | Computer Visualisation in the Design Control of Urban Environments: A literature Review
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110. | Pietsch, Susan M. (2000) | Simple Computer Visualisation: Three Examples in Planning Practice
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111. | Pratschke, A., Tramontano, M. and Dos Santos Moreira, E. (2000) | Designer Wanted! Interface Usuário-Computador,O design de um Diálogo
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112. | QaQish, Ra'Ed K. (1999) | Evaluation as a Key Tool to Bridge CAAD and Architecture Education
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113. | Reffat, Rabee M. (2000) | Computational Situated Learning in Designing - Application to Architectural Shape Semantics
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114. | Reffat, Rabee M. and Gero, John S. (1999) | Situatedness: A New Dimension for Learning Systems in Design
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115. | Reffat, Rabee M., and Gero, John S. (2000) | Towards Active Support Systems for Architectural Designing
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116. | Ripper, J. L. M., Lopes, H. and Ferreira, C. A. (2000) | Modelagem Geométrica Parametrizada da Cadeira Folha (Parametric Geometric Modeling of the Chair "Cadeira Folha")
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117. | Russell, P., Kohler, N., Forgber, U., Koch, V. and Rügemer, J. (1999) | Interactive Representation of Architectural Design: The Virtual Design Studio as an Architectural Graphics Laboratory
Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 459-465 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.1999.459 | |
118. | Rügemer, Jörg and Russell, Peter (2000) | Promise and Reality: The impact of the Virtual Design Studio on the Design and Learning Process in the Architectural Education
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119. | Sacks, R., Warszawski, A. and Kirsch, Uri (2000) | Structural design in an automated building system
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120. | Sarid, A. and Oxman, R. (2000) | The Web as a Knowledge Representational Media for Architectural Precedents
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