CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 101 to 120 of 17045

# Author Citation Select
101. Gutiérrez, Claudio Rodrigo Araneda; Nicolás Sáez G. (2014) Urban Instant 2 - Observations following the execution of the second urban instant

SiGraDi 2014 [Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-9974-99-655-7] Uruguay- Montevideo 12,13,14 November 2014, pp. 582-585
102. Guto Requena (2004) Habitação e novas mídias: Equipamentos e seus usos no habitar contemporâneo [Dwelling and New Media: Equipment and its Uses in Contemporary Dwelling]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
103. Barrow, Larry R. (2005) Man and machine: ideation and Making

SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 511-516
104. Guzmán Dumont, Guillermo and Villalobos Pino, Rodrigo (2000) El taller de exploración digital, una experiencia reveladora (The Studio of Digital Exploration, a Revealing Experience)

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 380-382
105. Guzmán, Adolfo (1969) Computer recognition of three-dimensional objects in a visual scene

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture
106. Guéna, François and Louis-Paul Untersteller (2006) Towards a Sketching Tool for Architects: 3D Reconstruction of Polyhedron

Communicating Space(s) [24th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-5-9] Volos (Greece) 6-9 September 2006, pp. 132-135
107. Bauscher, Erik, Dai, Anni, Elshani, Diellza and Wortmann, Thomas (2024) Learning and Generating Spatial Concepts of Modernist Architecture via Graph Machine Learning

Nicole Gardner, Christiane M. Herr, Likai Wang, Hirano Toshiki, Sumbul Ahmad Khan (eds.), ACCELERATED DESIGN - Proceedings of the 29th CAADRIA Conference, Singapore, 20-26 April 2024, Volume 1, pp. 159–168
108. Gómez Arvelo, Susana Carolina (2001) Simulador de proyecciones de sombras sobre modelos computarizados en 3d. Herramienta para evaluar la eficiencia de modelos de proteccion solar. [Shade simulator On 3D Computer Models. A Tool to Evaluate the Efficiency of Models for Solar Protection]

2da Conferencia Venezolana sobre Aplicación de Computadores en Arquitectura, Maracaibo (Venezuela) december 2001, pp. 156-165

Achten, H.H., de Vries, B. and Hennessey, J. (eds). Design Research in the Netherlands 2000, 19-30
110. Beheshti, R., Tolman, F. and van der Veer, P. (2001) DESIGN AND BUILDING INFORMATICS RESEARCH

Achten, H.H., de Vries, B. and Hennessey, J. (eds). Design Research in the Netherlands 2000, 143-154
111. Beibei Zang, Tianjun Wang, Dan Luo (2023) The Embodied Interaction with XR Metaverse Space Based on Pneumatic Actuated Structures

Proceedings of the 2023 DigitalFUTURES The 5st International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2023)
112. Beitia, S.S., Zulueta, A. and Barrallo, J. (1995) The Virtual Cathedral - An Essay about CAAD, History and Structure

Multimedia and Architectural Disciplines [Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe / ISBN 0-9523687-1-4] Palermo (Italy) 16-18 November 1995, pp. 355-360
113. H. Ping Tserng, Pao H. Lin (2002) An accelerated subcontracting and procuring model for construction projects

Automation in Construction 11 (1) (2002) pp. 105-125
114. Ha, Q.P., Nguyen, Q.H., Rye, D.C. and Durrant-Whyte, H.F. (2000) Impedance control of a hydraulically actuated robotic excavator

Automation in Construction 9 (5-6) (2000) pp. 421-435
115. Bermudez, J., Agutter, J., Brent, L., Syroid, N., Gondeck-Becker, D., Westenskow, D., Foresti, S. and Sharir, Y. (2000) Cyberprint: Toward an Architecture of Being

ACADIA Quarterly, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 8-12
116. Bermudez, J., Agutter, J., Lilly,. B., Syroid, N., Westenskow, D., Gondeck-Becker, D. Foresti, S. and Sharir, Y. (2000) CyberPRINT: Hacia una Arquitectura del Ser (CyberPRINT: Towards an Architecture of the Being)

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 220-223
117. Haberman, N. and DeWayne, M.C. (1976) ADA for Experienced Programmers

Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
118. Bernal, Marcelo, Vegas, Gonzalo, Williams, Marvina and Andersen, Katie (2021) Quantification of Effective Temporal Exposure to Daylight Illuminance Levels in Healthcare Settings

Gomez, P and Braida, F (eds.), Designing Possibilities - Proceedings of the XXV International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics (SIGraDi 2021), Online, 8 - 12 November 2021, pp. 315–326
119. Bessone, Miriam and Mantovani, Graciela (2000) Procesos Proyectuales Alternativos: em el Inicio del Aprendizaje del Diseño Arquitectonico (Alternative Design Processes: At an Early Stage in the Learning of Architectural Design)

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 364-366
120. Hadighi, Mahyar and Duarte, Jose (2019) Using Grammars to Trace Architectural Hybridity in American Modernism - The case of William Hajjar single-family house

Sousa, JP, Xavier, JP and Castro Henriques, G (eds.), Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution - Proceedings of the 37th eCAADe and 23rd SIGraDi Conference - Volume 1, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, 11-13 September 2019, pp. 529-540

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