CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

PDF papers

Hits 17741 to 17748 of 17748

# Author Citation Select
17741. Koutamanis, A. and Mitossi, V. (2001) ON REPRESENTATION

Achten, H.H., de Vries, B. and Hennessey, J. (eds). Design Research in the Netherlands 2000, 105-116
17742. Kramel, H.E. (Ed.) (1987) Architectural Education and the Information Explosion [Conference Proceedings]

eCAADe Conference Proceedings / Zurich (Switzerland) 5-7 September 1987
17743. Kulić, Dana; Rob Gorbet and Ali-Akbar Samadani (2014) Using Affect to Increase Empathy in Near-Living Architecture

Near-Living Architecture; Work in Progress from The Hylozoic Ground Collaboration 2011 - 2013 [ISBN 978-1-926724-45-4 (pbk).--ISBN 978-1-926724-57-7 (epub).--ISBN 978-1-926724-58-4 (mobi)] Riverside Architectural Press: Toronto, Canada 2014 pp. 063 - 072
17744. Kurmann, David (1995) Sculptor - A Tool for Intuitive Architectural Design

Sixth International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures [ISBN 9971-62-423-0] Singapore, 24-26 September 1995, pp. 323-330
17745. Kvan, Th., Yip, A. and Vera, A. (1999) Supporting Design Studio Learning: An investigation into design communication in computer-supported collaboration

CSCL’99, Stanford, December 1999, pp. 328-332
17746. Langendorf, R. (1992) The 1990's: information systems and computer visualization for urban design, planning and management

Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 19, pp. 723-738
17747. Lee, Dave (2011) Meta-Zoning Logistics

Parametricism (SPC) ACADIA Regional 2011 Conference Proceedings
17748. Levy, R. M. (1998) Information Technology and the Planning Profession-Where is it Taking Us?

Plan Canada 38(no.5, September), pp. 24-29

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