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25. | Glanville, Ranulph (1993) | Looking into Endoscopy - The Limitations of Evaluation in Architectural Design
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27. | Hovestadt, Ludger (1993) | A4 Digital Building: Extensive Computer Support for Building Design, Construction, and Management
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28. | Jalkanen, Janne (2000) | Building a spatially immersive display - HUTCAVE
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31. | Mahdavi, Ardeshir (1993) | Open Simulation Environments: A “Preference-Based” Approach
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32. | Maher, M.L., Gero, J.S. and Saad, M. (1993) | Synchronous Support and Emergence in Collaborative CAAD
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33. | Novak, T.P., Hoffman, D.L., and Yung, Y.-F. (1996) | Modeling the structure of the flow experience
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35. | Pimentel K. and Teixeira K. (1993) | Virtual Reality through the New Looking Glass
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38. | Saggio, Antonino (1993) | Hypertext, Solid Modeling, and Hierarchical Structures in Formal Architectural Analysis
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39. | Schnabel, M.A., Kvan, T., Kruijff, E. and Donath, D. (2001) | The First Virtual Environment Design Studio
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