CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 21 to 31 of 31

# Author Citation Select
21. Mora Padrón, Víctor Manuel (1999) Integration and Application of Technologies CAD in a Regional Reality - Methodological and Formative Experience in Industrial Design and Products Development

III Congreso Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings] Montevideo (Uruguay) September 29th - October 1st 1999, pp. 295-297
22. Morelli, RubÈn DarÌo and Marina, Cristian (1998) Geometria y Grafica Digital Como Reflexion y Racionalizacion Del Proyecto Arquitectonico (Geometry and Digital Graphics as Reflexion and Rationalization of the Architectural Project)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 280-285
23. MuÒoz , Patricia and Coronel, Juan LÛpez (1998) Las Cuentas Pendientes del CAD con la Generacion de Formas Curvas Para DiseÒo (The Pending Balance of CAD with the Generation of Curved Forms for Design)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 342-349
24. Oxman, R., Shaphir, O. and Yukla, M. (1998) Beyond Sketching : Visual Reasoning Through Re-Representation in Cognitive Design Media

CAADRIA ‘98 [Proceedings of The Third Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 4-907662-009] Osaka (Japan) 22-24 April 1998, pp. 337-346
25. O´Rourke, J. (1998) Computational Geometry in C

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
26. Pimentel, Diego and Mendez, Ricardo (1998) Incorporacion de Nuevos Soportes Tecnologicos en la EnseÒanza del DiseÒo Grafico (Introduction of New Tecnologies of Supports in the Teaching of Graphic Design)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 350-357
27. Riley, Howard (1998) The Genetic Code of Drawing: A systemic – functional approach to the semiotics of visual language

International Conference on Generative Art
28. Rovenir Bertola Duarte (2004) Avaliação de uma experiência: Entre a representação e a realidade [An Experience Evaluation: Between Representation and Reality]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
29. Rueda, Marta Adriana (1998) Complementacion de Herramientas Digitales y Artesanales en los Procesos de Aprendizaje del Diseño Textil (Complementation de Digital and Manual Tools in the Processes of Learning Textile Design)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 380-387
30. Vasquez de Velasco, Guillermo and Clayton, Mark (1998) Integracion de Cursos De Computacion y Talleres de DiseÒo Electronico (Integration of Computer Aided Design Courses and the Electronic Design Studio)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 124-131
31. Vasquez de Velasco, Guillermo and Holland, Nancy (1998) Taller de Diseño Virtual Internacional y Educacion Reciproca a Distancia (International Virtual Design Studios and Reciprocal Distance Education)

II Seminario Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-97190-0-X] Mar del Plata (Argentina) 9-11 september 1998, pp. 398-405

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