CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 21 to 40 of 1612

# Author Citation Select
21. Glennie, William L. (1994) Europe '94 - A Visitor's Report on the State of CAAD in Education

The Virtual Studio [Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design / ISBN 0-9523687-0-6] Glasgow (Scotland) 7-10 September 1994, pp. 262
22. Gonzalo, Guillermo E.; Sara L. Ledesma, V.M. Nota, C.F. Martínez, G.I. Quiñones y G. Márquez Vega. (2005) Methodology for the bioclimatic design: computer sustain for election of guidelines and strategies.

SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 2, pp. 799-805
23. Grant, M. and Paterson, I. (1994) Urban Modelling

The Virtual Studio [Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design / ISBN 0-9523687-0-6] Glasgow (Scotland) 7-10 September 1994, pp. 135-139
24. Halin, G., Bignon, J.C. and Leonard, D. (1994) Contributions of a Complex Object Retrieval Model to a Dynamical Architectural Design Process

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
25. Kadysz, Andrzej (1994) CAD the Tool

The Virtual Studio [Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design / ISBN 0-9523687-0-6] Glasgow (Scotland) 7-10 September 1994, p. 212
26. Kim, Inhan (1994) Data representations in an integrated architectural design environment

University of Strathclyde, Dept. of Architecture and Building Science
27. Krafta, Romulo (1994) Urban Configuration, Attraction And Morphology

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
28. Kramer, G. (1996) Mapping a Single Data Stream to Multiple Auditory Variables: A Subjective Approach to Creating a Compelling Design

Proceedings of the Third International Conferenceon Auditory Display, Santa FO Institute
29. Krantz, Birgit (1994) Post-Occupancy Evaluation in the Swedish Context: Some Critical Aspects

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
30. Kraria, H. and Bridges, Alan (1994) Building Integration Tools for Collaborative Design

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
31. Kubiak, Bernard and Korowicki, Antoni (1994) Identification And Analysis of the Recreational Behaviour Forms and the Needed Recreational Space Using the Integrated Spatial and Object-Oriented Gis: Concepts and Statements

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
32. Kurose, Shigeyuki and Hagishima, Satoshi (1994) A Comparative Analysis of the Road Networks of Premodern Citiesby Using the First Eigenvector of the Transition Matrix

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
33. Langelaan, Willem (1994) Sequential and Concurrent Cad Layering

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
34. Leusen, Marc van (1994) System of Types in the Domain of Residential Buildings

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
35. Li, Andrew I Kang and Tsou, Jin Yeu (1996) Using Virtual Models to Teach Traditional Chinese Wood Construction

CAADRIA ‘96 [Proceedings of The First Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 9627-75-703-9] Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 25-27 April 1996, pp. 119-130
36. Liu, Y.T. (1994) Some Phenomena of seeing shapes in design

Design Studies, v 16, n 3, pp. 367-385
37. McCall, Raymond, Bennett, Patrick and Johnson, Erik (1994) An Overview of the PHIDIAS II HyperCAD System

Reconnecting [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-03-9] Washington University (Saint Louis / USA) 1994, pp. 63-74
38. McCartney, Kevin and Ismail, Ashraf Lotfy R. M. (1994) A Tool for Conceptual Design Evaluation Based on Compliance with Supplementary Planning Guidance and Local Planning Policies

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994
39. Michalewicz, Z. (1994) Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs

Springer-Verlag, Berlin
40. Mustoe, I. and Bridges, A. (1994) An Intelligent Architectural Design Resource

Second Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture & Urban Planning (Vaals, the Netherlands), August 15-19, 1994

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