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Proceedings of the 3rd European Full-Scale Modelling Conference / ISBN 91-7740044-5 / Lund (Sweden) 13-16 September 1990, pp. 20-22 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?6266 | |
43. | Carrara, Gianfranco, Kalay, Yehuda E. and Novembri, Gabriele (1991) | Intelligent Systems for Supporting Architectural Design
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44. | Chen, Chen-Cheng (1991) | Analogical and inductive reasoning in architectural design computation
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?00bc | |
45. | Chien-Tung Chen and Teng-Wen Chang (2006) | 1:1 Spatially Augmented Reality Design Environment
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46. | Clayton, Mark J. and Weisenthal, Howard (1991) | Enhancing the Sketchbook
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47. | Coad, P.and Yourdon, E. (1991) | Object Oriented Analysis
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48. | Coates, P.S. and Hazarika, L. (1999) | The use of genetic programming for applications in the field of spatial composition
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49. | Cornick, T., Noble, B. and Hallahan, C. (1991) | The Limitations of Current Working Practices on the Development of Computer Integrating Modelling in Construction
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50. | Coyne, Richard (1991) | The Impact of Computer Use on Design Practice
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51. | Coyne, Robert Francis (1991) | ABLOOS : an evolving hierarchical design framework
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52. | Danahy, John (1991) | The Computer-Aided Studio Critic: Gaining Control of What We Look At
Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures: Education, Research, Applications [CAAD Futures ‘91 Conference Proceedings / ISBN 3-528-08821-4] Zürich (Switzerland), July 1991, pp. 121-138 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?8570 | |
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54. | De Haemer Jr., M., J. and Zyda, M. J. (1991) | Simplification of objects rendered by polygonal approximations
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55. | De Vries, Mark and Wagter, Harry (1991) | The First CAAD Package (sketch based cad)
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56. | De Waard, M. (1991) | Computer Aided Conformance Checking
Computer Integrated Future, CIB W78 Seminar. September, 1991 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?6319 | |
57. | Diederiks, H.J. and van Staveren, R.J. (1991) | Dynamic Information System for Modelling of Design Processes
Computer Integrated Future, CIB W78 Seminar. september, 1991 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?2e03 | |
58. | Dodge, Richard (1998) | What a Difference a Tool Makes:The Evolution of a Computer Design Studio
Computerised Craftsmanship [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Paris (France) 24-26 September 1998 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.1998.x.t4u | |
59. | Doe, Robert (2020) | sensMOD - Computational Design through the lens of Henri Lefebvre's Spatial Theory
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60. | Duarte, Rovenir Bertola (2000) | O Uso do Computador no Ensino de Projeto: (por) uma Avaliação (Or Use do Computer nonEnsino de Project: (by) uma Avaliaction)
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