CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 41 to 60 of 490

# Author Citation Select
41. Naai-Jung, S. (1996) A study of 2D- and 3D-oriented architectural drawing production methods

Automation in Construction 5 (4) (1996) pp. 273-283
42. Novak, T.P., Hoffman, D.L., and Yung, Y.-F. (1996) Modeling the structure of the flow experience

INFORMS Marketing Science and the Internet Mini-Conference, MIT
43. Piccolotto, M. and Rio, O. (1996) A computer-based teaching tool for structural design

Automation in Construction 5 (3) (1996) pp. 233-242
44. Rihani, R.A. and Bernold, L.E. (1996) Methods of control for robotic brick masonry

Automation in Construction 4 (4) (1996) pp. 281-292
45. Sanui, Junichiro (1996) Visualization of users' requirements: Introduction of the Evaluation Grid Method

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
46. Sariyildiz, S., Schwenck, M. and Jander, E. (1996) Multimedia Teachware in the Field of Architectural Design

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part one: Architecture Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
47. Soufi, B. and Edmonds, E. (1996) The cognitive basis of emergence: implications for design support

Design Studies, Vol. 17 No. 4, 451-463

Full-Scale Modeling in the Age of Virtual Reality [6th EFA-Conference Proceedings]
49. Stouffs, R., Krishnamurti, R. and Eastman, C. (1996) A Formal Structure for Nonequivalent Solid Representations

Proceedings of IFIP WG 5.2: Workshop on Knowledge Intensive CAD II, (eds.) S. Finger, M. M‰ntyl‰, and T. Tomiyama. International Federation for Information Processing
50. van der Waerden, P., Borgers, A. and Timmerinans, H. (1996) Route related data of shopping centre visitors and geographical information systems

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Third Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning - Part two: Urban Planning Proceedings (Spa, Belgium), August 18-21, 1996
51. Winkenbach, G. and Salesin, D.H. (1996) Rendering free-form surfaces in pen and ink

Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series 1996. ACM SIGGRAPH, pp. 469-476.
52. Zhang, Lei (1996) The Design of a Test Program for Basic Design

CAADRIA ‘96 [Proceedings of The First Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 9627-75-703-9] Hong Kong (Hong Kong) 25-27 April 1996, pp. 253-267
53. Adam, Holger (2002) Reinterpretation or replacement? The effects of the information and communication technologies on urban space

CORP 2002, Vienna, pp. 345-349
54. Bassanino, May Nahab and Brown, Andre (1999) Computer Generated Architectural Images: A Comparative Study

Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 552-556
55. Bovill, C. (1996) Fractal Geometry in Architecture and Design

Design Science Collection, Harvard University, Boston
56. Brown, A.G.P. and Coenen, F.P. (2000) Spatial reasoning: improving computational efficiency

Automation in Construction 9 (4) (2000) pp. 361-367
57. Brown, Andy and Nahab, May (1996) Human Interpretation of Computer Generated Architectural Images

Approaches to Computer Aided Architectural Composition [ISBN 83-905377-1-0] 1996, pp. 61-70
58. Coyne, Richard (1996) CAAD, Curriculum and Controversy

Education for Practice [14th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-2-2] Lund (Sweden) 12-14 September 1996, pp. 121-130
59. Erhorn, H., De Boer, J. and Dirksmueller, M. (1997) ADELINE, an Integrated Approach to Lighting Simulation

Proceedings of Right Light 4, 4th European Conference on Energy-Efficient Lighting, pp.99-103
60. Farin, Gerald E. (1996) Curves and Surfaces for Computer-aided Geometric Design

Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. San Francisco

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