CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 41 to 60 of 443

# Author Citation Select
41. Hanna, Sean (2004) Modularity and Flexibility at the Small Scale: Evolving Continuous Material Variation with Stereolithography

Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture [Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 Conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community / ISBN 0-9696665-2-7] Cambridge (Ontario) 8-14 November, 2004, 76-87
42. He, Jie and Tsou, Jin Yeu (2004) Balancing Visual and Ecological Resource Reservation in Large-scale Recreation Area Planning Support on a GIS Platform - A case study of the Wenzhou Ecological Park

Architecture in the Network Society [22nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-2-4] Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-18 September 2004, pp. 523-528
43. Johnson, Scott (2004) Linking Analysis and Architectural Data: Why It's Harder than We Thought

Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture [Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 Conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community / ISBN 0-9696665-2-7] Cambridge (Ontario) 8-14 November, 2004, 230-243
44. Kuo-Chung Wen, Wei-Lung Chen (2004) Application of Genetic Algorithms to Establish Flooding Evacuation Path Model in Metropolitan Area

CAADRIA 2004 [Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 89-7141-648-3] Seoul Korea 28-30 April 2004, pp. 557-570
45. Lee, J.-H. and W. Qian (2004) Color Your Feeling

Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) Recent Advances in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020-2408-8, p. 113-125
46. Liapi, Katherine (2004) A computer Based System for the Design and Fabrication of Tensegrity Structures

Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture [Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 Conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community / ISBN 0-9696665-2-7] Cambridge (Ontario) 8-14 November, 2004, 100-109
47. Ma, L., Th. Arentze, A. Borgers, and H. Timmermans (2004) Using Bayesian Decision Networks for Knowledge Representation under Conditions of Uncertainty in Multi-Agent Land Use Simulation Models

Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) Recent Advances in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-24088, p. 129-144
48. Marcela Pizzi; Andrés Cavieres; Eleonor Pérez (2004) Hacia una semiótica de la hiperciudad [Towards a Semiotics of the Hypercity]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
49. Marcelo Payssé; Magela Bielli; Juan Pablo Portillo; Fernando Rischewski (2004) Proyecto de automatización de cálculos estructurales para programas cadî, uso de herramientas informáticas en la enseñanza del cálculo estructural en la facultad de arquitectura [Automation Project of Structural Calculations for CAD Programs - Use of Digital Tools for Structural Calculations in the School of Architecture]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004

Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference of Mathematics & Design, Special Edition of the Journal of Mathematics & Design, Volume 4, No.1, pp. 97-104.
51. Müller, Milagros (2005) Perception of representation space for present forms of art

SIGraDi 2005 - [Proceedings of the 9th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Lima - Peru 21-24 november 2005, vol. 1, pp. 75-79
52. Müller, Milagros (2006) Del suceso artístico al espectador [From the art event to the spectator]

SIGraDi 2006 - [Proceedings of the 10th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Santiago de Chile - Chile 21-23 November 2006, pp. 434-437
53. Olga Maria Almeida da Silva; Adriane Borda Almeida da Silva; Neusa Mariza Rodrigues Félix (2004) Modelagem geométrica como instrumento de análise e representação de mobiliário [Geometric Modeling as Instrument for Furniture Analysis and Representation]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004

Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture [Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 Conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community / ISBN 0-9696665-2-7] Cambridge (Ontario) 8-14 November, 2004, 126-137
55. Pablo C. Grazziotin; Benamy Turkienicz; Luciano Sclovsky; Carla M. D. S. Freitas (2004) Cityzoom - A tool for the visualization of the impact of urban regulations

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
56. Papanikolaou, Dimitris (2008) Digital Fabrication Production System Theory: Towards an Integrated Environment for Design and Production of Assemblies

SIGraDi 2008 - [Proceedings of the 12th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] La Habana - Cuba 1-5 December 2008
57. Pelizaro, C., T.A. Arentze, and H.J.P. Timmermans (2004) A Spatial Decision Support System for Provision and Monitoring of Urban Green Space

Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) Developments in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, ISBN 90-6814-155-4, p. 33-48
58. Perez, Santiago R. (2004) The Synthetic Sublime

Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture [Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 Conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community / ISBN 0-9696665-2-7] Cambridge (Ontario) 8-14 November, 2004, 162-175
59. Pollyana Notargiacomo Mustaro (2004) Aroposta de quadro referencial para análise de páginas web: Um estudo das desfigurações realizadas por hackers brasileiros [A Referential Picture for the Analysis of Webpages: A study of the Disfigurements Carried out by Brazilian Hackers]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
60. Rafael Zanelato Ledo; Alice T. Cybis Pereira (2004) Análise do trabalho colaborativo síncrono á distância no desenvolvimento do projeto de arquitetura [Analysis of Synchronous Collaborative Work - Distance in the Development of an Architectural Project]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004

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