41. | Boesjes, E. (1988) | The Structure of the Automation Process; Implications for CAAD
CAAD futures ‘87 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-42916-6] Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 20-22 May 1987, pp. 59-69 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?a936 | |
42. | Bollinger, Elizabeth (1987) | The New Studio: CAD and the Workstation: Implications for Architecture Education
Architectural Education and the Information Explosion [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Zurich (Switzerland) 5-7 September 1987. https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.1987.x.c9e | |
43. | Brooks, Frederick P. Jr. (1987) | Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering
IEEE Computer. April, 1987. vol. 20: pp. 10-19 : ill. includes bibliography. -- See also Information Processing '86 edited by H.J. Kugler; and Brooks, F.P. 'The Mythical Man-Month,' Addison-Wesley, 1978 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?471f | |
44. | Brown, John L. (1987) | Integrating Computers into the Design Studio - A Critical Evaluation
Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum [ACADIA Conference Proceedings] Raleigh (North Carolina / USA) 1987, pp. 29-38 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.1987.029 | |
45. | Brown, Stephen (1987) | Computer-Aided Learning Support for Environmental Design Students Ergonomic Design
Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting 1987 pp. 889-893 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?9583 | |
46. | Carini, Alessandra (1987) | THE ITALIAN FULL-SCALE MODELS LABORATORY
Proceedings of the 1st European Full-Scale Workshop Conference / ISBN 87-88373-20-7 / Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-16 January 1987, pp. 27-30 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?0b9f | |
47. | Carpenter, L., Catmull, E. and Cook, R.L. (1987) | The REYES image rendering architecture
Computer Graphics, 21 4, 95-102 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?b915 | |
48. | Casale, Malcolm S. (1987) | Free-Form Solid Modeling with Trimmed Surface Patches
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications January, 1987. vol. 7: pp. 33-43 : col. ill. includes bibliography. https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?e9ef | |
49. | Celani, Gabriela; José P. Duarte and Carlos V. Vaz (2011) | The gardens revisited: The link between technology, meaning and logic?
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / The University of Newcastle, Australia 27-29 April 2011, pp. 643-652 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2011.643 | |
50. | Chougui, Ali (2006) | The Digital Design Process: reflections on architectural design positions on complexity and CAAD
Computing in Architecture / Re-Thinking the Discourse: The Second International Conference of the Arab Society for Computer Aided Architectural Design (ASCAAD 2006), 25-27 April 2006, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ascaad2006_paper20 | |
51. | Clarke J.A., Kim J.J., Maver T.W. and Stearn, D. (1987) | Lighting Simulation in Building Design
Proc. Electronic Imaging '87, Institute for Graphics Communication, Boston https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?maver_093 | |
52. | Cornick, T. and Bull, S. (1988) | Expert Systems for Detail Design in Building
CAAD futures ‘87 [Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-444-42916-6] Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 20-22 May 1987, pp. 117-126 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?a1a1 | |
53. | Cox, Brad J. (1987) | The Objective-C Environment; Past, Present, and Future
COMPCON 88. December, 1987. 6 p. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?8f51 | |
54. | Coxe, W., Hartung, N.F., Hochberg, H.H., Lewis, B.J., Maister, D.H., Mattox, R.F. and Piven, P.A. (1987) | Success Strategies for Design Professionals
New York, McGraw-Hill https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?9999 | |
55. | Coyne, R.D., Rosenman, M.A. and Radford, A.D. (et.al.) (1987) | Innovation and Creativity in Knowledge-based CAD
Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1987. pp. 435-465 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?0748 | |
56. | Danahy, John W. (1987) | Sophisticated Image Rendering in Environmental Design Review Graphics Systems
Proceedings of ACM CHI+GI'87 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems and Graphics Interface 1987 p.211-217 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?7767 | |
57. | Day, Christopher (1987) | BUILDING AS A HEALING PROCESS
Proceedings of the 1st European Full-Scale Workshop Conference / ISBN 87-88373-20-7 / Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-16 January 1987, pp. 37-43 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?d007 | |
58. | Degelman, Larry O. and Miranda, Valerian (1987) | Development of Interfaces for CAD Processing in Architecture
Integrating Computers into the Architectural Curriculum [ACADIA Conference Proceedings] Raleigh (North Carolina / USA) 1987, pp. 95-104 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.1987.095 | |
59. | Dhar, Vasant and Pople, Harry E. (1987) | Rule-Based Versus Structure- Base Models for Explaining Generating Expert Behavior
Communications of the ACM. June, 1987. vol. 30: pp. 542-554 : ill. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ec19 | |
60. | Duelund Mortensen, Peder and Zahle, Karen (ed.) (1987) | Proceedings of the 1st European Full-Scale Workshop Conference
Proceedings of the 1st European Full-Scale Workshop Conference / ISBN 87-88373-20-7 / Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-16 January 1987, 67 p. https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?73aa | |