581. | Rimkus, Carla Furuno; Rita de Cássia Maia da Silva (2009) | Laranjeiras e a Utilização da Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação na Educação Patrimonial: Uma Experiência Cultural [Use of Information Technology and Communication in Heritage Education: A Cultural Experience]
SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2009_906 | |
582. | Santos, Eduardo Toledo (2009) | Building Information Modeling and Interoperability
SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2009_1089 | |
583. | Sariyilidz, Sevil (2009) | [keynote]
Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2009.x.m2c | |
584. | Segre, Roberto; Thiago Leitão de Souza; José Barki; Naylor Vilas Boas (2009) | Os Panoramas Multi-Layer: um Hiperdocumento Iconográfico da História da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro [The panoramas multi-layer: a iconographic hyper document of the history within city of Rio de Janeiro]
SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2009_803 | |
585. | Silva, Neander Furtado; Alan Harold Bridges; Ecilamar Maciel Lima; Helen Rachel Aguiar Morais; Félix Alves Silva Júnior (2009) | A indústria da Construção Civil está Pronta para a Fabricação Digital e a Customização em Massa? Uma Pesquisa obre um Caso Brasileiro [Is the construction industry ready for digital fabrication and mass customization? A study on a Brazilian case]
SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2009_1079 | |
586. | Stahre, Beata; Billger, Monica; Anter, Karin Fridell (2009) | To Colour the Virtual World - Difficulties in Visualizing Spatial Colour Appearance in Virtual Environments
International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 7 - no. 2, 289-308 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ijac20097206 | |
587. | Tagliari, Ana; Wilson Flório (2009) | Fabricação Digital de Superfícies: Aplicações da Modelagem Paramétrica na Criação de Ornamentos na Arquitetura Contemporânea [Digital Fabrication of Surfaces: parametric applications in ornament creation in contemporary architecture]
SIGraDi 2009 - Proceedings of the 13th Congress of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November 16-18, 2009 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2009_895 | |
588. | Tan, Beng-Kiang and Stephen Lim Tsung Yee (2009) | Place-Making In Online Virtual Envionment: The Case Of Second Life
T. Tidafi and T. Dorta (eds) Joining Languages Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures 2009 CD-Rom https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?cf2009_poster_31 | |
589. | Tan, Beng-Kiang; Rahaman, Hafizur (2009) | Virtual heritage: Reality and criticism
T. Tidafi and T. Dorta (eds) Joining Languages, Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures 2009, PUM, 2009, pp. 143-156 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?cf2009_143 | |
590. | Torus, Belinda; Çolakoglu, Birgül (2009) | Plan Layout Generator (PLG): A Rule-Based Plan Layout Generator for Mardin Houses
Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 425-430 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2009.425 | |
591. | Tost, Laia Pujol; Economou, Maria (2009) | Worth a Thousand Words? The Usefulness of Immersive Virtual Reality for Learning in Cultural Heritage Settings
International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 7 - no. 1, 157-176 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ijac20097109 | |
592. | Mueller, Volker (2009) | Concept design tool requirements: Developing a Framework for Concept Design Tool Specifications
T. Tidafi and T. Dorta (eds) Joining Languages Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures 2009 CD-Rom https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?cf2009_poster_13 | |
593. | Wang, Wie; Xiangyu Wang and (Irene) Rui Chen (2009) | Spatial Faithful Display Groupware For Remote Design Collaboration
T. Tidafi and T. Dorta (eds) Joining Languages Cultures and Visions: CAADFutures 2009 CD-Rom https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?cf2009_poster_19 | |