CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 61 to 80 of 211

# Author Citation Select
61. Wagter, H. (1986) A New Generation Needs New Tools (A Proposal for a Joint Effort)

Teaching and Research Experience with CAAD [4th eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Rome (Italy) 11-13 September 1986, pp. 323-327
62. Wagter, Harry (1986) Stimulating Creativity by Using Computers

ACADIA Workshop ‘86 Proceedings - Houston (Texas - USA) 24-26 October 1986, pp. 149-155
63. Wheeler, B.J.Q (1986) A Unified Model for Building

Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures [CAAD Futures Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-408-05300-3] Delft (The Netherlands), 18-19 September 1985, pp. 200-231
64. Woodbury, Robert F. (1986) VEGA : A Geometric Modelling System

11 p. : ill. Engineering Design Research Center, CMU, April 1986. DRC-48-03-87. includes bibliography
65. Kroll, Lucien (1986) Enseigner L'Informatique aux Architectes?

Teaching and Research Experience with CAAD [4th eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Rome (Italy) 11-13 September 1986, pp. 52-70
66. Aish, Robert (1986) Three-dimensional Input and Visualization

Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures [CAAD Futures Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-408-05300-3] Delft (The Netherlands), 18-19 September 1985, pp. 68-84
67. Arponen, Matti (2002) From 2D Base Map To 3D City Model

UMDS '02 Proceedings, Prague (Czech Republic) 2-4 October 2002, I.17-I.28
68. Balachandran, M. B. and Gero, John S. (1986) Knowledge-based Design Optimization

IAAI'86 Conference. 1986. pp. i:4:1-14
69. Balachandran, M.B. and Gero, John S. (1986) Formulating and Recognizing Engineering Optimization Problems

Aus. Conf Mechs. Struct. and Mats (10th : 1986 : Adelaide) edited by G. Sved. pp. 223-228. CADLINE has abstract only.
70. Bijl, Aart (1986) Designing with Words and Pictures in a Logic Modelling Environment

Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures [CAAD Futures Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-408-05300-3] Delft (The Netherlands), 18-19 September 1985, pp. 128-145
71. Bobrow, Daniel G. and Stefik, Mark J. (1986) Perspective on Artificial Intelligence Programming

Science. February, 1986. vol. 231: pp. 951-956
72. Brooks, F.P. (1986) Walkthrough - A Dynamic Graphics System for Simulating Virtual Buildings

Proceedings 1986 Workshop on Interactive 3D Graphics. ACM: 9-22
73. Cardozo, E. and Talukdar, Sarosh N. (1986) A Distributed Control Strategy for Energy Management Centers

[4] p. : ill Pittsburgh: Engineering Design Research Center, CMU, September, 1986. EDRC-05-07-86. includes bibliography.
74. Carrara, Gianfranco and Novembri, Gabriele (1986) Expert System for Building Design

Congress of the International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation (10th : 1986 : Washington). vol. 2: pp. 651-658. includes bibliography. -- abstract also in French
75. Christiansson, Per (1986) Structuring a Learning Building Design System

Advancing Building Technology, CIB International Congress (10th : 1986 : Washington D. C.). 9 p. : ill. includes bibliography
76. Cohen, M.F., Greenberg, D.P. and Immel, D.S. (et al) (1986) An Efficient Radiosity Approach for Realistic Image Synthesis

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications March, 1986. vol. 6: pp. 26-35 : col. ill. includes bibliography.
77. Dickson, Gary W., DeSanctis, Gerardine and McBride, D. J. (1986) Understanding the Effectiveness of Computer Graphics for Decision Support : A Cumulative Experimental Approach

Communications of the ACM. January, 1986. vol. 29: pp. 40-47. includes bibliography
78. Flemming, U., Coyne, R.F. and Glavin, T.J. (et al) (1986) ROOS1 -- Version One of a Generative Expert System for the Design of Building Layouts

17 p. : ill. Pittsburgh: Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon University, September, 1986
79. Flemming, Ulrich and Schmitt, Gerhard (1986) The Computer in the Design Studio. Ideas and Exercises that Go Beyond Automated Drafting

ACADIA Workshop ‘86 Proceedings - Houston (Texas - USA) 24-26 October 1986, pp. 55-78
80. Flemming, Ulrich (1986) On the Representation and Generation of Loosely-Packed Arrangements of Rectangles

33 p. : ill Pittsburgh: Engineering Design Research Center, CMU, September, 1986. includes bibliography.

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