61. | Scott, David S. and Iyengar, S. Sitharama (1986) | TID - A Translation Invariant Data Structure for Storing Images
Communications of the ACM. May, 1986. vol. 29: pp. 418-429 : some ill. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?e981 | |
62. | Shen-Kai Tang (2001) | Toward a procedure of computer simulation in the restoration of historical architecture
AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?avocaad_2001_20 | |
63. | Tyler, Sherman William (1986) | SAUCI. Self-Adaptive User Computer Interfaces
Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?f3aa | |
64. | Wagter, Harry (1986) | Stimulating Creativity by Using Computers
ACADIA Workshop ‘86 Proceedings - Houston (Texas - USA) 24-26 October 1986, pp. 149-155 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.1986.149 | |
65. | Wheeler, B.J.Q (1986) | A Unified Model for Building
Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures [CAAD Futures Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-408-05300-3] Delft (The Netherlands), 18-19 September 1985, pp. 200-231 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?02c6 | |
66. | Woodbury, Robert F. (1986) | VEGA : A Geometric Modelling System
11 p. : ill. Engineering Design Research Center, CMU, April 1986. DRC-48-03-87. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?69c7 | |
67. | Yu-Tung Liu, Yung-Ching Yeh, Sheng-Cheng Shih (2001) | Digital Architecture in CAD studio and Internet-based competition
AVOCAAD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Nys Koenraad, Provoost Tom, Verbeke Johan, Verleye Johan (Eds.), (2001) Hogeschool voor Wetenschap en Kunst - Departement Architectuur Sint-Lucas, Campus Brussel, ISBN 80-76101-05-1 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?avocaad_2001_09 | |
68. | Bentley, Jon L. and Kernighan, Brian W. (1986) | GRAP - a Language for Typesetting Graphs
communications of the ACM. August, 1986. vol. 29: pp. 782-792 : charts. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?8060 | |
69. | Freund, Dwight D. (1986) | A Note : An Interactive Procedure for Constructing Line and Circle Tangencies
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. April, 1986. vol. 6: pp. 59-63 : ill. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?a241 | |
70. | Haines, Eric A. and Greenberg, Donald P. (1986) | The Light Buffer: A Shadow-Testing Accelerator
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. September, 1986. vol. 6: pp. 6-16 : col. ill. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?e65f | |
71. | Lasser, Dieter (1986) | Intersection of parametric Surfaces in the Bernstein-Bexier Representation
Computer Aided Design May, 1986. vol. 18: pp. 188-192 : ill. includes bibliography. https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ad42 | |
72. | Maver, T.W. (2002) | Predicting the Past, Remembering the Future
SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 2-3 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?c7e9 | |
73. | Piegl, L. (1986) | Representation of Rational Bezier Curves and Surfaces by Recursive Algorithms
Computer Aided Design Butterworth & Co. (publishers) Ltd., September, 1986. vol. 18: pp. 361-366 : ill. https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?4577 | |
74. | Salesin, David and Barzel, Ronen (1986) | Two-Bit Graphics
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. June, 1986. vol. 6: pp. 36-42 : ill. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?2b17 | |
75. | Sederberg, Thomas W. and Goldman, Ronald N. (1986) | Algebraic Geometry for Computer-Aided Geometric Design
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. June, 1986. vol. 6: pp. 52-59 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?c92d | |
76. | Shaviv, Edna (1986) | Layout Design Problems: Systematic Approaches
Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures [CAAD Futures Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-408-05300-3] Delft (The Netherlands), 18-19 September 1985, pp. 28-52 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?020d | |
77. | Yeh, Yun D. and Munakata, Toshinori (1986) | Dynamic Initial Allocation and Local Reallocation Procedure for Multiple Stacks
Communications of the ACM. February, 1986. vol. 29: pp. 134-141 : graphs. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?4100 | |
78. | Dickson, Gary W., DeSanctis, Gerardine and McBride, D. J. (1986) | Understanding the Effectiveness of Computer Graphics for Decision Support : A Cumulative Experimental Approach
Communications of the ACM. January, 1986. vol. 29: pp. 40-47. includes bibliography https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?079f | |
79. | Jong, M. de (1986) | A Spatial Relational Reference Model (3RM)
Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures [CAAD Futures Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-408-05300-3] Delft (The Netherlands), 18-19 September 1985, pp. 85-91 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?a833 | |
80. | Schiavoni, Ugo (1986) | An Areal Data Management Package
Teaching and Research Experience with CAAD [4th eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Rome (Italy) 11-13 September 1986, pp. 295-304 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.1986.295 | |