CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 61 to 80 of 241

# Author Citation Select
61. De Waard, Marcel (1992) Computer aided conformance checking; checking residential building designs against building regulations with the aid of computers

Delft University of Technology
62. Deering, Michael (1992) High Resolution Virtual Reality

Proceedingsfrom SIGGRAPH 1992, (Chicago, Illinois, July 1992). 195-202
63. Dosti, P., Martens, B. and Voigt, A. (1992) Spatial Simulation In Architecture, City Development and Regional Planning

CAAD Instruction: The New Teaching of an Architect? [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Barcelona (Spain) 12-14 November 1992, pp. 195-200
64. Dourish, P. and Bly, S. (1992) Portholes: Supporting Awareness in a Distributed Work Group

Proceedings of SIG CHI '92, pp. 541-547
65. Drach, A., Langenegger, M. and Heitz, S. (1993) Working with prototypes: from cad to flexible tools for integrated building design

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
66. Eastman, C.M. (1992) A Data Model Analysis of Modularity and Extensibility in Building Databases

Building and Environment, Vol 27, No: 2, pp. 135-148
67. Eisenman, P. (1992) Visions unfolding: architecture in the age of electronic media

Domus, 1/92
68. Escola Tecnica Superior D'arquitectura de Barcelona (Ed.) (1992) CAAD Instruction: The New Teaching of an Architect?

eCAADe Conference Proceedings / Barcelona (Spain) 12-14 November 1992, 551 p.
69. Fargas, Josep and Papazian, Pegor (1992) Modeling Regulations and Intentions for Urban Development: The Role of Computer Simulation in the Urban Design Studio

CAAD Instruction: The New Teaching of an Architect? [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Barcelona (Spain) 12-14 November 1992, pp. 201-212
70. Fargas, Josep and Papazian, Pegor (1992) Metaphors in Design: An Experiment with a Frame, Two Lines and Two Rectangles

Mission - Method - Madness [ACADIA Conference Proceedings / ISBN 1-880250-01-2] 1992, pp. 13-22
71. Fayos, F., Marco, F. and Roset, J. (1992) Learning Physics by Computer in an Architectural School

CAAD Instruction: The New Teaching of an Architect? [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Barcelona (Spain) 12-14 November 1992, pp. 473-476
72. Fazio, P., Bedard, C. and Gowri, K. (1992) Constraints for Generating Building Envelope Design Alternatives

New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1992. pp. 145-155 : charts. includes bibliography
73. Fenves, Stephen J., Flemming, Ulrich and Hendrickson, Craig (et al) (1992) Performance Evaluation in an Integrated Software Environment for Building Design and Construction Planning

New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1992. pp. 159-169 : ill. includes bibliography
74. Ferguson, H., Rockwood, A. and Cox, J. (1992) Topological Design of Sculptured Surfaces

Computer Graphics, no. 26, pp.149-156
75. Flanagan, Robert H. (2003) Generative Logic in Digital Design

Digital Design [21th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-1-6] Graz (Austria) 17-20 September 2003, pp. 473-484
76. Friedman, A. (1993) A decision-making process for choice of a flexible internal partition option in multi-unit housing using decision theory techniques

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
77. Gantt, Michelle and Nardi, Bonnie A. (1992) Gardeners and Gurus: Patterns of Cooperation among CAD Users Perspectives on the Design of CollaborativeSystems

Proceedings of ACM CHI'92 Conference on Human Factors in ComputingSystems 1992 pp. 107-117
78. García, Agustín Pérez (1992) Learning Structural Design - Computers and Virtual Laboratories

CAAD Instruction: The New Teaching of an Architect? [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Barcelona (Spain) 12-14 November 1992, pp. 525-534
79. Gauchel, J., Hovestadt, L., van Wyk, S. and Bhat, R.R. (1993) Modular building models

Timmermans, Harry (Ed.), Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture (Proceedings of a conference held in Mierlo, the Netherlands in July 1992), ISBN 0-7923-2444-7
80. Gerzso, J. Michael (2003) On the Limitations of Shape Grammars: Comments on Aaron Fleisher’s Article “Grammatical Architecture?”

Connecting >> Crossroads of Digital Discourse [Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design In Architecture / ISBN 1-880250-12-8] Indianapolis (Indiana) 24-27 October 2003, pp. 279-287

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