CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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Hits 61 to 80 of 571

# Author Citation Select
61. Peters, Brady (2007) The Smithsonian Courtyard Enclosure: A Case-Study of Digital Design Processes

Expanding Bodies: Art • Cities• Environment [Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture / ISBN 978-0-9780978-6-8] Halifax (Nova Scotia) 1-7 October 2007, 74-83
62. Radwan, Magdy Mohamed and Lobna Abdel_Latif (2004) A Review of Advanced Computer Applications in Architectural Acoustics

eDesign in Architecture: ASCAAD's First International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, 7-9 December 2004, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
63. Underléa Bruscato Portella; Andreina Linares; Ricardo Saboia Barbosa (2004) Estudio de obstrucciones solares a través de la gráfica digital [Study of Solar Obstructions through Digital Graphics]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
64. Abdel Mohsen, Ashraf M. (2004) Future Space Cities@Universe (Digi-City Vision)

eDesign in Architecture: ASCAAD's First International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, 7-9 December 2004, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
65. Abdelfattah, Hesham Khairy and Ali A. Raouf (2004) No More Fear or Doubt: Electronic Architecture in Architectural Education

eDesign in Architecture: ASCAAD's First International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, 7-9 December 2004, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
66. Achten, Henri, Jessurun, Joran and de Vries, Bauke (2004) The Desk-Cave - A Low-Cost Versatile Virtual Reality Design and Research Setup Between Desktop and CAVE

Architecture in the Network Society [22nd eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9541183-2-4] Copenhagen (Denmark) 15-18 September 2004, pp. 142-147
67. Adriane Borda Almeida da Silva; Paula Roberta Silveira; Cristina Wildt Torrezan (2004) Materiais didáticos paraoensino presencial e não presencial de perspectiva [Pedagogic Materials for Distance and Face-to-face Teaching of Perspective]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
68. Akamine, A. and A. Nélson Rodrigues da Silva (2004) An Evaluation of Neural Spatial Interaction Models Based on a Practical Application

Van Leeuwen, J.P. and H.J.P. Timmermans (eds.) Recent Advances in Design & Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020-2408-8, p. 19-32
69. Al-Attili, Aghlab A. and Richard D. Coyne (2004) Embodiment and Illusion: The Implications of Scale as a Cue for Immersion in Virtual Environments

eDesign in Architecture: ASCAAD's First International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design, 7-9 December 2004, KFUPM, Saudi Arabia
70. Alejandra Silvina Bianchi (2004) Herramientas digitales en el proceso de diseño en el taller de arquitectura [Digital Tools in the Design Process within the Design Studio]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
71. Alexander Asanowicz (2003) Form Follows Media - Experiences of Bialystok School of Architectural Composition

LOCAL VALUES in a NETWORKED DESIGN WORLD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Stellingwerff, Martijn and Verbeke, Johan (Eds.), (2004) DUP Science - Delft University Press, ISBN 90-407-2507-1.
72. Alexander Koutamanis (2003) Autonomous mechanisms in architectural design systems

LOCAL VALUES in a NETWORKED DESIGN WORLD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Stellingwerff, Martijn and Verbeke, Johan (Eds.), (2004) DUP Science - Delft University Press, ISBN 90-407-2507-1.
73. Alfredo Stipech (2004) Enseñanza de la representación manual y digital, para arquitectos y diseñadores [Teaching Hand and Digital Representation to Architects and Designers]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
74. Alice Theresinha Cybis Pereira; Berenice Santos Gonçalves (2004) O ambiente virtual de aprendizagem em arquitetura e design da UFSC - Do projeto à realidade [The Virtual Learning Environment in Architecture and Design at UFSC – From Project to Reality]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
75. Aline Couri Fabião (2004) Vilosidades espaciais - Ambientes imersivos e interativos em rede [Space Villosities - Immersive and Interactive Environments in Network]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
76. Anders, Peter (2004) Arch-OS: An Implementation of Cybrid Strategies

Fabrication: Examining the Digital Practice of Architecture [Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture and the 2004 Conference of the AIA Technology in Architectural Practice Knowledge Community / ISBN 0-9696665-2-7] Cambridge (Ontario) 8-14 November, 2004, 282-293
77. Andrés Cavieres; Christian Beros; Maria Loreto Flores; Marcelo Quezada; Osvaldo Zorzano (2004) Capacitación docente en tecnologías de información y comunicación hacia la conformación de redes colaborativas de trabajo/aprendizaje [Faculty Development in Information Technology and Communication Towards the Creation of Collaborative Working and Learning Networks]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
78. Anja Pratschke (2004) Pinhaldigital, estrutura mnemônica e processos multimídia nas fazendas de café: História, arquitetura e tecnologia [Pinhaldigital, Mnemonic Structure and Processes of Multimedia in Coffee Farms: History, Architecture and Technology]

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004
79. Anna Maria Chrabin, Jaroslaw Szewczyk and Herman Neuckermans (2003) A Critical Evaluation of Early Stages Software in its Capacity of Coping with Contextual Issues

LOCAL VALUES in a NETWORKED DESIGN WORLD - ADDED VALUE OF COMPUTER AIDED ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, Stellingwerff, Martijn and Verbeke, Johan (Eds.), (2004) DUP Science - Delft University Press, ISBN 90-407-2507-1.
80. Antonio Serrato-Combe (2004) Something 's gotta give' architectural animations

SIGraDi 2004 - [Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Porte Alegre - Brasil 10-12 november 2004

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