61. | Scelsa, Jonathan; Sheward, Gregory; Birkeland, Jennifer; Liu, Jemma; Lin, Yun Jou (2023) | Centripetal Clay Printing : Six-Axis Prints for Habitat Column
ACADIA 2023: Habits of the Anthropocene: Scarcity and Abundance in a Post-Material Economy [Volume 1: Projects Catalog of the 43rd Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-9860805-8-1]. Denver. 26-28 October 2023. edited by A. Crawford, N. Diniz, R. Beckett, J. Vanucchi, M. Swackhamer 110-115. https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?acadia23_v1_110 | |
62. | Schubert, Gerhard; Sebastian Riedel, and Frank Petzold (2013) | Seamfully Connected: Real Working Models as Tangible Interfaces for Architectural Design
Global Design and Local Materialization[Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 978-3-642-38973-3] Shanghai, China, July 3-5, 2013, pp. 210-221. https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?cf2013_210 | |
63. | Seibert, Matthew; Roy, Eric (2013) | Metabolic Change
ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 405-406 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2013.405 | |
64. | Sencan, Inanc (2022) | Progeny: A Grasshopper Plug-in that Augments Cellular Automata Algorithms for 3D Form Explorations
Hybrid Spaces of the Metaverse - Architecture in the Age of the Metaverse: Opportunities and Potentials [10th ASCAAD Conference Proceedings] Debbieh (Lebanon) [Virtual Conference] 12-13 October 2022, pp. 377-391 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ascaad2022_099 | |
65. | Sevtsuk, Andres; Onur Ekmekci, Farre Nixon and Reza Amindarbari (2013) | Capturing Urban Intensity
Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 551-560 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2013.551 | |
66. | Soza, Pedro; Matthew Swarts; Paula Gomez; Jonathan Shaw (2013) | On the Process of Building Knowledge to Support the Design of Digital Tools: A Case Study for Future Residential Buildings on Campus
SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 66 - 70 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2013_158 | |
67. | Suh, Junghwa K. and Hyoung-June Park (2013) | Daylighting as a Synthesis Tool in the Early Stage of an Urban-Scape Design
Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 189-198 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2013.189 | |
68. | Sun, Lei; Tomohiro Fukuda and Christophe Soulier (2013) | A Synchronous Distributed VR Meeting with Annotation and Discussion Functions
Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 447-456 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2013.447 | |
69. | Traunmueller Martin and Ava Fatah gen. Schieck (2013) | Following the Voice of the Crowd: Exploring Opportunities for Using Global Voting Data to Enrich Local Urban Context
Global Design and Local Materialization[Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures / ISBN 978-3-642-38973-3] Shanghai, China, July 3-5, 2013, pp. 222-232. https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?cf2013_222 | |
70. | Turakhia, Dishita G. (2013) | Dynamic Tensegrity Systems: A case for reconfigurable structures in urban context
ACADIA 13: Adaptive Architecture [Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 978-1-926724-22-5] Cambridge 24-26 October, 2013), pp. 451-452 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2013.451 | |
71. | Vasku, Michael (2013) | Generative Improvement of Street Networks Based on Space Syntax
Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 367-374 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2013.1.367 | |
72. | Verovsek, Spela; Matevz Juvancic, Tadeja Zupancic (2013) | Understanding and interpreting urban space (in)formation
International Journal of Architectural Computing vol. 11 - no. 2, 135-156 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?ijac201310201 | |
73. | Zalamea, Esteban; Rodrigo García Alvarado; Maureen Trebilcock Kelly; Paulina Wegertseder; Sergio Baeriswyl; Laline Cenci (2013) | Estimación Integrada de Captación Energética Solar en SIG-BIM [Integrated Assessment of Solar Energy Capture in SIG-BIM]
SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 348 - 352 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2013_303 | |
74. | Zamani, Alireza, Mohseni, Alale and Bertug Çapunaman, Özgüç (2023) | Reconfigurable Formwork System for Vision-Informed Conformal Robotic 3D Printing
Dokonal, W, Hirschberg, U and Wurzer, G (eds.), Digital Design Reconsidered - Proceedings of the 41st Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2023) - Volume 1, Graz, 20-22 September 2023, pp. 387–396 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2023.1.387 | |
75. | Dezen-Kempter, Eloisa (2013) | Urbanidade 360º – Explorando Ferramentas Interativas [Urbanity 360 degrees - Exploring Interactive tools]
SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 586 - 589 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2013_261 | |
76. | Mônaco dos Santos, Denise; Marcelo Tramontano; Alison Henrique Nasario (2013) | Por Trás do Que Você Vê: Rock, Ação Cultural e Espaços Híbridos na Cidade [Behind What You See: Rock, Cultural Action and Hybrid Spaces in the City ]
SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 659 - 663 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2013_421 | |
77. | Bayraktar, Mehmet Emin and Ça_da_, Gülen (2013) | Fuzzy Layout Planner
Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 375-381 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2013.1.375 | |
78. | Chen Kian Wee, Patrick Janssen and Arno Schlueter (2013) | A Design Method for Multicriteria Optimisation of Low Exergy Architecture
Open Systems: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2013) / Singapore 15-18 May 2013, pp. 117-126 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.caadria.2013.117 | |
79. | Janusz, Jan (2013) | Learning from Parametric Manipulation of Architectural Volume
Stouffs, Rudi and Sariyildiz, Sevil (eds.), Computation and Performance – Proceedings of the 31st eCAADe Conference – Volume 1, Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 18-20 September 2013, pp. 91-100 https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.ecaade.2013.1.091 | |
80. | Abdelmohsen, Sherif M. (2013) | Reconfiguring Architectural Space using Generative Design and Digital Fabrication: A Project Based Course
SIGraDi 2013 [Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISBN: 978-956-7051-86-1] Chile - Valparaíso 20 - 22 November 2013, pp. 391 - 395 https://papers.cumincad.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?sigradi2013_215 | |