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62. | Schreuder, Eric and Sanquist, Nancy J. (1991) | How to Implement a CAD Database Interface
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63. | Shaviv, Edna and Peleg, Uriel J. (1991) | An Integrated KB-CAAD System for the Design of Solar and Low Energy Buildings
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67. | Van Koetsveld, M.J. and Tolman, F.P. (1991) | Step by Step into STEP
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68. | Zamanian, Kiumarse and Fenves, Steven J. (1991) | A Framework for Modeling and Communicating Abstractions of Constructed Facilities
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71. | Adel, Arash; Augustynowicz, Edyta; Wehrle, Thomas (2021) | Robotic Timber Construction
ACADIA 2021: Realignments: Toward Critical Computation [Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Association of Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) ISBN 979-8-986-08056-7]. Online and Global. 3-6 November 2021. edited by S. Parascho, J. Scott, and K. Dörfler. 530-537. https://doi.org/10.52842/conf.acadia.2021.530 | |
72. | Af Klercker, J., Achten, H. and Verbeke, J. (2001) | AVOCAAD - A First Step Towards Distance Learning?
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73. | Ahmad Rafi, M.E. and Mohd Fazidin, J. (2001) | ARMY WAR GAME SIMULATION (AWAS) system - Utilising architectural knowledge in virtual environments
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74. | Ahmad Rafi, M.E. and Mohd Fazidin, J. (2001) | Creating a City Administration System (CAS) using Virtual Reality in an Immersive Collaborative Environment (ICE)
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75. | Ahmed, Zeeshan Y.; Freek P. Bos, Rob J.M. Wolfs and Theo A.M. Salet (2016) | Design Considerations Due to Scale Effects in 3D Concrete Printing
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76. | Akamine, A. and A. Nélson Rodrigues da Silva (2004) | An Evaluation of Neural Spatial Interaction Models Based on a Practical Application
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77. | Akleman, E., Chen, J. and Sirinivasan, V. (2001) | An Interactive Shape Modeling System for Robust Design of Functional 3D Shapes
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79. | Aloys W.J. Borgers, I.M.E. Smeets, A.D.A.M. Kemperman, and H.J.P. Timmermans (2006) | Simulation of Micro Pedestrian Behaviour in Shopping Streets
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