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93. | Rizal, H. and Ahmad Rafi, M.E. (2002) | The Impact of Internet Enabled Computer Aided Design (iCAD) in Construction Industry
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95. | Sariyildiz, S. Ciftcioglu, Ö. and Veer, Peter van der (1998) | Information Ordering for decision support in building design
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96. | Sariyildiz, S., Van der Veer, P., Schwenck, M. and Ciftcioglu, Ö. (1998) | Computer as a Valuable and Reliable Partner
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97. | Sasada, T., Yamaguchi, S., Morozumi, M., Kaga, A. and Homma, R. (Eds.) (1998) | CAADRIA ‘98 [Conference Proceedings]
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