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87. | Liu, Yuezhong, Stouffs, Rudi and Tablada, Abel (2017) | Rethinking the Urban Design Process from a Data Perspective
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88. | Liu, Yuezhong; Rudi Stouffs, Abel Tablada, Nyuk Hien Wong and Ji Zhang (2016) | Micro-scale weather data for energy performance assessment in Singapore
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89. | Liu, Yulun; Lu, Yao; Akbarzadeh, Masoud (2021) | Kerf Bending and Zipper-in Spatial Timber Tectonics
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90. | Liu, Zidong, Li, Han, Koehler, Daniel and Li, Yan (2023) | Predicting Non-functional Nodes of Floorplan via Graph Neural Network (GNN)
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91. | Liu, Zidong (2021) | Topological Networks Using a Sequential Method
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