CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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# Author Citation Select
1. Verbeke, J. Provoost, T., Verleye, J., Nys, K., Van Zutphen, R., Achten, H., Turksma, A., Pittioni, G., Asanowicz, A., Jakimowicz A. and Af Klercker, J. (1999) AVOCAAD, The Experience

Architectural Computing from Turing to 2000 [eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-5-7] Liverpool (UK) 15-17 September 1999, pp. 244-251
2. Barbosa, Adriana Simeone (2000) Roteiro e Interface: Elementos Fundamentais para a Representação das Cidades Virtuais - (Story-board and Interface: Fundamental Elements for the Virtual Cities Representaion)

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 322-324
3. Bermudez, J., Agutter, J., Brent, L., Syroid, N., Gondeck-Becker, D., Westenskow, D., Foresti, S. and Sharir, Y. (2000) Cyberprint: Toward an Architecture of Being

ACADIA Quarterly, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 8-12
4. Bermudez, J., Agutter, J., Lilly,. B., Syroid, N., Westenskow, D., Gondeck-Becker, D. Foresti, S. and Sharir, Y. (2000) CyberPRINT: Hacia una Arquitectura del Ser (CyberPRINT: Towards an Architecture of the Being)

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 220-223
5. Brady, Darlene A. (2000) Percept vs. Precept: Digital Media & the Creative Process

Promise and Reality: State of the Art versus State of Practice in Computing for the Design and Planning Process [18th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-6-5] Weimar (Germany) 22-24 June 2000, pp. 261-264
6. Brian Jeffrey Palidar (2000) Live and Direct:A Research and Development Facility for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Applications

University of Washington, Design Machine Group
7. Cavazos, María Estela Sánchez (2002) Experiencia en Digitalización de Procesos de Diseño Arquitectónico Caso Taller de Modelación Espacial, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes [Experience in Digitalization Processes of Architectural Design: Study Case of Space Modeling, Independent University of Aguascalientes ]

SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 252-256
8. Ceccato, C., Falk, L. and Fischer, Th. (2000) The Silk Road: An Interactive Online Encyclopaedia as a Foundation for Networked Education in Design

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 50-54
9. Chiu, M.-L., Lin, Y.-T., Tseng, K.-W. and Chen, C.-H. (2000) Museum of Interface. Designing the Virtual Environment

CAADRIA 2000 [Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia / ISBN 981-04-2491-4] Singapore 18-19 May 2000, pp. 471-480
10. Cury Paraizo, Rodrigo (2000) CMC 2000 - A internet como ferramenta auxiliar do projeto de arquitetura (CMC 2000 - Internet as an Aiding Tool in Architectural Projects)

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 72-74
11. De Oliveira Zandomeneghi, A.L.A., Kejelin Stradiotto, C.R., Moritz Lima, E.K., Silvano Batista, M., Pinto Lincho, P.R., Costa, R., Da Cunha Silveira, S. and Ribas Ulbrich, S. (2000) Construindo o Conhecimento da Hipermídia (Constructing the Hypermedia Knowledge)

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 286-288
12. Gavin, Lesley (2000) 3D Online Learning in Multi-User Environments

Promise and Reality: State of the Art versus State of Practice in Computing for the Design and Planning Process [18th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-6-5] Weimar (Germany) 22-24 June 2000, pp. 187-191
13. Geraedts, Rob P and Pollalis, Spiro N. (2001) Remote Teaching in Design Education - Educational and Organizational Issues and Experiences

Architectural Information Management [19th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 0-9523687-8-1] Helsinki (Finland) 29-31 August 2001, pp. 305-310
14. Johansson, P. (2000) Case-Based Structural Design - using weakly structured product and process information

Chalmers University of Technology, Division of Steel and Timber Structures, Publ. S 00:7, Göteborg
15. Lonsway, Brian (2000) Testing the Space of the Virtual

Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture [Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture / 1-880250-09-8] Washington D.C. 19-22 October 2000, pp. 51-61
16. Maver, T.W. (1987) The New Studio: CAD and the Workstation - State of the Art

Architectural Education and the Information Explosion [eCAADe Conference Proceedings] Zurich (Switzerland) 5-7 September 1987.
17. Medero Rocha, Isabel A. and Danckwardt, Voltaire (2000) Projeto Missões, Computação Gráfica - Multimídia da Reconstituição Computadorizada da Redução de São Miguel Arcanjo no Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil ("Missões" Project, Computer Graphics and Multimedia of the "Redução de São Miguel Arcanjo" Digital Reconstruction (Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil))

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 191-193
18. Ramirez, Joaquin; Russell, Peter (2007) Second City

Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5] Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 26-29 September 2007, pp. 359-365
19. Rios-Castro, Lorena Itzel (2000) Cybrid Tectonics: A Panama Canal Exhibition

ACADIA Quarterly, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 15-16
20. Sampaio Nardelli, Eduardo (2000) O Uso do Computador como Ferramenta de Ensino de Projeto de Arquitetura (The Use of Computers as a Tool for Architectural Design Teaching)

SIGraDi’2000 - Construindo (n)o espacio digital (constructing the digital Space) [4th SIGRADI Conference Proceedings / ISBN 85-88027-02-X] Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 25-28 september 2000, pp. 355-357

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