CumInCAD is a Cumulative Index about publications in Computer Aided Architectural Design
supported by the sibling associations ACADIA, CAADRIA, eCAADe, SIGraDi, ASCAAD and CAAD futures

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_id sigradi2020_128
id sigradi2020_128
authors Sousa, Megg; Mônaco, Denise; Martínez, Andressa; Souza, Douglas
year 2020
title The operationalization of "A Pattern Language" by using network analysis tools
source SIGraDi 2020 [Proceedings of the 24th Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISSN: 2318-6968] Online Conference 18 - 20 November 2020, pp. 128-136
summary One of the most significant public space studies, "A Pattern Language", published in 1977, is until today's background for some contemporary investigations. The aim of this paper is to propose an operationalization of the patterns' network of the book into a network analysis tool. The methodology is based on a new classification of patterns, in addition to what is initially presented in the book: "context patterns" (evidencing pre-existing conditions and potentialities) and "design patterns" (considering possibilities limited by the stakeholder at that location). The digital operationalization can enhance the analytical and predictive character of the work.
keywords Pattern language, Network analysis tool, Christopher Alexander, Public spaces
series SIGraDi
last changed 2021/07/16 11:48

_id ecaade2007_042
id ecaade2007_042
authors Ozel, Filiz
year 2007
title Pattern Language and Embedded Knowledge in Building Information Modeling
source Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5] Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 26-29 September 2007, pp. 457-464
summary When Christopher Alexander (1977), trained both as a mathematician and an architect, published his seminal work “The Pattern Language” in the 1970’s and introduced the concept of “pattern language”, computers were still in their infancy, CAD did not exist as we know it today, and computer information modeling was not even in the radar screen of researchers. Design communication simply meant manual drafting. With the concept of ‘pattern language” (, Alexander proposed a systematic method for dealing with complexity, which proved itself to be more relevant than ever in the digital age. The concept is often cited by computer scientists as a precursor to object oriented modeling. This study explores the potential of “pattern language” for structuring building information and design knowledge within the framework of the recent developments in building information modeling (BIM). In this article, comparisons to the approach taken by the software engineering industry who embraced the idea of “patterns” as a systematic way to software development are also made. While Alexander’s pattern language proposes a method with which the designer can incorporate his/her experiences and design vision systematically into the process of designing, software industry’s approach to patterns describes a method for providing problem and solution patterns (i.e. prototypes) that can be used repeatedly during software development. There is obviously a significant difference between the original intent of the “pattern language” and the way it was later used in other fields including software engineering and business solutions. At the cross section of architectural design and software engineering, Building Information Modeling (BIM) software can benefit from carefully incorporating a combination of these two approaches into its structure as patterns.
keywords Building information modeling, Christopher Alexander, pattern language, software development
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 08:00

_id sigradi2018_1466
id sigradi2018_1466
authors Tomczinski Novellini Brígitte, Giovanna; Coeli Ruschel, Regina
year 2018
title Identification of applicable patterns to algorithmization in BIM to explore solutions in the design stage of Social Housing
source SIGraDi 2018 [Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics - ISSN: 2318-6968] Brazil, São Carlos 7 - 9 November 2018, pp. 68-73
summary In architecture, the algorithm application for innovative solutions exploration has become particularly important as the basis for distinct methodological approaches, becoming a significant technological artifact both for form exploration, as for the urban insertion and implantation. In this sense, the primary objective of this work is the identification, the description and the formulation of the algorithm that permeate patterns from Alexander (1977), for the context of social interest housing complexes project. It is wished to foment the possibility of incorporating the human-environmental relationship knowledge to the Building Information Modeling, through generative systems for the enhancement of creative practices.
keywords Algorithm; Patterns; Building Information Modelling; Computational design; Social housing
series SIGRADI
last changed 2021/03/28 19:59

_id ecaade2007_143
id ecaade2007_143
authors Ulmer, Andreas; Halatsch, Jan; Kunze, Antje; Müller, Pascal; Gool, Luc Van
year 2007
title Procedural Design of Urban Open Spaces
source Predicting the Future [25th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-6-5] Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 26-29 September 2007, pp. 351-358
summary This paper presents a novel approach for the automatic creation of vegetation scenarios in real or virtual 3D cities in order to simplify the complex design process and time consuming modeling tasks in urban landscape planning. We introduce shape grammars as a practical tool for the rule-based generation of urban open spaces. The automatically generated designs can be used for pre-visualization, master planning, guided design variation and digital content creation in general (e.g. for the entertainment industry). In a first step, we extend the CGA shape grammar by Müller et al. (2006) with urban planning operations. In a second step, we employ the possibilities of shape grammars to encode design patterns (Alexander et al., 1977). Therefore, we propose several examples of design patterns allowing for an intuitive high-level placement of objects common in urban open spaces (e.g. plants). Furthermore, arbitrary interactions between distinct instances of the vegetation and the urban environment can be encoded. With the resulting system, the designer can efficiently vegetate landscape and city parks, alleys, gardens, patios and even single buildings by applying the corresponding shape grammar rules. Our results demonstrate the procedural design process on two practical example scenarios, each one covering a different scale and different contexts of planning. The first example illustrates a derivation of the Garden of Versailles and the second example describes the usage of high-level rule sets to generate a suburbia model.
keywords City modeling, design methodology, generative design, simulation, virtual environments
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:57

_id ecaade2009_177
id ecaade2009_177
authors Göttig, Roland; Braunes, Jörg
year 2009
title Building Survey in Combination with Building Information Modelling for the Architectural Planning Process
source Computation: The New Realm of Architectural Design [27th eCAADe Conference Proceedings / ISBN 978-0-9541183-8-9] Istanbul (Turkey) 16-19 September 2009, pp. 69-74
summary The architectural planning process is influenced by social, cultural and technical aspects (Alexander, 1977). When focussing on computer based planning for retrofitting or modification of buildings it becomes clear that many different data formats are used depending on a great variety of planning methods. Moreover, if building information models are utilized they still lack some essential criteria. It is rarely possible to attach individual data from survey systems. This paper will show both a way to add data from building survey systems as an example for special data attachment on IFC files and how to utilize content management systems for IFC files, deviated plans, lists of building components, and other data necessary in a planning process.
wos WOS:000334282200007
keywords Planning process, building information modeling, IFC, building survey systems, content management systems
series eCAADe
last changed 2022/06/07 07:50

_id c7e9
authors Maver, T.W.
year 2002
title Predicting the Past, Remembering the Future
source SIGraDi 2002 - [Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Graphics] Caracas (Venezuela) 27-29 november 2002, pp. 2-3
summary Charlas Magistrales 2There never has been such an exciting moment in time in the extraordinary 30 year history of our subject area, as NOW,when the philosophical theoretical and practical issues of virtuality are taking centre stage.The PastThere have, of course, been other defining moments during these exciting 30 years:• the first algorithms for generating building layouts (circa 1965).• the first use of Computer graphics for building appraisal (circa 1966).• the first integrated package for building performance appraisal (circa 1972).• the first computer generated perspective drawings (circa 1973).• the first robust drafting systems (circa 1975).• the first dynamic energy models (circa 1982).• the first photorealistic colour imaging (circa 1986).• the first animations (circa 1988)• the first multimedia systems (circa 1995), and• the first convincing demonstrations of virtual reality (circa 1996).Whereas the CAAD community has been hugely inventive in the development of ICT applications to building design, it hasbeen woefully remiss in its attempts to evaluate the contribution of those developments to the quality of the built environmentor to the efficiency of the design process. In the absence of any real evidence, one can only conjecture regarding the realbenefits which fall, it is suggested, under the following headings:• Verisimilitude: The extraordinary quality of still and animated images of the formal qualities of the interiors and exteriorsof individual buildings and of whole neighborhoods must surely give great comfort to practitioners and their clients thatwhat is intended, formally, is what will be delivered, i.e. WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get.• Sustainability: The power of «first-principle» models of the dynamic energetic behaviour of buildings in response tochanging diurnal and seasonal conditions has the potential to save millions of dollars and dramatically to reduce thedamaging environmental pollution created by badly designed and managed buildings.• Productivity: CAD is now a multi-billion dollar business which offers design decision support systems which operate,effectively, across continents, time-zones, professions and companies.• Communication: Multi-media technology - cheap to deliver but high in value - is changing the way in which we canexplain and understand the past and, envisage and anticipate the future; virtual past and virtual future!MacromyopiaThe late John Lansdown offered the view, in his wonderfully prophetic way, that ...”the future will be just like the past, onlymore so...”So what can we expect the extraordinary trajectory of our subject area to be?To have any chance of being accurate we have to have an understanding of the phenomenon of macromyopia: thephenomenon exhibitted by society of greatly exaggerating the immediate short-term impact of new technologies (particularlythe information technologies) but, more importantly, seriously underestimating their sustained long-term impacts - socially,economically and intellectually . Examples of flawed predictions regarding the the future application of information technologiesinclude:• The British Government in 1880 declined to support the idea of a national telephonic system, backed by the argumentthat there were sufficient small boys in the countryside to run with messages.• Alexander Bell was modest enough to say that: «I am not boasting or exaggerating but I believe, one day, there will bea telephone in every American city».• Tom Watson, in 1943 said: «I think there is a world market for about 5 computers».• In 1977, Ken Olssop of Digital said: «There is no reason for any individuals to have a computer in their home».The FutureJust as the ascent of woman/man-kind can be attributed to her/his capacity to discover amplifiers of the modest humancapability, so we shall discover how best to exploit our most important amplifier - that of the intellect. The more we know themore we can figure; the more we can figure the more we understand; the more we understand the more we can appraise;the more we can appraise the more we can decide; the more we can decide the more we can act; the more we can act themore we can shape; and the more we can shape, the better the chance that we can leave for future generations a trulysustainable built environment which is fit-for-purpose, cost-beneficial, environmentally friendly and culturally significactCentral to this aspiration will be our understanding of the relationship between real and virtual worlds and how to moveeffortlessly between them. We need to be able to design, from within the virtual world, environments which may be real ormay remain virtual or, perhaps, be part real and part virtual.What is certain is that the next 30 years will be every bit as exciting and challenging as the first 30 years.
series SIGRADI
last changed 2016/03/10 09:55

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